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A stereotype is a cognitive structure containing the perceivers knowledge,beliefs,and experiences about some human social groups.A being orientation refers to spontaneous expression of the human personality.Beliefs serve as the storage system for the content of our past experiences,including thoughts,memories,and interpretations of events. Cultural patterns are a useful umbrella term that allows us to talk about values,beliefs,and other orientations collectively.Context is the information that surrounds an event;it is inextricably bound up with the meaning of the event.Co-cultures are cultures discussing groups or social communities exhibiting communication characteristics,perceptions,values,beliefs,and practices that are sufficiently different to distinguish them from other groups and communities and from the dominant culture.Communication is a dynamic process in which people attempt to share their internal states with other people through the use of symbols.Culture is a set of human-made objective and subjective elements that in the past have increased the probability of survival and resulted in satisfaction for the participants in an ecological niche,and thus became shared among those who could communicate with each other because they had a common language and they lived in the same time and place.Cultural identity: the identification of communications of a shared system of symbolic verbal and nonverbal behavior that are meaningful to group members who have a sense of belonging and who share traditions,heritage,language,and similar norms of appropriate behavior.Cultural identity is a social construction.Collectivism is a kind of thought that people primarily view themselves as members of groups and collectives rather than as autonomous individuals.In such cultures people emphasize community,collaboration,shared interest,harmony,tradition,the public good,and maintaining face.Collectivism means greater emphasis on the views.needs,and goals of the in-group rather than oneself;social norms and duty defined by the in-group rather than behavior to get pleasure;beliefs shared with the in-group rather than beliefs that distinguish the self from in-group;and great readiness to cooperate with in-group members.(1) Culture shock is a mental state that comes from the transition that occurs when you go from a familiar environment to an unfamiliar one and find that your old,established patterns of behavior are ineffective.Culture shock is precipitated by the anxiety that results from losing all your familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse.These signs or cues include the thousand and one ways in which we orient ourselves to the situation of daily life:how to give orders,how to make purchases,when and where not to respond.Now these cues,which may be words,gestures,facial expressions,customs,or norms,are acquired by all of us in the course of growing up and are as much as a part of our culture as the language we speak or the beliefs we accept.All of us depend for our peace of mind and efficiency on hundreds of these cues,most of which we are not consciously aware of. All human interaction is influenced to some degree by the cultural,social,and physical settings in which it occurs.These settings are called the communication context.Ethnocentrism is the notion that ones own culture is superior to any other.It is the idea that other cultures should be measured by the degree to which they live up to our cultural standards.We are ethnocentric when we view othercultures through the narrow lens of our own culture or social position.Ethics refers to judgments that focus om degrees of rightness and wrongness,virtue and vice,and obligation in human behavior.Family is a group of intimates,who generate a sense of home and group identity,complete with strong ties of loyalty and emotion,and an experience of a history and a future.Globalization is worldwide interconnectedness,evidenced in global movements of natural resources,trade goods,human labour,finance capital,information,and infectious diseases.History is the witness that testifies to the passing of time;it illumines reality,vitalizes memory,provides guidance in daily life,and brings us tidings of antiquity.Individualism is a kind of thought that involves self-motivation,autonomy,and independent thinking,which takes in the following forms.Peoples personal goals take priority over their allegiance to groups like the family or the employer.The loyalty of individualists to a given group is very weak;they feel they belong to many groups and are apt to change their membership as it suits to them,switching churches,for example,or leaving one employer for another.Such thought stresses personal rights and responsibilities,privacy,voicing ones own opinion,freedom,innovation,and self-expression.Identity is the reflective self-conception or self-image that we each derive from our family,gender,cultural,ethnic,and individual socialization proc
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