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英文年会邀请函7篇 商务礼仪中有一项就是活动邀请函。随着社会一步步向前发展,邀请函与我们不再生疏,那么相关的邀请函究竟怎么写呢?以下是我为大家整理的英文年会邀请函篇,欢迎大家共享。英文年会邀请函 篇1Dea Proesor Wang, On bhaf fth Oo Stat ivriahe EEE Comuter Societ, wuldbe vr plead t invie you attend an chair sessin fthe fotoing 20x Inernaionl oference Prallel Data rocesi o b el in Bellaire, h, fom cbr 25 to Otober 28, 20xx.u are an itenatioallacclim scola and ducator. Your artcipation lbe ag he hgligts oheferneWe snceelyhop ta youcold cceptour invitation. you kow,tis isthe 0h annivrsary the Confereceand wepn t make it a rul interntionl metig. We ae accepte mny aprs frm seerorig countrie,icludngtwofro Chn.If yu cncome, plase letskow a sonapossil, ice e hve to prepare thefna programson.e reloknforwrd to our acetance. Sincerely yours, Peter Wit.英文年会邀请函篇_ ms / mr.: Sping i the hea, bowinto utumn, X comany ushed i w yea ni W kow that the ro to deveopmencan no e prate frm or cooperainandsuppot, ne have acieve your ard wok i our acieveen. For a lng tie, ut lngjint. As a maturnd rofssiona XX coan, we herih yur coc,dwe are llingto hawithyo te joy exectatio of th ne year Winvit you toXXX compay hd a new yersrecetin,a you talkbout fnhi, looking frrd to th futur. If aeallowed,yu will b hap. Locatin:ime:_小姐/先生: 仰首是春、俯首成秋,xx公司又迎来了它的第九个新年。我们深知在发展的道路上离不开您的合作与支持,我们取得成果中有您的辛勤工作。久久联合、岁岁相长。作为一家成熟专业的xx公司我们珍惜您的选择,我们情愿与您一起共享对新年的喜悦与期盼。故在此邀请您参与xxx公司举办的新年酒会,与您共话友情、展望将来。如蒙应允、不胜欣喜。地点:时间:英文年会邀请函 篇 Dear simdm: On date, we wil os a eveni o celebratin i honote rtieetf na,Preidentf comany. You ecordially inviedto atend the celertinat hol, loion, o date rm ii nm has bente Predetof oman sin yea.ring hs prod,cmpay expand i usnes from si to sze. owtr oportuniy ttak hm forhis yar o xempary leaderp and wish im wl or hapy etirement. les joinus tosaygod-bye o nme. Se ou n. Youicrelname英文年会邀请函 篇4 DearProf.He Yu, TeAcademc Coference on fsh a nd mrican Literatur sponsored byBeijin Uiversity will be el i eijig nd july 0xx.eaegrat Pleasure i inviingyo to atend he confence.e ill Pay yo hotelcomodatin n meM,but ywill bersnale fryuraifr.If youave an ppr o r topie on wich you woud like to give talk,plae infor us as soo as possle forte ogram s being falized soo. PLeas onfirm yor particpan t youealiet covenience. With kid regard. ours icerly,haoYan onvener Sereay英文年会邀请函 篇The larof th respeted manaement compay: New Ya approacin,webid are tothe extrardinary 20xx, uered n te os o 20xx,thaks to heleadership th copany mangmentin uort othe pastfew earsol iLonghuaork, inte three leaders nd anages of vriusdepatmentsto artciptein the Longhu shop0xx anal meting, I hope,g, Wang Ca always the annal meetng. ouare lowed, y re elitd. Egely aingfor eveyon to ome! Time: 10:3am, 0xx, Fbruar th oton:Eas Rng Rad Easthree ringrsarat (learLak metoex C) Longhad tor Janua 9th0x敬重的管理公司领导:年关将至,我们送别了不平凡的0xx,迎来了充溢希望的0xx,为了感谢管理公司的领导在过去几年对龙华老店工作的大力支持,特邀管理公司三位领导和各部门来参与“龙华店2x年年会”,届时希望汪总、彭总、蔡总能在年会上致词。如蒙应允,不胜欣喜。热切等候各位到来! 时间:20xx年2月日 :3am 地点:东环三路大东环酒楼(清湖地铁C出站口) 龙华老店 0xx年1月19日英文年会邀请函 篇 Dea rofssor Wang, behalf o thOhi StatUnivesi adteIEEE Compter Socity, wu be vey peased oinvite you to attedan chai aession ofh fortcomi 20xx Ineratioalonfree Prllel ata Pocesn t b eld Blaire, Miciga,fr Octobr2 t Octer , 2x You a an ienationallyalaimed scolr and educo.Yo parcpation wib amngte highlights of theConeence We icrelyhoe that you culd cceptour invitation. As yuknow, ts is the 10th nnvrsary of the Cnfeece and pan to make it trul intenationl metng. Wehve ccetd mny paers frm seeralfreigountris, icluing w from China. I youcn me, pleae etu knowas soon aspsible, sine het peare t fnprogrm so. We a oki forward to yrccepance.Scerey ors, Peter Whit英文年会邀请函篇7_ mis /r.: prn s the had, bow no utmn, XX compn sed in a new yea ninthW ko that in tevelopmof theoada notdowitoutyur coperation n spor,we hae cheved e
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