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四川省2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期4月月考试题时间120分钟 总分120分第一卷(满分80分)第一部分 听力(满分25)第一节 听句子,选出与其意思相符的图片。 (每题1分,共5分)( )1. ( )2.( )3.( )4.( )5. 第二节 听对话,选择最佳答案。(每题1分,共5分)( )6.WhatanimalisHenry?A. Apig.B. Acat.C. A dog.( )7.WhatsKatedoingnow?A. Helpinghermomwashthedishes.B. Lookingafterherbrother.C. Washingtheclothes.( )8.WhenwillMayeatthehamburger?A. Afterwashingherface.B. Aftercleaningtheroom.C. Aftersettingupthetable.( )9.WheredoesJoeworkinhisfreetime?A. Inamuseum.B. Inananimalhospital.C. Inanoldpeopleshome.( )10.WhatdoesTomneed?A. Awallet.B. Somemoney.C. Abicycle.第三节 听长对话,选择最佳答案。(每题1分,共5分)( )11.WheresTonygoingthismorning?A. Totheanimalhospital.B. Tothefoodbank.C. Toabirthdayparty.( )12.WhatsthematterwithEric?A. Hehasafever.B. Hehasatoothache.C. Hehasasorethroat.( )13.What day is it tomorrow?A. Friday B. Saturday C. Sunday( )14.WhatdidKatebuyforSandy?A. Abirthdaycake.B. Asciencebook.C. Apencilbox.( )15.WherewillTonygothisafermoon?A. Tothebookstore.B. Tothelibrary.C. Toagiftshop.第四节 听短文,选择最佳答案。(每题2分,共10分)( )16.WhatwasTedlike?A. Hewasfriendlyandfunny.B. Hewascleverandserious.C. Hewascleverandfriendly.( )17.WhydidTedleaveschool?A. Becausehismotherhadanaccident.B. Becausehelostoneofhislegs.C. Becausehisfatherwasseriouslyill.( )18.WhatdidTeddoafterleavingschool?A. Hecookedonthefarm.B. Hegrewandsoldstrawberries.C. Hereadbooksaboutfamousfarmers.( )19.HowoldwasTedwhenhebecamethe richestfarmerinhisvillage?A. 24.B. 25.C. 26.( )20.HowlongdidittakeTedsfriends to visit thefarmbycar?A. Oneday.B. Twodays.C. Threedays.第二部分 基础知识运用(共55分)一、单项选择(每小题1分,满分15分) 21.You should see a doctor to get X- ray.A.aB.anC.theD.X22.Were you used to when you were young?A.take riskB.taking risksC.take a risk D.have a risk23.He found in a dangerous situation when alone .A.himself;climbingB.him;climbedC.her;climbD.me;climbing24.Have you decided an after -school reading program?A.trying out for B.to try out for C.to trying out of D.try out of25.Did you make any signs around our school ?A.to put up B.put up C.to put off D.set up26.We helped to make possible you to cheer up your daughter .A.them;of B.one;with C.that;for D.it;for 27.A friend of is going to send a dog me.A.me;for B.mine;with C.us;on D.mine;to28.Could you please me stand outside?A.dont let B.no let C.not let D.not to let 29.Would you mind some coffee my father ?A.to provide;to B.providing;on C. providing;for D.provide;with30.They both and their grades last term.A.feel ill;lose B.felt ill;lost C.fell ill;dropped D.fell ill;drop31.一She cant speak English as well as her mother.一 A.Neither can I B.Neither I can C. I cant neitherD.So I can32.Have you your money ? I want to some from you A.run out of;borrow B.ran out ; keep C.run out;lend D.ran out of;lend33.Id like my pocket money to homeless poor children.A.giving out B.giving up C.to give in D.to give away34.We shouldnt the sport meeting till next month.A.put on holding B.to put away to hold C.put to hold D.put off holding35.If it fine tomorrow,we to the beach.A.is;will go B.will be;go C.is;are go D.will be;are going二、完型填空.(每小题1分,满分10分)Thesedays,some middle schools inChinaaretryingto do something different.The students choose classes according totheir own needs.For each subject,they can make a choice from different levels (等级) of difficulty. So instead of staying in the 36 classroom,they go to different rooms to have their lessons.And the teachers make special teaching plans for 37 .There are different opinions about it.Xia Rui,a 13-year-old girl,said,”I really love it.I think its nice that we can 38 classes by ourselves.My English is poor.I used to be afraid to answer questions in class.I think that the good students may 39 me when I make mistakes.Now I feel much more relaxed.”But her classmate Chen Gang didnt agree.”Im worried that some students may think they are in the lower class 40 it is difficult for students to find where the classrooms are ,”he said .”During the break , students can be seen here and there,running and shouting to find their 41 .”“Im worried that some students may think they are in the lower class 42 lose interes
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