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Uncertainty AvoidanceAbstract: Uncertainty avoidance started off as a study on human psychology, which deals with a societys tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity. It ultimately refers to mans search for Truth. It indicates to what extent a culture programs its members to feel either uncomfortable or comfortable in unstructured situations. Unstructured situations are novel, unknown, surprising, and different from usual.Key words: uncertainty avoidance1 IntroductionCulture is more than just culture elements and issues of perception of cultural diversity. Culture includes how people thinktheir beliefs, values, world view and information processing. And culture is less tangible but powerful systems that involve vision, truths and outlook. So that the national culture of uncertainty avoidance is the intercultural dimension, which measures a country or cultures preference for strict laws and regulations over ambiguity and risk.Due to the world is getting smaller, faster, the terms globalization, internationalization or going global are key words in our days, the whole world has become a global village and people of different cultures are working more closely n ever, uncertainty avoidance has assumed great importance.2 Uncertainty Avoidance2.1The Conception of Uncertainty AvoidanceThe concept of uncertainty avoidance describes peoples attitude towards the ambiguity and unpredictability of life stemming from interactions with society, the natural and spiritual worlds. Laws and regulations, tools and technology and religion are ways used to address uncertainty in each of these corresponding areas.This dimension deals with both: with peoples different attitude to time and also with how comfortable people feel towards ambiguity. Generally, we all have to face the fact that we do not know what will happen tomorrow. Therefore, the future will always be uncertain and we will always have to live with this fact. Uncertainty avoidance can be defined the extend to which the members of a culture feel threatened by uncertain or unknown situations.But according to Hofstede, there are societies with uncertainty avoidance which are characterized by tolerance and moderation. Uncertainty is known and accepted in their daily life and people belonging to such a society deal with unknown risks relatively easy. It is said that such cultures put strong emphasis on Human Rights. It is believed that nobody is allowed to be prosecuted because of his/her conviction.On the other side, Hofstede talks about societies with high uncertainty avoidance. These cultures can be characterized as quite conservative, fundamentalist and intolerant towards unfamiliar religions and ideologies. Detailed rules and laws are to protect them from the unexpected and uncertainty which is part of our every day life, is perceived as a permanent threat that has to be opposed. 2.2 Uncertainty Avoidance Scale Let us take a look at the uncertainty avoidance scale which will give us an idea about the uncertainty avoidance of a country. Uncertainty avoidance is expressed on a 100-point scale, with 100 being the highest need for certainty, that is, countries which have a higher score tend to take minimum risks.CountryUncertainty AvoidanceUSA46Canada48Brazil76Ireland35United Kingdom35France86Germany65Japan92China32Australia51India40Pakistan70Saudi Arabia68As according to the table above, Japan has a high uncertainty avoidance whereas China, along with United Kingdom and Ireland exhibit low uncertainty avoidance.2.3Comparing the Traits of Uncertainty Avoidance and Low Uncertainty AvoidanceHigh Uncertainty AvoidanceLow Uncertainty Avoidancesocial normsconservatism, law and orderopenness to change, innovationxenophobictolerance of diversityexpress emotionssupress emotionspolitics / legal systemweak interest in politicshigh interest in politicscitizen protest repressedcitizen protest acceptedmore and specific laws and regulationsfewer and general laws and regulationsreligionCatholic, Islam, Judaism, ShintoismProtestant,Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduismaggressively fundamentalistlittle persecution for beliefsRitualized / ceremonialAvoid ritualization and ceremonyschoolteachers have all answersteachers may say “dont know”structured learningopen-ended learningfamilytraditional gender rolesfewer gender roleschildren taught world is hostilechildren taught world is benevolentIn a word, in cultures with high uncertainty avoidance emotions are displayed in the way that everything different is dangerous. They resist in changes and worry about future. Cultures with a low degree of uncertainty avoidance are open for new things and changes. They dont have feelings of uncertainty about future. A specific example from the business world where failure to understand this cultur
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