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北京语言大学21春英语语法离线作业一辅导答案1. He did a lot of work that is benefit to the people.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A2. You don&39;t need to describe her. I _ her several times Ahad met Bhave met Cmet DmeetYou dont need to describe her. I _ her several timesAhad metBhave metCmet DmeetB首先,本题强调对现在的影响,即我知道她的模样,你不用描述; 其次,由several times可知为反复发生的动作,因此用现在完成时。3. You had better keep the medicine _ is inaccessible to children.A.whereB.where it参考答案:B4. The linguistic aspects of communicative competence include orthography, grammar, vocaThe linguistic aspects of communicative competence include orthography, grammar, vocabulary and_.A. functionsB. variationsC. discourseD. interaction参考答案C5. Which place do you want to visit first?Which place do you want to visit first?你首先想去参观什么地方?6. One carrying vessel was sailing for Singapore from Tianjin. In transit, the vessel caught fire, andOne carrying vessel was sailing for Singapore from Tianjin. In transit, the vessel caught fire, and the fire spread quickly. In order to protect the ship and goods, the captain ordered to pour water into the space. Later the fire was put out, but the engine was damaged and the vessel had to be repaired. The captain decided to hire a tugboat to drag the vessel to a nearby port to have it repaired. The losses and damages caused by the fire are as follows : (1) 1 000 cases of goods were burnt down; (2) 600 cases of goods were soaked;(3) engine and deck were damaged by the fire; (4) tugboat expenses; (5) fuel expenses and wages paid to the crew.Question : Please analyze the nature of the above losses and expenses.(Translate the case into Chinese and then answer the question)一载货的船舶从天津驶往新加坡,在航行途中船舶起火,火很快蔓延开来。为了保护船和货的安全,船长下令往舱内灌水,不久火就被扑灭了。但是由于发动机受损,船舶必须进行修理,于是船长决定雇用拖轮将船拖到附近港口修理。这次火灾造成的损失有:(1)1000箱货被火烧毁;(2)600箱货被水浸湿;(3)发动机和甲板被烧坏;(4)拖轮费用;(5)额外增加的燃料和船上人员的工资。 请分析上述损失和费用的性质。 (1)P.A. (2)G.A. (3)P.A. (4)G.A. (5)G.A. 7. l rn enjoying the long surnrner evenings. _arn I. A.So B. Neither- l rn enjoying the long surnrner evenings.- _arn I.A.SoB. NeitherC. Nor参考答案A8. It&39;s my birthday the day after tomorrow. Don&39;t forget to come to my party _ . AIIts my birthday the day after tomorrow. Dont forget to come to my party_ .AI dontBI wontCI cant DI haventB9. Must I finish writing the composition this afternoon? -No, you _. H16A.dont have toB.mustntC.cantD.may not参考答案:A10. The teacher said his work was (satisfy) _ but there was still room for improvement.The teacher said his work was (satisfy) _ but there was still room for improvement.satisfactory11. Without your help, I couldn&39;t finish my work on time.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B12. We will revert_ this matter with you as soon as the supply position improves We trust the abovWe will revert_ this matter with you as soon as the supply position improves We trust the above will be acceptable to you and await _ keen interest your trial order.to, with13. When you cross the road, be careful of _.A.trafficsB.the trafficsC.a trafficD.the traffic参考答案:D14. In case you _ a 20 days&39; holiday, what would you do?A.hadB.haveC.have hadD.would have参考答案:A15. 一 I feel like singing! ( )A. How come?B. Really? What makes you so happy?C. Really? T一 I feel like singing! ( )A. How come?B. Really? What makes you so happy?C. Really? That s terrible.参考答案:B16. Marilyn had to leave for Mexico City; ( ), she wi1l not be available for next week s meeting.A. consequentlyB. neverthelessC. moreover参考答案:A17. London is a bit less modern than Shanghai. 一 1agree with you. 1 think London is jus- London is a bit less modern than Shanghai.一 1agree with you. 1 think London is just as modern as Shanghai.A. RightB. Wrong参考答案B18. When you are _ need of further quantities, please feel free to communicate _ us.When you are _ need of further quantities, please feel free to communicate _ us.in, with19. Can those _ at the back of the classroom hear me? -No problem.A.seatB.sittedC.seatedD.sat参考答案:C20. We went camping in the mountains last week._.We had a great time. But while wWe went camping in the mountains last week._.We had a great time. But while we were on our way there, we had a flat tire.A. Oh, really? Did you have fun?B. Thats good news.C. Floridas pretty near.参考答案:A21. It is understood that a letter of credit in our (6) covering the said shoes should be opened immediaIt is understood that a letter of credit in our(6)covering the said shoes should be opened immediately We wish to point out that stipulations in the relative L/C must strictly(7)to
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