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2022年考博英语-西安建筑科技大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(附答案带详解)1. 单选题British Foreign Secretary Francis Pym has cancelled a visit to Riyadh. Reports from London said the Foreign Office played down suggestion of a diplomatic ( ) and said only that the dates of Secretary Pyms trip were not convenient in Riyadh.问题1选项A.raftB.raffleC.riftD.riffle【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项raft“筏;救生艇”;B选项raffle“废物,垃圾;抽彩出售”;C选项rift“裂痕;不和”;D选项riffle“浅滩;急流,涟漪”。句意:英国外交大臣弗朗西斯皮姆已取消了去利雅得的访问。来自英国的报道称外交部淡化了一种外交裂痕的暗示,且还称只有外交大臣弗朗西斯皮姆出行的日期在利雅得是不方便的,因此C选项正确。2. 单选题Bad luck has plagued Mr. Avery throughout his entire life.问题1选项A.huntedB.followedC.hauntedD.clung to【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。plague“困扰;使苦恼;使得灾祸”;A选项hunt“打猎;搜索”;B选项follow“跟随;遵循;追求”;C选项haunt“困扰,使苦恼”;D选项cling to“坚持;依靠;依附”。句意:艾弗里先生一生都为坏运气所困扰。题干说到“throughout his entire life他的整个一生”,可推测出plague在这里有“困扰”的意思,因此C选项正确。3. 单选题What he had in mind ( ) to nothing less than a total reversal of the traditional role of the executive.问题1选项A.contributedB.dedicatedC.amountedD.added【答案】C【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项contribute“贡献;投稿;捐献”;B选项dedicate“致力;献身”;C选项amount“总计;相当于”;D选项add“增加,添加”。句意:他脑子里想的东西完全颠覆了传统意义上的角色执行官。此题应注意题干中的“nothing less than完全是”,可推知“相当于”符合语境,因此C选项正确。4. 单选题To absorb a younger workforce, many companies offered retirement plans as incentives for older workers to retire and make way for the younger ones who earned lower salaries.问题1选项A.rewardsB.opportunitiesC.motivesD.stimuli【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。incentive“激励;奖励;诱因”;A选项reward“奖励;奖赏”;B选项opportunity(其复数形式为 opportunities)“时机,机会”;C选项motive“动机,目的”;D选项stimuli(其为stimulus的复数形式)“激励;刺激;促进因素”。句意:为了吸收更年轻的劳动力,许多公司推出了退休计划,以激励年龄较大的员工退休,为工资较低的年轻员工让路。根据句中“retirement plans退休计划”可知incentive在这里的意思应为“激励”,因此D选项正确。5. 单选题He must not allow this unusual barrier to stop him from fighting against the enemy.问题1选项A.interiorB.obstacleC.interruptionD.interference【答案】B【解析】考查名词辨析。barrier“障碍,屏障;界线”;A选项interior“内部;内饰”;B选项obstacle“障碍,干扰”;C选项interruption“中断;干扰”;D选项interference“干扰,干涉”。句意:他不能让这个不寻常的障碍妨碍他同敌人作战。根据句中“stop him阻止他”可知barrier在这里的意思为“障碍”,因此B选项正确。6. 单选题As soon as we entered the house, we felt an intangible sense of gloom and hopelessness.问题1选项A.untouchableB.unconsciousC.imponderableD.unjustifiable【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。横线单词intangible意为“无形的,触摸不到的;难以理解的”;A选项“untouchable”意为“达不到的;不可批评的;不可捉摸的”;B选项“unconscious”意为“无意识的;失去知觉的;不省人事的;未发觉的”;C选项“imponderable”意为“无重量的;无法计算的”;D选项“unjustifiable”意为“不合道理的;不能分辩的;辩护不了的”。句意:我们一走进房子,就感到一种难以言喻的阴郁和绝望。由题干可知,sense of gloom and hopelessness(忧郁和绝望的感觉)是无法触摸的,所以可以推测出intangible在此处最可能是“触摸不到的”的意思,四个选项中untouchable具有“不可捉摸的”的意思,与此相近。因此A选项符合题意。7. 单选题The motion picture originated when a series of still photograph were sliced and viewed in rapid succession to create the illusion of movement and continuity.问题1选项A.reducedB.joinedC.revisedD.titled【答案】A【解析】考查动词辨析。横线单词sliced意为“切下;把分成部分;将切成薄片”;A选项“reduced”意为“减少;缩小;使处于;把分解”;B选项“joined”意为“参加;结合;连接”;C选项“revised”意为“修正;复习;校订”;D选项“titled”意为“加标题于;赋予头衔;把称为”。句意:电影起源于将一系列静止的照片切成薄片,快速连续地观看,以创造移动和连续性的幻觉。由题干可知,motion picture(电影)最开始是以一系列静止照片的形式观看,可以推测出应该是将这些照片切成薄片,也就是胶片的样子。由此可知,sliced在此处最可能是“将切成薄片”的意思,四个选项中reduced具有“缩小,分解”的意思,与此相近。因此A选项符合题意。8. 不定项选择题Richard, King of England from 1189 to 1199, with all his characteristic virtues and faults cast in a heroic mould, is one of the most fascinating medieval figures. He has been described as creature and symbol of the age of chivalry. In those days the lion was much admired in heraldry, and more than one king sought to link himself with its fame. When Richards contemporaries called him “Coeur de Lion” (The Lion Heart), they paid a lasting compliment to the king of beasts. Little did the English people owe him for his services, and heavily did they pay for his adventures. He was in England only twice for a few short months in his ten years reign; yet his memory has always been in English hearts, and seems to present throughout the centuries the pattern of the fighting man. In all deeds of bravery as well as in large schemes of war, Richard shone. He was tall and delicately shaped, strong in nerve and muscles. He rejoiced in personal combat; and bore no ill-will against his opponents. He loved war, not so much for the sake of glory or political ends, but as other men love science or poetry, for the excitement of the struggle and the glow of victory. By this, his whole temperament was toned; and united with the highest qualities of the military commander, love of war called forth all the powers of his mind and body.Although a man of blood and violence, Richard was too impetuous to be either treacherous or habitually cruel. He was as ready to forgive as he was hasty to offend; he was open-handed; in war careful in design and skilful in execution; in politics a child, lacking in tactic and experience. His political alliances were formed upon
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