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2021-2022年四年级英语上册 unit9(3)教案 苏教牛津版 第三课时教学内容:C部分Work in pair . D Read and act 。教学目标:巩固并正确运用所学单词句型。在句型操练中,培养学生口语交际能力。教学过程:Step 1 Warm up .Enjoy the song :Whats the matter?Greetings .以Part A中的句型为核心内容,并结合以前所学内容进行复习。On duty .操练注意面向全体学生。Free talk .综合运用所学交际用语进行交谈。5Revision .师生通过 “Whats the matter ?”问答操练,复习本单元的单词句型。Step2 C Work in pairs .1.请几名学生到前面做出不同的表情,其他学生在下面用“Whats the matter ?” 发问,前面的同学用“Im ”回答。2生看图,明确题意。3.师生共同操练图1,图2 ,重点指导生运用 “Heres a for you .”作进一步的回答。4Pair work同桌间讨论操练图3-8。5Act .在对话扩充时,教师要注意引导,降低难度,保证学生有兴趣参与活动,培养说的兴趣。 指名两人一组进行表演练说。Step 3 D Read and act .出示挂图,认识人物,并猜故事情节。Listen to the tape .出示句子Ive got a new car引导学生明意并拓展练说,如: Ive got a new bike .Listen and repeat .Practice in pairs .Act .Step 4 Sing a song Whats the matter ?师介绍歌词,让生明意。Sing after the tape.边唱边做律动。Step5 Exercises:Copy the dialogues.Whats the matter ?/Im hungry ./Heres a cake for you /Thank you .附送:2021-2022年四年级英语上册 Unit9(4)教案 广东版开心TEACHING AIMS: students can ask about and describe what people are doing TEACHING KEY: to help students to prehend Conversation and vocabulary,target,sounds TEACHING AIDS: pictures ,tape and some transparencies TEACHING PERIOD: the fourth period PROCEDURES: Getting ready Review the vocabulary by pointing to the drawings that the Ss are holding in the picture Using the book Lets play a game: Give Ss paper to draw picture of themselves doing one of the actions from the unit. Ask Ssto sit in a circle,holding up their pictures. T starts the game by looking around at all the drawings. T :hes painting. Who are they? S:find a corresponding :Its Continue the game this way until all the Ss have answer questions. Extension activity TB p.96 Optional activities TB p.98 Sounds and words l Getting ready Writing some words Point to inglenook at my mouth and repeat. Make sure that S sure not marking the soundg Using the book Play the tape and have Ss point to the word as the tape says it. Have Ss report after the tape After enough practice, point to the pictures, point to the pictures and have Ss say the words. 2 getting ready have Ss look at the pictures point to the pictures and ask Ss Ss questions T: Whats he doing?Is he laughing or crying? Ss: Hes laughing Continue with other pictures and elicit responses. Using the book T:lets listen to the tape. Point to the pictures. Play the tape once Play the tape and pause after A. Continue with the rest, pausing in between each number so Ss can circle the correct pictures as they repeat the sentences. Extension actives TB p.96 Optional activites TB p.98
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