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2023年奥斯卡颁奖获奖感言与奥运在我心中演讲稿_奥运在我心中演讲稿 奥斯卡颁奖获奖感言与奥运在我心中演讲稿由我整理,希望给你工作、学习、生活带来方便,猜你可能喜欢“奥运在我心中演讲稿”。 奥斯卡颁奖获奖感言 奥斯卡颁奖英文获奖感言 cathy: for embracing our film, about love and about tolerance, about truth.thank you to the people all around the world who have been touched by this meage.and we are humbled by the other nominees in this category.you have made this year one of the most breathtaking, and stunning, maverick years in american cinema, thank you.wed like to thank lions gate.boy, did you do a job.jon feltheimer, and everyone in every office of that building, and we would not be here today if it were not for tom ortenberg, and for sarah greenberg, thank you.thank you also to our financiers andy reimer, jan korbelin, marina grasic, bob yari.to our producers, our partners, mark harris, and bob yari, and don cheadle, and bobby moresco.thank you.don cheadle, our partner, we wish he could be here with us tonight.thank you everybody.thank you to my husband, to my wife, to all of our families.luc: whistles it means, thank you in penguins.id like to dedicate this statuette to all the children in the world who saw that movie.in 2041, they will decide to ruin you or not, the treaty that protects antartica.i will, maybe, the “march of the penguins” will inspire them.sorry for my.yves: looking out on these tuxedos tonight, its like seeing the movie again.thank you for this homage.thank you very much.goodbye.thank you.thank you wow.wow.all right, so im not winning director.its the funny thing about winning an academy award, it will always be synonymous with your name from here on in.it will be oscar winner, george clooney.sexiest man alive, 1997.batman, died today in a freak accident at a-listen, i dont quite know how you pare art.you look at these performances this year, of these actors and unle we all did the same role, everybody put on a bat suit, and well all try that.unle we all did the same role, i dont know how you pare it.they are performances and wonderful work, and im honored, truly honored to be up here.and finally, i would say that, you know, we are a little bit out of touch in hollywood every once in a while.i think its probably a good thing.were the ones who talk about aids when it was just being whispered, and we talked about civil rights when it wasnt really popular.and we, you know, we bring up subjects.this academy, this group of people gave hattie mcdaniel an oscar in 1939 when blacks were still sitting in the backs of theaters.im proud to be a part of this academy.proud to be part of this , and proud to be out of touch.and i thank you so much for this.奥斯卡颁奖英文获奖感言 good evening!ladies and gentlemen,thank you!thank you so much!oh, my god.i just cant believe it.is it real or just a dream? please forgive me, i am, i am just so shocked and so thankful.i never expected this award tonight.im very grateful to receive this award for “best actre.” i cant begin to tell you how much i appreciate this great honor.there are so many people id like to thank.first of all, i want to thank my parents for bringing me into this world.i also want to expre my gratitude to all of my teachers over the years, but especially to my acting teacher clark johnson who taught me everything i know.i want to thank my husband, for his understanding and kindne.and finally, i want to expre my appreciation to all of my friends for their support, especially to martin miller, for being there when i needed him.there are just too many people i should thank and i know i am probably forgetting someone.so again, i just want to say thank you to everyone who helped me, supported me,or just listened to me when i needed a shoulder to cry on.this award means a great deal to me.words cant expre how honored i feel at this moment.i will remember this night for the rest of my life!thank you very much.奥斯卡颁奖英文获奖感言 witherspoon: oh, my goodne.never thought id be here in my whole life, growin up in tenneee.i-i want to say that and had a wonderful tradition of honoring other artists and musicians and singers.and i really feel that tradition tonight.it is very important and-and i really feel it.so i want to thank the academy for this incredible honor.i want to say thank you to so many people who helped me create this role;everyone at fox, cathy konrad, james keach, for producing the film.a very special thank you to jim mangold who directed the film and also wrote this character, who is a real woman, who has dignity and honor and fear and courage;and shes a real woman.and i really appreciate that.it was an incredible gift that you gave me, so thank you.and t-bone burt for helping me realize my lifelong of being a country music singer.thank you, t-bone.and i want to say thank you to joaquin phoenix who just put his heart and soul into this performance.his mitment and paion for this character and for this performance was just remarkable, and i feel so to have gone on this journey with you.im so bleed to have my family
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