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精选UNIT 2 OCTOBER 1ST IS OUR NATIONAL DAYLesson 5同步练习一、读读写写。二、判断下列单词与图片是()否()相符。1. September 2. October ( ) ( )3. November 4. December ( ) ( )三、选择填空。Whats right November our time1. Its _ for lunch.2. Youre _.3. _ the tenth month in English?4. Its _.5. October 1st is _ National Day.四、看图回答问题。1. Whats the tenth month in English?Its _.2. Whats the ninth month in English?_.3. Whats the eleventh month in English?_.4. Whats the twelfth month in English?_.五、翻译句子。1. Whats the tenth month in English?_2. October 1st is our National Day._3. The tenth month is October._参考答案一、略二、1 2 3 4三、1. time 2. right 3. Whats 4. November 5. our四、1. October 2. Its September3. Its November 4. Its December五、1. 第十个月用英语怎么说?2. 十月一日是我们的国庆节。3. 第十个月是October.
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