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动感英语电影词典俚语第122集MOVIE DICTIONARY 电影词典hard light 硬光AMERICAN SLANG 美国俚语 Whats with you people? in the filmwhats with you? 意思是你没事吧,没关系吧。等于 whats wrong with you? e.g. Duran, whats with you, you seem very sad today.Duran你怎么了,你今天看起来很不高兴。I dont know whats with her today; shes been smiling all day. Must have been a good date!我不知道今天她发生了什么事情,她一天都在笑,肯定过了一个很愉快的约会。CLASSIC FILM CLIPS 经典对白 1. keep it real short in the filmreal short 意思是很快的,时间很短的,等于shorte.g. Im not staying long, this visits going to be real short.我不在这呆长了,我在这的时间很短。OK, everybody, lets keep this meeting real short so we can all get home for dinner.好,大家听着,我们这个会很快就结束,这样大家就可以回家吃饭了。2run a tight ship 对人或者事情很严格很严厉 means you are very stricte.g. My mother runs a tight ship; she makes me mop the floor every day.我妈妈对我要求很严格,要我天天拖地。Coach makes us run 10kms before very practice. He runs a tight ship.教练让我们每次比赛前跑10千米,他真的很严格。3get snippy (with sb.) 等于 to be rude 尖刻,无理,粗暴e.g. My girlfriend gets snippy when I tell her Im going out with the boys.当我告诉我女朋友我要和那些男生出去的时候,我女朋友变得很粗暴。Just because you dont get your way, it doesnt mean you have to get snippy.事情不按你想的那样进行并不意味着你就得这么粗暴。 MOVIE TUNES 原声碟 “ with a few good friends ”
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