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三年级上册1-2模块测试题一、给每幅图配上相应的句子。(填序号)A. Hello, Im Sam. B. Hi, Im Daming.C. Hello, Im Lingling. D. Hi, Im Amy.二、连线1、morning A、你,你们2、thank B、是3、fine C、怎样4、good D、你好5、how E、再见6、goodbye F、我是7、hello G、(身体)很好 8、Im H、好的9、are I、谢谢10、you J、早晨,上午三、选择最佳的答案,将选项写在横线上。1、Hello, Im Amy. _A .Good morning, Amy. B .Goodbye, Amy.C .Hello, Amy. D .Bye-bye, Amy2、How are you? _, thank you.A .Good B .Fine C .Hi D .Hello3、Goodbye, Daming. _, Lingling.A .Hello B .Hi C .Fine D .Goodbye4、How are you ?Im fine, _.A Good B .thank you C. Hi D. Hello5、Hello, Im Xiaoyong. _, Im Xiaowei. A .Bye B .Good C .Fine D .Hi四、选择适当的词语填空,将选项写到括号里。( )1、Good _!(下午好)A、morning B、afternoon C、hi D、what( )2、_ is your name? Hi, Im Sam.A、What B、How C、Hi D、Hello( )3、Good afternoon, Im Mr. Li. _, Mr Li.A、Good morning B、Hello C、Good afternoon( )4、How are you? Im fine, thank you. _A、What is your name? B、And how are you?C、Good morning D、Good afternoon( )5、Good morning ,boys and girls. Im Ms Smart. _, Ms Smart.A、Good morning B、Hello C、Good afternoon五、连线Goodbye, LinglingHello, Im Amy.How are you, Sam?Good afternoon,DamingGood morning, Sam.Hi, AmyIm fine, thank youGood afternoon.Bye-bye, Amy.Good morning.六、根据所设情景,把正确答案的序号写在横线上。1、你的老师上午上课前,是这样向你们问好的:_.A、Good morning, boys and girls B、Good afternoon, boys and girls2、你想告诉别人你叫小芳时,你应该说:_.A、Im Xiaofang B、Hello, Xiaofang3、放学了,我们应对Amy说:_.A、Goodbye, Amy B、Hello, Amy4、你想向别人道谢,你应该说:_.A、Thank you B、Good5、你想知道对方的名字,你应该问:_.A、Whats your name? B、How are you?
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