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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Oliver Twist 雾独孤儿Charles Dickens 查理斯狄更斯The novel tells the miserable story of an orphan boy in London called Oliver Twist. Oliver Twist is born in a workhouse with unknown parentage and brought up under the tyrannous parish beadle Bumble. After serving an unhappy apprenticeship to an undertaker, he run away to London, where he falls into the hands of a gang of thieves who make every effort to convert Oliver into a thief. Then Oliver is rescued by the benevolent, rich Mr. Brownlow, but the thieves kidnap him again with the help of Monks, the half brother of Oliver. Then Oliver is made to participate in a burgling expedition, in the course of which he was shot wounded, and comes into the hands of Mrs. Maylie and her protge Rose, by whom he is kindly treated. In order to seek all of the inheritance, Monks schemes to defame Olivers reputation by making him a thief. However, Nancy discovers his plot and reveals the truth to Rose. But Fagin, the head of the gang, discovered the action of Nancy and murders her after which the rest of the gang are arrested and Fagin executed. At last, Monks is compelled to disclose the truth and Oliver is adopted by Mr Brownlow. 1. Wuthering Heights 呼啸山庄Emily Bronte 艾米丽勃朗台The novel tells a story of Heathcliff, a gipsy waif of unknown parentage, picked up by Mr. Earnshaw in the streets and brought up with his children in his house called Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff is treated well by Earnshaw, but when the old man dies, the young master Hindley bullies and insults him and makes him a slave. Heathcliff falls passionately in love with Catharine, Hindleys sister, who loves him but thinks it would degrade her to marry him. Heathcliff, finding it impossible for him to marry Catharine, leaves Wuthering Heights. Three years later, he returns as a rich man. Although Catharine has been married Edgar Linton, he resumes his love-making to her, which brings her to death at the birth of her daughter Cathy. Then he starts his crazy revenge. He first marries his sister Isabella and treats her cruelly to revenge on Edgar Linton. In revenge for Hindleys cruel treatment, he treats Hindleys son Hareton brutally. He then forces Catharines daughter Cathy to marry his sickly son in order to seize the estate of the Lintons, which fails because of the death of his son. As an old man and haunted by the memory of Catharine, he finally realises the pointlessness of his revenge. At last he dies, and the two young lovers, Cathy and Hareton are united happily. 2. Tess 德伯家的苔丝-Thomas Hardy 托马斯哈代The novel tells the tragical life story of a beautiful country girl Tess Duebeyfield. Tess is the daughter of a poor villager. In her youth she is seduced by Alec DUrbervilles, the son of a rich merchant who has bought his title into the class of gentry. Tess gives birth to an illegitimate child, thus scandalizing the narrow-minded people around her. So she leaves home and works at a distant farm as a dairymaid. There she meets Angel Clare, a clergymans son, who falls in love with her. On their wedding night, Tess confesses to Angel the affair of Alec. Angel, himself a sinner who has had some affair with a bad woman, casts her off and leaves for Brazil. After that her father dies and her family are threatened with starvation, so Tess is driven to accept Alecs protection and lives with him. Clare, returning from Brazil and repentant of his harshness to Tess, finds her in such a situation. Maddened by this second wrong that has been done her by Alec, she murders him in a fit of despair. After hiding with Clare in a forest for a short time, Tess falls into the claws of law. She is arrested, tried and hanged.3. Jane Eyre 简爱Charlotte Bronte 夏洛特勃朗台The novel tells the story of an orphan girl. Jane Eyre, the daughter of a poor parson, loses her parents shortly after birth. She lives at the household of her aunt, treated rudely by her aunt Mrs. Reed and her children. One day, unable to bear the ill-treatment any longer, Jane tells straight to her aunt what she thinks of her, which makes Mrs. Reed furious to send her to a charity school in Lowood. Maltreated by the authorities, Jane stays there for 8 long years. Then Jane gets a position of governess in the family of Mr. Rochester, a rich squire. Rochester falls in love with Jane, and she with him. They are about to be married when Jane breaks the engagement on the wedding day and flees away, learning that Mr. Rochester has a mad wife secretly locked in the house. After going through a lot of hardships on the moors, she is taken in and cared for by Rev. Rivers, who helps her get a job as teacher in a village school. Meanwhile, Mr. Rochester loses his sight during a fire set by his mad wife. Hearing that Mr. Rochester is penniless and disabled, Jane hurries to him and becomes his wife. The House of 1000 Mirrors 千镜之屋 Long ago in a small, faraway village, there was a place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors. A smal
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