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Book 4 Module 8 Time off一、教学内容:Unit3 Language in use二、课型: Revision and application三、教学目标:1.能够正确使用本模块的新单词以及短语。2能够正确用that来引导宾语从句。3能利用所学语言知识介绍自己的家乡名胜,从而增强学生的环保意识和对祖国山河的热爱。四、教学重难点:1.能够正确用that来引导宾语从句。2.通过听、说、读、写。让学生正确练习宾 语从句。五、教学准备:本节课型为Revision and即plication,根据新课标的要求,结合教材和学生特点, 主要采用任务型互动式进行教学,结合情景法、交际法、听说法、归纳法等教学方法 实施课堂活动,开启学生思维,通过一系列有条理的教学活动,引导学生自主探究学 习和与他人互动合作学习,让学生体验愉快学习。本节课所需教具及资料:幻灯等。六、教学过程:教 学 活 动教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Lead-i n and pre-task(2)Revisi on:1. Let students look at the pictures and an swer the questi ons. Would you like to go to the beach?(2) Would you liketovisitthecountryside?(3) Would you like to go to a big city for holiday?(4 ) What about climbing mountains for holiday?2. Ask the students to read the Ian guage practice together. 3.Orga nize the Ss to have a competition betwee n boys and girls to say say out as many as the objectRevisio n1. The stude nts look at the pictures and answer the questi ons.Would you like to go to the beach?(2) Would you like to visit the countryside?(3) Would you like to go to a big city for holiday?(4 ) What about climbing mountains for holiday?2. The stude nts to read theIan guagepracticetogether.3.Orga nize the Ss to have a competiti on betwee n boys and girls to say out as many asthe objectclauses they can.通过这三个活动使 内容和宾语从句双 巩固,也就是说在话 题中巩固语法,在语 法操练中使学生对 课文内容有了更深 层的理解。教clauses they can.Step2: Pre-task(3 )1. Let the students sum up the object clauses1. The students sum up the t object clauses采用归类比较的方 法,使学生更加熟悉 句型。学1. Have the students1. the students read theread the two parts oftwo parts of the sentences活thesenten cescarefully. The n match the通过活动1连接句carefully. Then matchtwo parts. There may be子。让学生掌握宾语动the two parts. Theremore than one possibility.:从句的用法may be more tha n one possibility.:(Activity1 )(Activity1 ).2.Let them talk with2.The students talk withtheirpart nerstheir part ners accordi ng toaccordi ngto thethe sentences.Step 3senten ces .Whiletask3.Let the stude nts3. Let thestude ntsLQOiv(20 )complete the passagecomplete the passagewithwith the correct formthe correct form of theof the words and expressi onsinwords and expressions in通过活动2用所给brackets. (Activity 2)词的正确形式天空brackets.(Activity 2)4. The students check the既复习了时态也巩4.Ask them check thean swers one by one.固了宾语从句。an swers one by one.5.Let the stude nts read5. Read the passage loudly .the passage loudly6.The stude nts do 3A and6. Let the stude nts do3A and A4 byA4 by themselves, then通过活动3、4的check their an swers.themselves,the n填词及填短语活动,check their an swers.让学生复习课文中7. Have the stude nts read 3A and A4 senten ces together.8. Thestude ntsuse(Activity3) phrases to make senten ces more and more, then read them to us.9. ListeningPlay a tape for the students to listen to Activity5,andcompletethenotes.then check the an swers one by one.2.Let them try to retell the no tes3丄et the stude nts liste n to Activity 6 and an swer the followi ng questio ns.(1) When do you come to the photo club? (2) What can you do on Tuesday night?4.Let the stude nts read the club introductions carefully and match the photos with the clubs. The n check the an swers together.7. The students read 3A and A4 senten ces together8. Thestude ntsuse(Activity3) phrases to make senten cesmore and more, the n read them to us.9. ListeningThe students listen to Activity 5,. and complete the notes.then check the an swers one by one.2. The students retell the no tes.3. The students listen to Activity 6 and answer the follow ing questi ons.(1) When do you come to the photo club? (2) What can you do on Tuesday night?4. the students read theclubin troducti onscarefully and match the photos with the clubs. Then check the answers together.所学的重点单词和 短语;用正确形式填 空,也复习了语法知 识。通过活动5的听力。 一是培养学生的听 力能力;二是培养学 生归纳知识的能力。活动6先是用两个 问题来提起学生的 学习欲望。Step 41. Around the world1. Around the worldPost-task(10 )Have the students read thepassage bythemselves,the nanswer the questions accordi ng to the passage.1. ) Where is LakeDistrictNatio nalPark?2. )what do most visitors enjoy there?3) What is the Lake District popular with?4) What do the En glish poets do there?2. WritingHave the students to write a passagecalled My trip to Xunliao(图附下面),theIan guage points below to help them.Come to for your holiday.You can You will be in a group of people. You will stay for days.Many people have said that the trip is very enjoyable.The students read the passage by themselves, the n an swer the questi ons accord ing to the passage.1. ) Where is Lake District National Park?2. )what do most visitors enjoy there?
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