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2023年注册金融分析师考试模拟卷(5)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Technically, an individual is unemployed when he or she is actively seeking employment or is:()A. a retiree.B. a discourage worker.C. waiting to return to a job from which he or she was just laid off.2.One of the assumptions of technical analysis is:()A. all analysts have all current information.B. security prices move in random fashion.C. supply and demand are driven by rational and irrational behavior.3._ relates to the liability of the issuing bank, whereas _ relates to the responsibility of the correspondent bank or other banks.ARevocable or inrevocable, unconfirmed or confirmedBCancelled or cancellate, confirmative or confirmedCRevocable or inrevocable, confirmative or confirmedDCancelled or incancelled, unconfirmed or confirmative 4.根据风险收益对等观念,在一般情况下,各筹资方式资本成本由小到大依次为()A银行借款、企业债券、普通股B银行借款、普通股、企业债券C企业债券、银行借款、普通股D企业债券、普通股、银行借款5.The lower bound for an American call option is:AA. Max (0, S-X).BB. Max 0, S-X/(1 +RFR)TCC. Max 0, X/(1 +RFR)T-S. 6.Which is least likely to be true Forward contracts:()A. are unique contracts.B. are private contracts.C. require no up front cash and are default risk free.7.A documentary collection can be defined as the collection of a sum due from a buyer by a bank _ against delivery of certain documents.Aacting on behalf of a buyerBbehaving on behalf of an exporterCacting on behalf of an importerDacting on behalf of a seller 8.Which of the following types of unemployment is most likely to be associated with an economy in which many workers have been made obsolete by changing technology()A. Cyclical.B. Frictional.C. Structural.9.The following information relates to an investors positioning the futures market:AInitial futures price per contract on Day 0B$100CInitial margin requirement per contractD$5EMaintemance rnmargin requirementF$3GNumber of contracts held by the investorH$10IPosition taken by the investorJLongKSettlement price per contract on Day 1L$97 10.Which of the following statements is NOT an advantage of swaps Swaps:AA. give the traders privacy.BB. have little or no regulation.CC. minimize default risk. 11.Non - cash charges include all of the following except _.Aamortization of bend discountsBdebtCloss in equity investmentsDdeferred taxes 12.Service charges banks obtain are not enough to cover the bank costs.AA. RightBB. WrongCC. Doesnt say 13.Chattels refer to fixed properties.AA. RightBB. WrongCC. Doesnt say 14.An investor taking a long position in commodity futures while simultaneously investing in government securities has created a:()A. Collateralized Commodity future position.B. Commodity-linked equity.C. Managed Commodity future portfolio.15.The power of the test is:()A. the probability of rejecting a true null hypothesis.B. equal to the level of significance.C. the probability of rejecting a false null hypothesis.16.Which of the following would result in a wider confidence interval()A. higher degree of confidence.B. higher alpha level.C. higher point estimate.17.Which of the following is NOT one of the conditions that must be met for a trade to be considered an arbitrage()A. There is no risk.B. There are no commissions.C. There is no initial investment and there is a guaranteed profit.18.The Central Limit Theorem states that, for any distribution, as n gets larger, the sampling distribution:()A. becomes larger.B. becomes smaller.C. approaches a normal distribution.19.An analyst gathered the following data about a company:()A12.5B16.8C15.220.For an investment portfolio, the coefficient of variation of the returns on the portfolio is best described as measuring:()A. risk per unit of mean return.B. mean return per unit of risk.C. mean excess return per unit of risk.21.A company entered into a three-year construction project with a total contract price of $5.3 million and expected cost of $4.4 million. The following table provides cash flow information relating to the contract:()A3013645B2956036C361663622.The goods will be released from the port only against production of one of the original bills of lading. Here production means _.ApreparationBcreationCpresentmentDmanufacturing 23.The international payments system of the buyers country is not being hampered by exchange controls. The word hamper means _.AhinderBput offCpostponeDhold up 24.If rates fall to the _ conversion price, the investor is locked an at that rate for the remaining life of t
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