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5A Unit7 At weekends第一课时教学内容Story time教学目标1.能听懂、会读、会说: at weekends, grandparent, chat, Internet, go to the cinema, always, usually, often, sometimes2.能听懂、会读、会说句型:What do you do at weekends? I always/usually/ often/ sometimes3.能初步运用本课所学的词汇和句型谈论周末活动。教学重、难点教学重点(1)能听懂、会读、会说: grandparent, chat, Internet, go to the cinema, visit, always, usually, often, sometimes(2)What do you do at weekends? I always/usually/ often/ sometimes(3)能运用本单元所学的词汇和句型谈论周末。教学难点(1)always, usually, often, sometimes的区分及正确用法(2)能运用本单元所学的词汇和句型谈论周末活动,并能自己尝试用第三者角度描述他人周末活动。学具准备多媒体(PPT)上课时间教学过程Step1. Warm up Play a game. Ss say the words about hobbies with the keywords and letters. Step 2. Revision Lets talk. e.g. A: What do you do on Saturdays/Sundays?B: I usually on Saturdays/Sundays. Step 3. Presentation and practice1.Lead inT: So you have a lot of activities on Saturdays and Sundays. Here is a calendar. From Monday to Friday ,we go to school .we call them weekdays .but on Saturdays and Sundays we dont go to school. we call them weekends. Teach: at weekendsToday we will learn Unit 7 At weekendsT: Are you happy at weekends?Ss: Yes. 2.Look and learnT: Me, too. what else can we do at weekends? Show them some pictures and teach new phrases. e.g. go to the cinema. visit grandparents.fly a kite.have a picnic.chat on the Internet3.Learn new words T: what does Miss Tian usually do at weekends? This is Miss Tians calendar. I usually watch TV at weekends. I like reading very much, so I always read books at home .My daughter likes watching films, I often watch films with her. Sometimes I chat with my friends on the Internet. always(总是)usually(通常)often(经常)sometimes(有时) Let Ss introduce teachers weekends.e.g. -What does Miss Tian do at weekends? -She always reads books at weekends. She usually watches TV at weekends. She often goes to the cinema at weekends. She sometimes chats on the Internet at weekends. Step 4 Reading Today lets talk about the Ss weekends. Whose weekends are we going to talk about? Mike ,Helen Su Yang and Su Hai s weekends. What do they do at weekends? Show them some pictures about activities.1. Watch and tick2. Look and write(P70) Ss complete the sentences by looking at the pictures.3.Read, choose and sayRead the dialogue ,complete the table and introduce the childrens weekends.A. visit their grandparents B. have dinner with their grandparents C. plays football with D. play with their cat Kitty E. goes to the cinema with her friends F. chats withon the InternetG. has dancing lessons H. flies a kite and has a picnic in the park Su Hai & Su Yang HelenMikealways usuallyoftensometimes 4. Listen and read.Step5. ConsolidationWrite and report: Our weekendsI My friend alwaysusuallyoftensometimesHello! Im XX. Let me tell you something about our weekends. I always. I usually I often and I sometimes This is my friend XX. He/ She always. He/ She usually He/ She often and He/ She sometimes Our weekends are great fun. What about your weekends? Step6. Homework 1. Listen, read, and retell story time. 2. Write down the report about weekend activities.板书设计: Unit7 At weekendsA: What do you do at weekends? always go to the cinemaB: I usually fly a kite often have a picnic sometimes chat on the Internet
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