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第二部分:英语知识运用 (40分)四、选择填空(20分)阅读下面的句子和对话、从A、B、C三个选项中选出一种能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选项的序号。16.He isagdstuet.He elyA. omealwsB. alwscomeC. alwy oe7. Jams is e ha PllyA. a btbettr B. a bit mor goo tC. god at18 A: wasthe meetin like?B:t wsvrexcting.A. HowB. WhatC. hy19. A: reer wathg T. : So I.A. veB. amC. do20 : is vid o? B: I tnk hes anAmeican.t Im not sure.A. rB. hatC. How21.AOh,dear.I got a empeature. . You aeome aspirins toue t.A. aeB. eedC. sould22I ike cookng r m fries in feti.A. selfB. mC. me3.A: Ho bole of wine wil w ned? B: Wl needot ottls, I tik.A. manyB. mhC. more24.Sally n anofc in cenral Lonon.A. isokB. orkC. wrk25.Im iteeed cookig.A. atB. toC. in五、完形填空 (分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的 A、 三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选项的序号。Hu Pingt up latnd ecids to go ot. He wantt o t the gymtoay. So he 26 o e b top and wits or theus. e ets 27 thebs,ayshis are and sis down H get ff at testationndwlks o ymOn 29 w o t gy hcome ross i in Thy to th gytogete.Thea 1 the ym almorngad thn dei to go backt 2 fla tgethr t avesomthingt . They stay in and 34 muc all afro,adten he oes 3 .26 . g B o .goig2.A.off B. do C. on28.A. a B h C.29. is B.him Cimslf30A. g e C. oing1. . f B.ea C.at32. A. iLn B.LiLins C. Li Lins3. A.et hav tak. A.hearo B. ear C lieno3. A. meback B. bachme C.to hmack第三部分:阅读理解 (分)六、词汇匹配 (分)从右栏所给选项中选出与左栏各项意义相符的选项,并在答题纸上写出所选项的序号。sutcase A) Y se i t cokfood .37. cookr B) It ts peopleadgoods frm one floort another.3. and C) person gooa pling e pian. te cemis D) A goupof usicas tt pl popur msc. E) Youcarryyour cothesn ting i t when trvellng. 40lift F)ou put fdi it t kep coo. G) Yo go to it o buy medie七、短文理解 (15分)阅读下列短文,从、C 三个选项中选择一种对的答案,并在答题纸上写出所选项的序号。短文理解 1 (5分)In Britan pepl suall v a doctor nerher oe or heir twn. s is he loca dr. You have to reiser wit a dctr efo you can maen appoitmen. Yousuallhavetofill ina frman edoctor examins . Failes oe all rgiserwih the samedctor. Dcts fen wktogethrin grou,and the nameo theplace where he worki a Doorsurery. he geretaysfor this sytem, and it r ogo osee ourdctorIf the dctor dcidesat yu eed tratent e can pscribe medicie. For exaple h cn pec atibotic or an ifectio Mecine canbe tablets to ake th ate lquid t drin. dcto witesth pscriptin Yuke the pscpti t he cheis, and heceis ill ak he mdicne r you.Yu sualyhavto paysomeony orthe edicinebutou dont have to pay th fullpri.41Brtish peope usualy o lon way t see dtor.A. RightB. Wrong.C. Doesn s.42. Soe rch Britishfamiie dontregser wt th samedoctorA. Right.B. Wrog.C. esnt way.3.British popl ot hve pay they see th dor.A. Rht.B. Wrog.C. oet sy.4. octrsalwy ork alonentheio DoctrsSugerA Right.B. Wrong.C. oesn y.45.Btisheop usuallyhaeto payfor teir pscripion at techeistsAight.B Wron. Doests短文理解2 (10分)Wokg for nairleicolet okor ritshAirwayss managerThis i wht setell usout he jobM fi is at HathoAirpt, but I spend60% of my tim in the ai. I teac airhosesss (空中小姐) ad hlp hem ith any poms. Ialsogo to a l of eetinsM our are uslly from 8 at 4 pm, butsomeimes I wok f 1pm o m.A r, te rst thingtoo icheck lane tis n my compuer, anten I speakth som o the air-hosses.oetme I go onlg lightsto check ho the air-hstesses are doing refer th pat the job o ffc work.Travelincn be hrd wok. Wen gtback fr a long joney, all a d is methig and then gotobed! dont earn(挣) uc mey, but I appy wit Bitis
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