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Company LogoStaff HandbookPrinted on: 09 July 20111.IntroductionWelcome to Staff Handbook*Our aim in producing this document was to create a one-stop information point where you would be able to access all the information you are likely to need in relation to your employment with us. The Handbook and corresponding policy documents form part of your contract of employment with .The document gives an overview of the terms and conditions of your employment, and outlines what you can expect from us as your employer. In return we ask you for a high degree of commitment, dedication and loyalty to help us achieve the aims and objectives of the Company.I hope you find this a useful guide during your employment with us. However if you are unable to find the answer to your question here, please feel free to contact your line manager who will certainly be able to find an answer for you.Signed:_*Chairman / Managing Director / Chief Executive2.Contents:1.Introduction12.Contents:33.Starting with 5a.About the Company5b.Your induction5c.Statement of Employment Terms and Conditions5d.Our Relocation Policy6e.Probation Periods6f.Your Attendance at Work7i)Notification of Absence7ii)Sickness Payments7g.Hours of Work7h.Flexible Working8i.*Criminal Records Checks8j.Conflict of Interest8k.Standards of Performance and Behaviour at Work9i)Appearance9ii)Company Premises9iii)Personal Property9iv)Telephones & Correspondence9v)Smoking and Other Substances at Work10vi)Confidentiality10vii)Computer, email and Internet use10viii)Receipt of Gifts11ix)Bribery and other Corrupt Behaviour11l.Data Protection and Access to Information12m.Changes in Personal Information for Employment Purposes12n.Trade Union Membership*124.Valuing Diversity and Dignity at Work13a.Valuing Diversity13i)Statement13ii)Key Actions13b.Dignity at Work14i)Statement14ii)What and How of Harassment14iii)What should I do if subject to Harassment?155.Pay, Benefits & Pensions15a.Salary Arrangements15b.Overtime16c.Income Tax16d.Business Travel16e.Sickness Pay Provision16i)Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)16ii)Occupational Sick Pay17f.Pension Scheme176.Leave Arrangements18a.Annual Leave18b.Maternity Leave and Pay Policy18c.Paternity Leave and Pay21d.Parental Leave22e.Time Off For Dependants227.Health and Safety22a.Introduction22b.Procedure in the event of an accident23c.First Aid23d.Fire Safety23e.Personal Safety248.Training and Development24a.Training and Development Policy*25b.Personal Development Planning*25i)Introduction25ii)PDP - The Process259.Leaving 25a.Notice Periods25b.Working Notice26c.Other Conditions on Leaving26d.Retirement2710.Appendix 1 Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures2811.Appendix 2 - Contacts3912.Appendix 3 - Confirmation of Receipt of Handbook Form403.Starting with *The Mission Statement is:“Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.”a. About the Company*This section is bespoke to the company concerned and needs to be individually tailored.* was founded in by with the main aim of. We have grown steadily since then, and currently our main products / services are: Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx XxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWe have a workforce of around xx staff based in our company buildings in xxxx.You can get more information on our website at www.xxxxxxxxx.comb. Your induction believes its employees are its greatest asset and recognises its responsibility to ensure they are afforded appropriate development throughout their employment. This development begins at the Induction stage when a new employee joins.Our aim is to support and develop employees in their role so that they feel confident to undertake the responsibilities placed upon them and ultimately are able to contribute to the success of the organisation.Induction will be spread over your first few months in post, and is generally planned on a first day, first week and first month basis. The content and duration of the induction programme will be dependent on the scope and complexity of your job, and your line manager will outline this in detail to you on your first day with us. Copies of your induction checklist and evaluation sheets will be made available to you by your manager on your first day with us.c. Statement of Employment Terms and ConditionsAs an e
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