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书虫象人读书笔记【篇一:书虫象人重要内容】 书虫象人重要内容 heelpat man is astory out augl mannme oephmeri wttenby tim vcjosph rrk was a persn w as so gly tat ohereithe aued himor erearaid ofhimso h was not ll but he couldnt go t witherbth wa very hapy in he asttree yearsof is ife.herea isappine fr? alayskept the beaful thins inis mid.enhenhe wa kp n the ol adk litle oom,he oh moths picture wihhi eaus her mohr ws eatfu ,kind and the most iport h smiled to himwenhe a chil. ewsatifedwith what eav.houghe wa unfortute,e never oained aou he f ad tefa.wensmepeol went toee im,he talkedabout tebos wih them hpil.so more ad moreeole were wlling to vsit him.it i ot te appearcebtthinsi of oneharctortt dsies eiher h anlive hapy life【篇二:象人读书笔记】 象人读后感 i looked a book in h summe holiday.t ook called the elepant man. tis booktell aboutaoo andugly peple.n one lih,eeronll ckhim.because,hes very gy.treae morebgs of dry sk o he foand ack hsbod.teighthan islike mrl oot.but e left hand ibeatiful!a people oe him in a cagd ho hi.unt ne ay,a doctor looe himhefethe elepant man very intete.ad tstuy him.sh elephant ma fmous,everyne wan to vsit im,evethe queeno enladiit hi.nhetee wil vy hpy. is,theelephtman is veryor,h lisa coldn dk room.afer he docto shim.hebem hapy.ecause,e s siple,nbad.pole litle y lile tice him.i hink,he world h a lt o pople lk the elephnt man - poo anugl.but alsoha lot fpele lk tedtor-redy to hlpohers.o,i thinthe orldwilver beaut!an th lpht an peol illveryapp!ayle,they becae ausfut eople.so,thewolhae a ord: you antjudge a book by it cver. 篇二:象人读后感thnglways gowell? nt,i tik the eado teeephant an ell a rdils thin,he did just becuse of rying to slee hi acklike oud me. howeer,hs hevhad cae of h d,nd hebroke his nck. s,hy th author chose his ay to endtheelephans begnng onderfullife?why doe he cu the bautiuonnetn beweenehantand ote? remidede o th ppearnce fte lepant mantheoo said tt hs mwa a beaut and idpople,howev,why his om indeetoabndonhm,jus cauef his relly hatufac? persnally,i ha anter idea:he ust do sohin reallywon and ve hismom anno forive im thee s quston tawy the aowanehim t have half body of elent l body o human. at rs,i houg hewuld beomlove and oo god care o i. oweer,he result ive m a lotoflsons t whole life the eepa h is a trike,andall thehay time ishe ilusin e dreamd.maybe thestory wt to tel u you uld nott dramth thins wht noteong oyu bt iwas qit onfued the ean wh the athor witten itso iseachedon heinerne,thee is smehing about:”neds yearagotherldwas ery dfferenmospee lvewithu elecciy n theclod,dmpevirmet.they nvero to the osta,ofen dieiserble. thibk els of poor,uy stor.”ad thisis the akground. d yo ndesa ? i do not. 篇三:象人读后感name:王瑞鑫umr:6035 thdt:ecember 14impresinae readingi lokd a bok eently .tebookcaled the elephanan ths boo ell ao a po and gly a.no oe likehim,eveeronal moc hi.beuse,e is veyugly.here remebgs of irty ski o he fro andbck of s bo.the ighthnd is lik amarls fot.th eft and is bautiful! a pople losehim in cag .and how i 。s he wa notilbut he ouldng work ier i ne day,adoctor looked e fee teelhaman ver nterested.and wan t stu himso te lphan manfmous,evryone wat o ist hm,eve thequeen ofengnd vsi im.in the thr andhalf ers, isvery apy.on ap 15th niht,e ded afte iad teo ,iknock a reason: a ugly eople,ut oul oent ug.becae he lwayskette beutiful things i his mind.fir,the elphat mni ery por,heis a cod anddark rom.afterthe doo see imhe becahappy.because,he is simle,not badpepl ittly ittlenotice himi thin,h world hs a lot ofpeope liketheelehatman - por and uly aso hs lof eoe likete doctr-ead t hep ohesso, hink old will vr beatful!a the elphan man ope wll very hpp!mayle,thy wil came a sfut eole.s,th wrld hve a wod:youn jde a bok by its
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