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精品文档TEXT ONE课文一森林中的小屋Little House in the Big Woods劳拉英格尔威尔德By Laura Ingalls WilderIntroduction- Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote many books about her life in the wilderness. This is a true story from one of her books. On the edge of the Big Woods of Wisconsinin 1872, she lived with her family in a littlelog house. It was miles from any neighborsand far from any town. One day her fatherwasawayfromhome,leavingthefamilyalone in the wilderness. At night there came a big bear. What were the mother and her daughters going to do? Were they safe in the end? Please read the following story.1 Then one day Pa said that spring was coming.导语:劳拉英格尔威尔德写了很多书,讲述她在荒野里的生活。本文是从中选出的一个真实故事。 1872 年,她们全家住在威斯康辛州大森林边儿上的一幢小木屋中。方圆几里之内没有一户人家,也远离所有的城镇。一天,她父亲外出,荒野中只剩下她们母女四人。晚上,来了一只大熊,她们该怎么办呢?她们最后会安然无恙吗?请看下面的故事。1. 一天,爸爸说春天来了。2 In the Big Woods the snow was beginning to thaw. Bits of it dropped from the branches of the trees and made little holes in the softening snowbanks below. Atnoon all the big icicles along the eaves of the little house quivered and sparkled in the sunshine, and drops of water hung trembling at their tips.3 Pa said he must go to town to trade the furs of the wild animals he had been2. 大森林中的雪已经开始融化。雪块儿从树枝上掉下来,落在下面松软的雪堆上,形成一个个小洞。午间的时侯,屋檐下所有的大冰柱在阳光下颤动闪烁。 在冰柱尖儿上,一颗颗小水珠摇摇欲坠。3. 爸爸说,他得去城里一趟,卖掉他一冬捕获的兽皮。一天晚上,他扎了很大一捆毛皮。毛皮太多,爸爸把它们紧紧捆在一起.精品文档trappingallwinter.Sooneeveninghe时,这堆毛皮几乎和他一样高。made a big bundle of them. There were somanyfursthatwhentheywerepackedtightlyandtiedtogethertheymadeabundle almost as big as Pa.4 Very early one morning Pa strapped the bundle of furs on his shoulders, and started to walk to town. There were so many furs to carry that he could not take his gun.4. 清晨,爸爸把这一大捆毛皮背在肩上,向城镇出发了。因为毛皮太多,他没有带枪。5 Ma was worried, but Pa said that by starting before sun-up and walking very fastall day he could get home again before dark.6 Thenearesttownwasfaraway.Lauraand Maryhadneverseena town.They had never seen a store. They had never seen even two houses standing together. But they knew that in a town there were many houses, and a store full ofcandyandcalicoandotherwonderfulthings powder,and shot,andsalt,andstore sugar.5. 妈妈很担心。但爸爸说,如果日出前就出发,并且快些走,他可以在天黑前赶回来。6. 最近的城镇也很远。劳拉和玛莉从没见过城镇,也没见过商店。她们甚至从未见过两幢连在一起的房子。但是她们知道城里有好多的房屋 ,还有一家满是糖果、印花布和其他神奇东西的商店。在那里可以买到火药、子弹、盐和糖。7 They knew that Pa would trade hisfurs to the storekeeper for beautifulthingsfrom town, and all day they were expectingthe presents hewould bring them.Whenthe sun sank low above the treetops and nomore drops fellfrom the tips of theiciclesthey began to watch eagerly for Pa.7. 她们知道,爸爸会用毛皮从镇上的店主那儿换回漂亮东西的。整整一天,她们等着爸爸给她们带回礼物。 太阳下沉到树梢上,冰柱上的水也不再往下滴,她们开始急切地盼望着爸爸的归来。8 The sun sank out of sight,the8. 太阳已经不见了,森林也渐渐暗了下woods grew dark, and he did not come. Ma来,爸爸没有回来。妈妈准备好晚餐,摆好started supper and set the table, but he did了桌子,爸爸还是没有回来。到了平时干杂.精品文档not come. It was time to do the chores, and活的时间,他依然没有回来。still he had not come.9 Ma said that Laura might come with her while she milked the cow. Laura could carry the lantern.10 So Laura put on her coat and Ma buttoned it up. And Laura put her hands into her red mittens that hung by a red yarn string around her neck, while Ma lighted the candle in the lantern.11 Laura was proud to be helping Ma with the milking, and she carried the lantern very carefully. Its sides were of tin, with places cut in them for the candle-light to shine through.9. 妈妈说, 劳拉可以和她一起去挤牛奶,因为劳拉可以帮忙提灯笼。10. 劳拉穿上了外套,妈妈帮她系好扣子。妈妈点燃了灯笼里的蜡烛,劳拉则戴上了她的红色手套。两只手套由一根红纱绳连着 ,挂在脖子上。11. 能去帮妈妈挤牛奶, 劳拉感到十分自豪。她小心翼翼地提着灯笼。灯笼壁是用锡皮做的, 上面有一些豁口,以便烛光透出来。12 When Laura walked behind Ma onthepathtothe barn,thelittle bitsofcandle-lightfrom the lantern leaped allaround her on the snow. The night was notyet quite dark.The woods were dark, butthere was a gray light onthesnowy path,and in the sky there were a few faint stars.The stars did not look as warm and brightasthelittlelights thatcame fromthelantern.12.劳拉跟在妈妈身后向牲畜棚走去。一路上,灯笼里透出点点烛光,在她四周的雪地上跳跃。夜还不是太深,森林里已经暗下来。铺满白雪的小路隐隐泛着灰色的光,夜空中悬挂着几颗暗淡的星星。看上去,这几颗星星还不如灯笼的微光那么温暖明亮。13 Laurawassurprisedto seethedarkshapeofSukey,thebrowncow,standingatthebarnyardgate.Mawassurprised, too.14 It was too early in the spring for Sukey to be let out in the Big Woods to e
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