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JIUJIANG UNIVERSITY 毕 业 论 文 (设 计)题 目 浅析英文谚语翻译 英文题目On English Translation of Proverbs 院 系 外国语学院 专 业 商务英语 姓 名 陆 怡 年 级 外 A0721 指导教师 候 伯 华 二零一零年五月AbstractBecause of the differences of religious beliefs, habits and customs, fables and myth, and culture and art, English proverbs and Chinese proverbs carry on the different national cultural characteristics and information. Proverbs are closely linked with cultural tradition and they are inseparable. The cultural elements of proverbs cause the difficulty of translation of proverb. This thesis is trying to make some exploration about the proverb, and its translation.Key words: category;translation method ; culture contrast摘 要由于不同的宗教信仰、风俗习惯、寓言神话以及文学艺术诸多方面的差异,英、汉谚语承载着不同的民族文化特色和不同的文化信息。他们与文化传统紧密相连,不可分割。言语中的文化因素构成了翻译中的困难。直译,意译,或者直译与意译相结合,则要根据具体的语言环境来定。本文通过对英文谚语的分类和对中西文化的对比,就英语谚语及其翻译做一些探索。关键词:谚语分类;翻译方法;文化对比ContentsABSTRACTI摘 要IIINTRODUCTION11 WHAT IS PROVERB?11.1 The Definition of Proverb11.2 The Categories of Proverb21.2.1 From Production Experiences21.2.2 From Life Experiences21.2.3 From Masterpieces and Mottos31.2.4 From the Bible31.2.5 To Convey the Truth31.2.6 Loan Proverb42 THE COMPARISON OF CHINESE AND ENGLISH PROVERB52.1 Subaudition of Proverb52.2 Religion62.3 Values62.4 History and Culture73 METHODS OF PROVERBS TRANSLATION73.1 Literal Translation83.2 Free Translation93.2.1 Free Translation in different English and Chinese proverbs93.2.2 Free translation in similar proverbs in English and Chinese103.3 Combination of Literal and Free Translation104 CONCLUSION11BIBLIOGRAPHY12ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS13Introduction加入章节号Proverb is a short pithy saying in frequent and widespread use that expresses a basic truth or practical precept. Proverb is a treasure of literature which comes from peoples daily life. It sparkles with the wisdom of humans thoughts and experiences from the ancient times to the modern times. Whats more, it has enriched the languages of lots of countries. In a word, proverb is as lively as poem, as steady as essay and as terse as idiom.Since the differences on history, religion and custom, the proverb connectsare connected with its own culture steadily and carries the unique information and feature in each language. When translating English proverbs, the attention should be paid to deliver the exact meaning, meanwhile the language character has also to be concerned. Though English and Chinese are totally two different languages, but they have much in common on proverb, for instant, proverbs in two languages are both simple and alive; most of them rhyme with tidy structures and vivid metaphor. On the other hand, Proverb is kinds of reflection of culture that convey the features of a country as well as the translation of English proverb. As we know, the both two languages have centuries-old history, religion and literature. So proverbs learning can be a good way to understand English-speaking countries.Mr. Zhu Guangqian says: “The most difficult to understand and translate about foreign literature is the associated meaning”, “It has the specific emotional atmosphere, quite deep and delicate; you may not find it in the dictionary, but it is very important to literature. If we dont know the habits and customs as well as the cultural historic background, well be at sea, especially when we translate the associated meaning.”加入引文出处 By analyzing the sort of proverb, one can understand the features, subaudiences and also the author categorizes proverb into several sections, from geography, custom, and culture to compare the differences between Chinese and English proverbs. Through the study of proverb, good understanding may be well applied to the translation of proverbs. As for the methods of translation, such as literal translation, free translation, or the combination of two ways of translation which depend on the features of language and cultural background of the proverbs.1 What is Proverb?1.1 The Definition of Proverb “A proverb is a brief familiar maxim of folk wisdom, usually compressed inform, often involving a bold image and frequently a jingle that catches the memory.”(NY: Longman, 1976: 889) “A proverb is a short sayingin common use that strikingly expresses some obvious truth or familiar experience.”(NY: Macmillan General reference, 1988: 1083) 前面加一句引言So proverb is considered as a popular short saying with words of advice or warning which is created among people as a great intellectual achievement from their understanding of the nature and society. Proverb is common on style, neat on structure, vivid on language and
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