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龙眼肉,又称桂圆肉、元肉,主产于我国南方广东、福建、台湾、广西等地。于 初秋果实成熟时采收,烘干或晒干,去核取肉备用。由于其果实正成熟于阴历八 月“桂月”之时,又因其果实极圆,故有“桂圆”之称;而状似龙眼,又得“龙 眼”之名;还因其食用时弃壳去核而食其肉(又称假种皮)故名“龙眼肉”。龙眼肉性味甘、温,入心、脾经,有补益心脾,养血安神之功,主要用于心脾虚 损,气血不足所致的失眠、健忘、惊悸、怔忡、眩晕等。本品滋补之中既不滋腻, 又不壅气,为滋补良药。本经言其“主安志、厌食,久服强魂魄,聪明”。本草纲目言其“开胃益脾,补虚长智”。滇南本草言其“益血安神,长 智敛汗,开胃益脾”。得配本草言其“益脾胃,葆心血,润五脏,治怔忡”。日用本草言其“开胃益脾,补灵长智”。泉州本草言其“壮阳益气,补 脾胃,治妇人产后浮肿,气虚水肿,脾虚泻泄”。龙眼水浸剂外用尚有消炎、止血作用。龙眼肉有良好的健脾补血效果,为中医养 心益智要药,适用于贫血、神经衰弱、失眠健忘、年老体衰、病后产后气血不足、 记忆力下降等。本品性味甘温,服食时用量不宜过大,以免中满气壅;脾胃虚弱, 恶寒发热,舌苔厚腻,痰阻中焦,水饮内停者,不宜服食。现介绍几则粥疗方, 供选用。龙眼肉粥:龙眼肉10克,大枣5枚,大米100克,白砂糖适量。将龙眼去皮取 肉;大枣去核,同放锅中加清水适量,煮为稀粥,每日12剂,喜好甜食者, 可加白糖适量同煮服食。可养心安神,健脾补血。适用于心血不足所致的心悸, 失眠,健忘,贫血,脾虚泄泻,浮肿,以及神经衰弱,自汗盗汗等。Longan pulp, also known http:/www.lushou1.com/post/33.html as longan meat, Yuan meat, mainly in southern China Guangdong, Fujian, Taiwan, Guangxi and other places. The recovery of Yu Chuqiu when the fruit is ripe, and dried, to check the meat reserve. Because the fruit is mature in August of the lunar calendar Gui months, because the fruit very round, so it is called longan; and like longan, and longan name; but also because of the edible when abandoned shell to nuclear and eat his flesh (also called aril) named longan pulp.Longan pulp of sweet, warm, into the heart, spleen, replenishing spleen, nourishing blood and tranquilizing mind, mainly for the heart and spleen deficiency, blood deficiency www.lushou1.com caused by insomnia, forgetfulness, palpitation, severe palpitation, dizziness. This product is nutritious and not greasy, not obstruct gas, as a tonic medicine. After the words main Anzhi, anorexia, Jiufu strong soul, wise. Compendium of Materia Medica words appetizers spleen, tonic long wisdom. Southern Yunnan Materia Medica words beneficial blood to tranquilize the nerves, long intellectual convergence Khan, appetizers spleen. Get with herbal medicine words benefit the spleen and stomach, keep moisture five internal organs, blood, cure palpitation. Daily Materia Medica words appetizers spleen,supplementing primate intelligence. Quanzhou herbal words Yang Qi, invigorating spleen and www.wxgs7.com stomach, treating woman postpartum dropsy, Qi deficiency edema, spleen deficiency diarrhea.Longan water extract has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic effect of topical. Longan pulp has good effect for TCM spleen blood, Yangxin intelligence to medicine, suitable for anemia, neurasthenia, insomnia forgetful, aging, disease after postpartum blood deficiency, memory decline. The character of sweet warm, when to take dosage www.soueou.com shoulds not be too big, so full of gas accumulation; the weakness of the spleen and stomach, aversion to cold fever, thick greasy tongue fur, stagnation of phlegm in middle-jiao, fluid retention, should not be taken. We introduce a few porridge cure, choose.Longan meat porridge: longan pulp 10 grams, jujube 5, 100 grams of rice, white sugar right amount. Will longan peeled meat; jujube to go nuclear, with the release pot add appropriate amount of water, cook for porridge, daily 1 2 agent, like sweet things, but the www.bjkdrh.com amount of sugar added to boil take. Sedative, blood and spleen. Apply to blood deficiency caused by palpitation, insomnia, forgetfulness, anemia, diarrhea, edema, and neurasthenia, night sweating.
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