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2012届高考英语一轮单元总复习精品学案牛津译林版Module 3 Unit 2LanguageI Word fillingT the history , people from different countries and cultures have livedtogether in Britan.English sometimes has so many c rules that it is difficult to understandModern English is made up of some rules and v.Many factors cto the development of this city.There are many shired in the big family .French still had an ion the English language .The boy has some din reading the text .What is the correct pof“Greek” ?The baby can write many ( 汉字 )The student worked out the exercise (最后 )We use the new picture to ( 代替 )the old one .We should learn our( 母语 ) well .People didn t know the young man ( 最初 ) , but later they got on wellwith him .Can you tell me the correct (方向 ) to Nan jing ?Education is a ( 复杂的 ) ( 过程 ) .He thought he could use different shspes to ( 代表 ) different objects .II Choose phrases to fill in the blankover time according to differ from this wayturn into as a wholeOld English greatly the modern English.Life on the island has changed because of the growing number of touristswho visit it each year .he tickets, the train will leave at 8:30 . We had better hurry to get to the station on time .She said it was the teacher s praise and encouragement that hera good student .Install this spell check software on you computer .You will avoid making spellingmistakes .Considering your idea, I think it will contribute significantly tothe development of the company .However ,it may cause some problems as well .III Translation总的来说,淮安的夏天相当热冬天很冷。 (as a whole )2 人生由欢笑和泪水组成的。 (consist of )3据说每天喝八杯水对人的皮肤有好处。 (it s said that )4 1985 年美国把玫瑰花列为国花。它代表美与爱。(make)5经历了一些困难后,我发现有好朋友是多么重要。经历了一些困难后,我发现有好朋友是多么重要。(find it )6这次北京之旅花了我七天时间,包括火车上的两夜这次北京之旅花J我七天时间,包括火车上的两夜(including )7入口处的标牌表明山中有狼,所以游客要当心。入口处的标牌表明山中有狼,所以游客要当心。(indicate)8地震造成致命疾病的传播。(result in )IV Rewrite the following setences with it 1 .Who the next manager of the football team would be was stillaquestion .2 .The young man was made manager of the team , which surprised everyone .3 . Whether the young mancan manage the team successfully remains unknown .4 . However , for many people ,how old the manager is does not really matter .V. Grammar 名词性从句名词性从句包括:主语从句,表语从句,宾语从句,同位语从句连接词( 1),that , 起连接作用 ;. 不充当成分; 无意义 ; 在动词所携宾语从句中可以省略; 在其他名词性从句中不宜省略。( 2), whether( if). 用“ whether ”的情况:1) 用于连接主语、宾语、表语及同位语等名词性从句2) )用于 whether(-)or not 之中3) 用于介词后4)在动词所携宾语从句中可用if 替之( 3) , “wh”conjuncti ons wh ” conjunctions:表疑问1) . Who / whom / which / what / whose: 为连 接代词,在句中充当主语、宾语、表语等;2) .When / why / where / how: 为连接副词, 在句中充当状语;The differences between“wh”&“wh ever ” :1) .“wh表疑问;2) .“ wh ever ” 表强调、泛指。同位语说明名词所表示的具体内容;而定语从句起修饰限定名词的作用;VI. consolidation exercises1) .Do you have any idea _ is actually going on in the classroom?A. that B. whatC. as D. which2) .Mary wrote an article on _the team had failed to win the game.A. why B. where C. what D. which3) .I d like to work with is honest and easy to get on with.A. who B. whoever C. whomeverD. no matter who4) .It is uncertain the experiment is worth doing .A.where B.that C.whether D. how5) .As the day was fine , I made the suggestion for a walk in the park .A.we go B.we will go C.should we go D. that we go6) .I don t doubt he will come .A. that B.if C. what D. whether7) .What a pity is you didn t arrive by daynight .A.there ,because B. it ,that C. it ,when D.that ,for8) .It depends on we have enough time .A.that B.if C.whether D.if or not9) .I believe you have done your best and things will improve .A.that. B. C.what ,that D. .that10) .It worried her a bit her hair was turning grey .A.while B.that C. if D. for11) Suddenly the thought came to me he could go behind .A.what B.which C.that D.where12) .he is always studying hard is well known us all.A.How ,to B.What ,to C.That ,to D.Whether ,by13) .It is true he said is of great importance to us allA.what B.that C.that what D.what that14) . 我们不能确定他是否能够成功 .15) . 真奇怪,他竟没有看出自己的缺点 . 16) . 我们听到了我们队获胜这个好消息.17) . 我对他告诉我的这个消息很感兴趣.18) . 那就是你错的地方。Keys to the exercises above1, 1.Throughout 2.confusing 3.vocabulary 4.contribute5.servants 6. impact 7.difficulty 8.pronunciation9.Chinese characters 10.eventually 11.replace12.mother language 13. originally 14.direction15. complex , process 16.representII, 1.differs from 2.over time 3.According to4.turnedinto 5. this way 6.as a wholeIIIAs a whole , Huai An climate is rather hot in summer and very cold in winter .Life consists of laughter and tearsIt is said that drinking eight glasses of water every day is good for your skin
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