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七年英语上Unit 3 Is this your pencil ?Section A一.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词.1.E me ,is this your book?2.How do you s “ruler”? RULER.3.W that in English ?4.Is the English Chinese d yours?5.Your English is very good. T you .二.句型转换。1.This isa watchin English .(对划线局部提问) in English ?2.That is a book.(改为一般疑问句,并作否认回答) a book ? , .3.Is that her English book ?(改为陈述句)】 her English book .4.me, is, her, excuse, this, pencil, case (?)(连词成句)三. 单项选择( )1.Is this your pencil ? A.Yes,it ist. B.No,it is. C.No,it isnt .( )2.What color your pencil、 A.are B. is C. am( )3. in the pencil case ? A pencil,two erasers and three pens. A.Whats B.Hows C.What( )4.Whos girl over there ? Shes my good friend . A.that B.this C.it四.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 my his your her me it TomExcuse1 ,Mary.Is this2pencil ? MaryNo,3 isnt. Ask Jane. I think it is4 pencil . TomIs this5 pengcil,Jane ? JoneNo,6 pengcil is in the pencil case.Ask Tim.7 pencil is red. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 七年英语上Unit3 Is this your pencil ?SectionB一、 辨析题1、 at inI can say it English.Is that your watch the lost and found case?Please call me 18725637.It is 3:00.2、 a an theIs this eraser?Is that ruler?He is in school.It is beautiful watch.二、 根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1、 Mr White is a teacher . He works in a middle s .2、 Please c Mary at 532-6784.3、 Is that your c game?4、 He found a set of k .5、 That is my .(笔记本)6、 Spell it , .(请)三、 根据汉语提示完成英语句子。1、This is my (学生证).2、 (请拨)me at 529-6430.3、Is that notbook (在失物招领箱里) yours?4、That is (一串钥匙).四、从第栏中找出与第栏相对应的答语。1、 What is this in English? ( )2、 How do you spell “pen”? ( )3、 Is this your eraser? ( )4、 Your gold ring is nice. ( )5、 That girl is my sister. ( )A. P-E-NB. It is a ruler.C. Yes, it is.D. She is very beautiful.E. Thank you.七年英语上Unit 3 Is this your pencil ?Self Check一、 根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1、Look up a word in a d if you dont understand(明白) it.2、This is (她的) pencil.3、Is that his (橡皮擦)?4、There are two (手表) on the table.5、I (丢) my notebook.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。watch see read1、He has two .2、She a film.3、I a book.4、I dont your computer.三、选择题( )1、What is ID card in ? Its “身份证”. A chinese B China C English( )2、Is that your computer game in the case? No, it isnt. A found and lost B lost and found C lose and find( )3、 do you study english? I read the English book every day. A What B Whats C How( )4、What color our national flag(国旗)? Its read and yellow. A are B is C am( )5、Is your eraser? Yes, it is. A that B he C those( )6、How do you that. R-I-N-G A find B draw C spell( )7、Whats this? Its watch? A a B an C /( )8、Look ! Whats that? A set of . A key B keys C keies七年英语上Unit 3 Is this your pencil ?答案Section A一、1、Excuse 2、spell 3、Whats 4、dictionary 5、Thank二、1、Whats this.2、Is that no it ist.3、That is.4、Excuse me, is this her pencil case?三、1、C 2、B 3、A 4、A四、1、me 2、your 3、it 4、her 5、your 6、my 7、HisSectionB一、1、in 2、 in 3、at 4、 at 5、an 6、a 7、the 8、 a二、1、school 2、call 3、computer 4、keys 5、notebook 6、please三、1、school ID card 2、Please call 3、in the lost and found case 4、a set of keys四、1、B 2、A 3、C 4、E 5、DSelf check一、1、dictionary 2、her 3、eraser 4、watches 5、lost二、1、watches 2、sees 3、read 4、see三、1、C 2、B 3、A 4、B 5、A 6、C 7、A 8、B
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