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l.rare 稀少的,罕见的;珍贵的;三分熟 辨析:易混词辨析例句rare通常指罕见而有价值的事物。He replaced the rare vase with/ by a false one.scare主要指有用的一般事物, 但目前 数量不够。Water is scare in the desert.un com mon/unu sual指因不经常发生而值得注意的 事物。It s no Ion geruncommon/unusual for a girl totake part in the games now.2. valuable adj.有很大价值的,贵重的,有用的;n.贵重物品This is a valued gift though it is hardlyvaluable .主观上 valued 的东西,客观上不一定 valuable。3. survive(1) vi.继续生存或存在e.g. Many stra nge customs have survived from earlier times.(2) vt.经历某遭遇后幸存;幸免于;从(困境等中)挺过来He told me only a few soldiershad survived the war .在战争中幸存下来。(survive )(3) vt.比长寿;比活得长e.g. The man survived his sister by three years.4.i n search of 寻找,在句中常作目的状语或表语。search sth./sp./sb.搜查某物、某处、某人 search for/after 寻找,探究 search for 寻找search int调查,研究 search out 搜查出,探出 search through 把仔细搜寻一遍search的宾语是搜寻的范围,search for的宾语是搜寻的对象。5.amaz ing辨析:易混词辨析例句amaze惊愕;含有惊叹;佩服之意。Fare s perfect voice amazedme.surprise“惊讶”“出乎意料”;是“吃惊”的普 通用词。语气较弱。It surprised me that you sang this song so well.ast onish“使十分惊讶”“试大吃一惊” (=surprise sb. very much),语气较 强,含难以置信之意。She ast oni shed us by say ing she was leavi ng.shock使“震惊”;多用来指重大的事情使人为I was shocked by what had之一震,有大为惊讶之意( =surprise sb. greatly ),语气最强。happened.6.selectselect sb./sth.as选某人、某物作为select sb./sth. from从中选出某人、某物selective选择性的,有选择的selected 精选的(newly-selected )辨析:易混词辨析例句select“精选”;是指从同类事物中 的许多东西中仔细辨别后选 择,挑选最合适的。I selected some exercises.choose“选择”。是“选择”的最普 通的用词。You can choose one from these chalks.pick“挑选”;挑剔和苛刻地选 择,多指选有形的东西。Will you help me pick some strawberries?7. desgi n v. & n.be desig ned to do 目的是做be designed for sb./sth.打算给某人用、打算作某物用介词for常用于表示用途、对象等,后接名、代或 V ingbe desig ned as sth.打算当作某物desig n doin g/to do 打算做make desig ns for 为设计by desig n 故意地=by inten ti on/on purposehave desig ns on企图占有;对不怀好心8. fa ncy adj. vt. & n.(1) 奇特的,花样的,花哨的e.g. a fancy meal想象,揣测,假想fancy + that clause 以为 fancy (one s) doing sth. 想象(某人)做某事fancy sb. (to be)/as认为某人(是)n.爱好,喜爱,迷恋have a fancy that感至 U, 揣测 have a fancy for 喜欢take a fancy to变得喜欢take/catch one s fancy 弓丨起某人的喜欢(4)Fancy your talking like that!fancy常用于表惊叹的句子,意为“没想到,竟然”9. decorate v.(1) 装饰,装潢decorate sth. with. (主动)用装饰be decorated with sth.被用某物装饰with表示所使用的工具或方式eg:They docorate the Christmas tree with lights.We see with our eyes and hear with our ears.Write your n ames with a pen,not with a pen cil.粉刷;油漆;糊墙纸点缀;装点 授给(某人)勋章或奖章decorate sb. for sth.10. belo ng(1) 应在(某处)e.g. Where do these cigarettes bel ong?(2) 适应;合得来e.g. He doesn t feel as if he belongs here.bel ong to(1)属于某人,归某人所有e.g. Who does this golde n ring bel ong to?(事件、比赛等中某人)获胜,最受欢迎e.g. The film“the Message ” belonged to the award ceremony.(3) 是俱乐部;组织等的成员属于Professor Williams keeps telli ng his stude nts that the futureto thewell-educated.A. bel ongs B. is bel on ged C. is bel onging D. will be bel on gedbelong to既无被动形式,也不能用于进行时。to为介词,可跟名词或代词作宾语。可用于V-ing形式作后置定语Eg:l don t know any members belonging to that club.Diao Yu Island,belonging to China,is off the north coast of Taiwan.11. in return作为回报,回过来,单独作状语Eg:I wish I could do someth ing for you in retur n.I gave him a prese nt.l n retur n,he gave me nothing.He wan ted nothing in retur n.in return for 作为对某事的回报,作为对的报答;为答谢;作为的交换eg:I bougt him a drink in retur n for his help.12. c on sider(1) 仔细考虑,细想con sider + n./doin g/wh- + to do/that-clause(2) 认为;以为;觉得e.g. He considers it a great honor to give a speech during the meeting.con sider + that-clause/(to be/as) + n ./adj./宾语 + 宾补(3) 体谅,考虑到,顾及You should consider other peoplebefore you act.应当考虑至務寸人( consider )端详;注视e.g. He stood there, con sideri ng the girl.13. at war 介词+名词(表状态)at peace at breakfast at table at rest at the pia noon show on sale on firein trouble in dan ger un der discussi on un der con struct ion14. remove vt .(1)移走;移开;移动;搬开(+from/to )e.g. I removed the box to ano ther desk.除掉,清楚e.g. I removed the mud from my shoes.(3) 脱下(衣服等)e.g. I removed my glasses. 把免职;撤去(+from )e.g. He was removed from the post.15.less than辨析:短语符号意义less tha nV少于not less tha n=at (the)least不少于,至少no less tha n=和一样,不少于(强调多)more tha n多于;不仅仅not more tha n=at (the)mostw不多于,不超过,至多no more tha n=仅仅(强调少)16. woode n adj.(1) 木制的,木头的(2) 木头似的;死板的;呆板的;木纳的e.g. The act playing the father was too wooden.-en后缀(1) 由制成(构成的);像一样的(用在名词后构成形容词)golde n, woole n, earthe n(2) 使;使成为;变得(用于形容词之后构成动词)blacke n, sadde n, broade n, wide n17. doubthave (no) doubt(s) about sth.对某事(不)确信have no doubt(s) that 相信have doubt(s) whether 怀疑(是否)There is no doubt about sth. 对某事有把握There is no doubt that 无疑, that引导同位语从句。in doubt 不肯定的;不确定的without doubt无疑地;确实地make no doubt(of)(对)毫不怀疑throw(c
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