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关于胜利的英语演讲稿关于胜利的英语演讲稿1 MyDefntion fues “Onc upon a time,e as in ho had adaugher abeutifulas a bloomingose. T all hesuiors whcm t thkins alcto ask o the dof th pincess,thekng aiedthreetaksto beaccomplishd, ech ext to impossible.On dy, intohekings pala amea andsom yung prine. Wll,yu knowthe res. The tree ta may e diferent idifret versins, u the min plt is alwysthe sa, with the pnce laiming therincessd trumphantly.A t endng is always tesame, finsing wth the inAndteivehapiyvr ate Wh rent we tire ofsetin sfacu, o urelisic,ad, wud a, so unmaginatve? How ca stoylike enure eertions f reettion? eause,I thik, it a tisucess or.I is hihlyphloophica and smbli. By mplcaton, w see a 4stepinitin osucess: 1 )a goalte set. as rsentdb te beaifu prince; 2 ) hallengs tob et, aeprentdby e tretsks; )theprocess o srmuiniffultis, asreresentedbythe rdeals the outh goe hog; and ) te ead oucces,areprsnted by te happ ariae Th story nt l ates o everyones nward yearin for uccess,ut asoempasizesthe inseparailiy of th poes and te esl. T rewa of scc il beuch amplifedif thahleaingtowards is reaherou,and vice vers. If ersonhitshis faers millisd leads an eay lif, is oa scessl person eveni aterialerms,bcase hr e o ificultes involvd in his achieving fluence The term succss,obe sur. wil not st stillforasydinitin. But a understandi,t tre eninof succss ntais a cmbinatin both the pcesad the stisfactoryresu of a endeavo. To clarify my view, le giv aoternog I we haged he ruleso fotbal,geaty nrged the gal andnt aa d Seaman or any thr go kepe, o that anoter Dav,namly Davi Becham, culd sce easily, thn scoringwold nt ive im th thri ccomplishment an theythati rngs.f erher changed the rulyotalowig Aenas efenders t def, sothatBckhm needed only to it er, actally a o,t co, then theewold be no get ll, bcusethe meaning ofig wouldhv disapperedIn aceptin the allenge, in rmutingthe ifficultis an inndurig thharship, sucess cquies ivaueThe sene of aainmt aie in roportio to te degree o dificulies o overcoms. Theconcept of uccsisnot onta ut relatve becehe nture o dfficuy is alo elaive. Soehing u dfforlessly mgt oe rea ifficultfra handicapp pron n auiring theabilyt h same a u a, e or sh aceesuces.hts wh wreatly aie Seen awing, ecaue, though confied towhee chair, e hsonrbte real othefied of sciece. mself, a aher shy pson bnu o eail ffer fro stage frigt, ha to pluk pgrt corage to ae prt in a seech ontst like thi.Icdhav stayed wayand ha eay tme o it by o entrig thunivsitylevel contet.ut I chose oacet challenge and to c te difculties. w he f I com ot first, it will be a grea succs fo me.If Icoe out at-I opethis w not b te ase-but iI coe out last, I will ot all my atteta failue, but willalsoceate t as aruuces, becaus partf mygoal i wn carcertrnto do ore asetive, tbe brave in fce of diffculties Fome, t is maigfl sepforwad, smallas it is, in the longjourney toardthefial sccessiny ife, becaueIhave ruly gained byaticipating.Let rern o our hndn price and th4step fnition of sccess Yu have ntitat thsul orlly criteriao welth,ostionan fam wr nt mentida prt of h story,b rah, it mphaszed the rocess of orcoming difficulti. Tencien wdm aleady dfne mning oscess, and ths my defniton,oo.hanou.关于胜利的英语演讲稿2syoudefinition of uce a at misake? For oe, success isdfed i sfh dolaroton a paychek or thers, ts titl onteir busiess crd Oters aydfn suce in erms of the acolades awardsteyhve on.But thproblem wh how people efne sucess thse day s hawhe teyre fced change t, they can.Look atthe bsinsen ohav omittedsuicide beause teyave lot ortues Considerthe worer w are fire nd then go back t wok, armedwt a un. Extemease, sure. Not evernnsidskillg themsves or other whe terlelihod is thretneBut spoint out thaayewe needt revisi our w de
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