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旅 客 运 输 申 明 书Passenger Transportation Declaration本人 ,所持证件名称及号码为 ,机票号码为 。我于 年 月 日乘坐海南航空公司 航班由 出发(经停 )前往 ,座位号 。I , possess passports / ID card numbers held are ,Ticket number is , I take flight of Hainan Airlines on Date Month Year from to , Seat No. is 本人特此声明I especially to declare:1海南航空公司及其代理人己提醒我注意,为了保证安全,遵守始发地、经停地、目的地所在国家的法律及其他有关规定,必须确保以下情况符合要求Hainan Airlines and the agent have already called my attention ,in order to guarantee safe , observe the laws of departure station, stopover , country where one stays of destination and other relevant regulations, must insure the following requirements:(1) 旅行及有关证件Travel and relevant certificates: 不能没有前往国的有效证件。the effective certificate of the destination country. 不能没有有效的回程或者续程机票。the effective backward or continue ticket. 不能没有过境国家所需的所有文件。all required files of the transit country. 旅行证件不能过期或者不符合旅行要求。travel document within period of validity and accord with the traveling requirement . 不能没有携带本次旅行所需的足够资金。carry enough fund for traveling. 转机时间不能不符合最短转机时间的要求。time of making a connection have to accord with the demands for shortest time of making a connection .(2) 旅客自身的健康状况Passengers own health status: 怀孕期在36周以内超过32周的孕妇乘机,必须出示县、市级或者相当于这一级(如国家二甲级)以上医院开具的可乘机证明。More than 32 weeks pregnant woman takes a plane within 36 weeks in period of pregnancy , must show county , it is or equivalent to first grade this (such as country two first rate ) whom the above hospital open can be seized the opportunity to prove to be at city level. 患病或者由于自身健康状况不稳定,必须出示县、市级或者相当于这一级(如国家二甲级)以上医院开具的可乘机证明。Ill or because ones own health status is unstable, must show county , it is or equivalent to first grade this (such as country two first rate ) whom the above hospital open can be seized the opportunity to prove to be at city level. 其他情况Others (3) 并且告知,在旅行开始之前,上述非正规情况必须加以纠正。And tell , before beginning in travel , informal situation described above must be corrected .2我在考虑所有后果之后,仍然决定按预定计划乘坐上述航班旅行。I still decide to take flight according to the scheduled plan after considering all consequences .3海南航空公司及其代理人对我己尽到全部提醒的义务,我的此次旅行在自身的健康状况、旅行证件或者其他必备文件方面若发生问题,与海南航空公司及其代理人无关。我同意承担一切后果,并保证不因此而向海南航空公司及其代理人提出法律诉讼和任何赔偿,并且愿意赔偿航空公司因本人持有非正规旅客证件旅行或者其它上述情况而遭受的一切损失。Hainan Airlines and their agent own to do all obligations to remind to me, if the problem takes place in ones own health status , travel document or other indispensable files in my travel once here, have nothing to do with airline and agent of Hainan. I agree to bear all consequences , guarantee not to put forward the legal lawsuit and any compensation to airline and agent of Hainan because of this , and would like to compensate for all losses that the airline suffers because of holding the informal passengers certificate travelling or other situations described above in person.在见证下,本人于 年 月 日签署此文件。Get off witness it is here, I sign this file on Date Month Year .旅客联系地址及联系方式Passengers and Contact: 旅客或其监护人签名Signature of Passenger /Guardian: 地面服务经办人签名Signature of Ground Service Handler: 航空公司代表签名Signature of HNA Representative: 说明:1用途:用于特殊旅客自身状况不稳定或者自身原因乘机条件不充分,旅客认识到存在的风险,坚持成行下填写;或者需要旅客证实其旅行及有关证件或者其他情况符合始发地、经停地、目的地所在国家的法律及其他有关规定时填写。Purpose: This form should be filled by the special passenger who apply the special care, whose healthiness condition is not steady or fall short of transport qualification. Or the passenger should approve whose certificate is2填写人和填写要求:由旅客或其监护人填写,航空公司代表(海航基地地面服务值班人员,或者海航驻场代表,或者机长)及地面服务经办人员(值机人员,或者特殊旅客服务人员,或者登机口控制人员)签字确认。内容要详细、完整、属实,不能有漏项,字迹工整、页面清洁,不能随意涂改。Filling requirement: Filled in by the passenger or his guardian, cosigned for confirmation with the representative of airline company (Ground Service Watch of HNA Base, Resident Representative of HNA Base, or Captain) and Ground Service Handler( check-in staff ,special passenger service staff. or boarding gate control )witness. Detailed, intact, true and without skip for contents to fill, writing carefully and neatly, keep page cleaned and not altered at will.3保管要求:由签字人员所在部门专人负责保管,定点存放,保存期1年。Keep requirement : Kept by special messenger, preserved by fixed position, one year of shelf life .4本申明书一式三联,第一联为航空公司代表联;第二联为始发站地面服务联;第三联为旅客联。This form is in triplicate: the first sheet is for airlines representative; the second sheet is for ground service department of airport of departure; the third
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