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北京联合大学大学英语课程(上外教版)一课一练试卷(Unt Four,Book ne)(注:尽量采用练习册里面旳题目和知识点)Pat IWrting(30 iuts)注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上。Dition:Fr this partyare allwed 0 minutes o ritaopositinntheic Inteet.ou shol rie atleas 0 wrd and bae our compotio on the outlinebe: 1、互联网使用旳现状; 、大学生与否应当使用互联网,人们旳见解不同; 、我旳见解。atIIeding Comphensio (Skimi and Scanning)(1nues)Drction:In this at, yo will av1 minute tgo over the psge quly and swer te questonsn n hee 1. o uests 1-7,hooe the bet anwer from h ur c arked ),),C)nd). Frquesion8-10, complte th sentncs with the nfrmatio giveninhpasage注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。ANw yI ws eight yas odwhen ur neighbors cros h halt teesio. It as ry smal a ry exense, but that int at.IT WASWNDERFUL. veyone i the biding ameup to ft floor ee hs lest ode o the morn orldSome peopl, t uckoes,sae for awle and got o wh awholegrorm. Tht in 948Soon a lo opeole new teleisios, u nt. y parens didnt k levision.hedt hink it as god for chilrn. Beig goo ocie son, I idntarue wth tem. u I did sretly watchtelvisio at myfriends omes.By 1955 levoret s xnsiand they wre muharge My parets sll thoughteevonwsnt d fous, but my sisters nsitedTey said w ere he nly pepl n e ehorhoo wo didnt havne. Allther fredstaledaboutcertain gras ad ators, bu my sitrs coudt. Their frinds laghd at them, and y isters ft wretched, ery unhapp.O day,my youngest sister cae omshooland startdtocyShe sai he was ever oing bck to chooln tat fe ithut teeiin wasnt ot lving. Se cid a sobeMyparents uslarguent only mdr more incnsoable. Nthng thy sid adehe eel anyer.Well, wh coud they do?The nex morning, wihou tellinu, my parents noutand t a new TV. Thtatoo an anenn was pt on te ofSuzanne camehoe fomscoolanran into th ue.“Were s it?Whe s i?” Se cried.“I now i here.” She was rethles, an hr eyeswre shiwt exctemet.“Iin the ving ro,”y mother said s my siser ranoff olo a, toadre,ths beautifl ting alleda telvision.ate Iasked her, “How didyou no the V w here?”“The anenaNow ouruse looks lke eeryone elses.”She hd aondef smi oher ae.When wewre young urparentsallowedu o wath V two hurs anight. ,y. Ad wcoudnt atch untl our homwork ws finihd Bt afte a yearor to, T at exciting or new anmor. I becmejut aoher art our lives, lie shoes rso. My parnts stillha fers abotTV. e ereoing o forget howt rd, they sa. Ad wer notingto eadboks because chigTV wasasie, th sa. And T was oing o fil o inds wih vioence, hey aid. Thy said tof things like thatonce day a least I disared withem.Itought the weeld-fshioned, tinkg omuch ofoldway ad ids.Tody,pepletill argue ao the vlue o TV. Ndy cn den the porf T It has a norous, ver poerfu, nfluceon ourlives. the avage, Amenssed 30hour week tcin T.Ithis inlence od or bad? This is a unnsweble estinined: is hard engh o masueifluence;adit ieenhadr o decide what s god ndhat isntat s good,sppoe, i maneleare cocerned abotVinfene an tat we have thepowe ocane what don liReentl rea a articlenhenwspaperabou th people ofMonga Islnd, 1 kiloeersoff the cstoMaine hese people dnt hav electricit,dtheyecide,oneagain, thatthey ike it thata.nly handul people live he durngtl winter, ad hey ve witt elecrictyy choice. ectricy, te thnk, wl make thigs to easy nd spolheir wa oflif. Maybe tey wouldbe mritersted n sing home ad waching televiin.1 _ TV ws cnsierd a miraclo h mes.An h erl 94sB. In thelate 1940sC n th m-1950s 152. thoddnt agu wih is prets beuse _. A. h kew it wasseless t soB. he ws go, dol son C he didtli elevisinD.ecolsecetl wtch TV aths riendshomes3. y the mi-150s TV d become _. A. ensiB. ol-fashione very oulaD. powerfl4. hewr“wretched” in the trd argrap iht n_ Aver nappy o isebB frstratd CdepeingD.iscurge5. heauhors paents bough a T fallybecas _. A. thy could affodto uy . they didn a t
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