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2022年考博英语-清华大学考试题库及模拟押密卷(含答案解析)1. 单选题We cannot be( )with him due to his misbehavior at the meeting yesterday.问题1选项A.PeckedB.reconciledC.perturbedD.presumed【答案】B【解析】固定搭配。peck 啄食;perturb 感到不安;presumed 推定。Be reconcile with为固定搭配,表示与和解。2. 单选题The industry has pumped( )amounts of money into political campaigns,making it less and less likely that politicians will deal with the issue sensibly.问题1选项A.potentialB.substantialC.massiveD.traditional【答案】B【解析】形容词辨析。potential 潜在的,有潜力的;substantial 大量的;客观的;massive 大而重的,大块的;traditional 传统的。此处substantial形容amounts of money (很大一笔钱)。3. 单选题They need to move to new and large apartments. Do you know of any( )ones in thisarea?问题1选项A.evacuatedB.emptyC.vacantD.vacate【答案】C【解析】近义词辨析。句意:他们要到大的新公寓,需要的应该是空房。empty和vacant都有“空”的意思,但区别在于empty house表示完全不存在内容物; vacant house是指可能有家具放着,但暂时无人居住的房子。因此,选项C符合句意。4. 单选题The changes in globally averaged temperature that have occurred at the Earths surface over the past century are similar in size and timing to those(1)by models that take into account the combined influences of human factors and solar variability. To (2) the question of attribution requires the (3) of more powerful and complex methods beyond the use of global averages alone. New studies have focused on(4) maps or patterns of temperature change in (5) and in models. Pattern analysis is the climatologically equivalent of the more comprehensive tests in the medical analogy mentioned(6), and makes it possible to achieve more definitive(7)of the observed climate changes to a particular cause or causes. The expected influence of human activities is thought to be much more complex than uniform warming over the entire surface of the Earth and over the whole(8) cycle. Patterns of change over space and time therefore provide a more powerful (9) technique. The basic idea(10)pattern-based approaches is that different(11)causes of climate change have different characteristic patterns of climate response or fingerprints. Attribution studies seek to(12) a fingerprint match between the patterns of climate change(13) by models and those actually observed.The most recent assessment of the science suggests that human activities have led to a discernible (14)on global climate and that these activities will have an increasing influence on future climate. The burning of coal, oil and natural gas, as well as various agricultural and industrial practices, are(15)the composition of the atmosphere and contributing to climate change. These human activities have led to increased atmospheric (16) of a number of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide, methane and so on in the lower atmosphere.Human activities, such as the burning of fossil, have also increased the (17) of small particles in the atmosphere. These particles can change the(18) of energy that is absorbed and reflected by the atmosphere. They are also believed to modify the(19) of air and clouds, changing the amount of energy that they absorb and reflect. Intensive studies of the climatic effects of these particles began only recently and the overall(20)is uncertain. It is likely that the net effect of these small particles is to cool the climate and to partially offset the warming of increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases.问题1选项A.incensedB.personifyC.interactD.predicted问题2选项A.arrayB.ascertainC.probeD.perturb问题3选项A.applicationB.integrationC.avengeD.intervene问题4选项A.conformingB.comparingC.bidingD.budgeting问题5选项A.junctionsB.juncturesC.obligationsD.observations问题6选项A.optionallyB.ornamentallyC.previouslyD.predicatively问题7选项A.attributionB.autonomyC.indicationD.induction问题8选项A.immuneB.seasonalC.formidableD.perceptible问题9选项A.analysisB.disposalC.antigenD.disincentive问题10选项A.avengingB.underestimatingC.ascendingD.underlying问题11选项A.potentialB.respectableC.secretiveD.sturdy问题12选项A.wearyB.obtainC.winkD.retard问题13选项A.orientedB.kennedC.predictedD.lapsed问题14选项A.modificationB.nominationC.penetrationD.influence问题15选项A.pavingB.alteringC.retreatingD.saluting问题16选项A.stabilitiesB.popularitiesC.concentrationsD.hierarchies问题17选项A.abundanceB.hemisphereC.fixtureD.distress问题18选项A.burialB.argumentationC.legislationD.amount问题19选项A.disposalsB.propertiesC.certaintiesD.blends问题20选项A.calculationB.assignmentC.budgetD.effect【答案】第1题:D第2题:C第3题:A第4题:B第5题:D第6题:C第7题:A第8题:B第9题:A第10题:D第11题:A第12题:B第13题:C第14题:D第15题:B第16题:C第17题:A
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