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4-4 音乐天才 A Gifted MusicianQ: 海伦,你对媒体有什么忌讳吗?Q: Helen, is there anything that you wish the media wouldn t ask you?A: 没什么忌讳的。我喜欢新闻记者的提问,因为只要记者问有题要问我,那就说明我还干 得不错。A: No, I like inquiries from the press people, because as long as they are asking questI ?ions, I mdoing okay.Q: 你把自己的首张专辑献给你的母亲,请问她对你的艺术生涯产生了什么样的影响?Q: You dedicated your debut album to your mom.In what way did she impact your art care er?A: 我的母亲是一位歌唱家,也是我的挚友。我很崇拜她。她非常了不起,在很多方面都非 常优秀,在精神和音乐两方面都很出色。A: She was a vocalist and one of mybest friends. I adored her. Shewasa tremendous ind uividual in so manyways, spiritual and musical in particular.Q: 你在歌曲创作方面有没有一种不同寻常的写作方式?Q: Doyou have a particular method for songwriting?A: 嗯,我不知道有没有特殊的歌曲作词方法。我先作曲。先思考一下歌曲的旋律,然后再 看看有没有灵感,歌词会不会冒出来。一般而言,旋律出不来,十之八九歌词也不会出来。A: Well, I dont know if I have. I start with the music. I try to be melodic first and I g o ahead and see if the words will come. Generally, if the music isn t happening, nine ou t of ten times the words aren t happening.Q: 你的专辑有没有中心思想?Q: Is there any commonmessage in the album?A: 我不知道有没有中心思想,我觉得这张专辑讲的是真诚,这是我自己的一种感悟。我只 是在表达自己的思想。 歌曲创作如同欣赏绘画一样, 是自我体验的一种表白。 如果人们觉得 有意思,那就是锦上添花了。A: I dont know if there is a message. I think it s just honesty. It s just the way I ve ex perienced it. I mjust expressing myself. Songwriting is like looking at a painting. I t is an expression of my personal experiences, and if people find that interesting, th en that s the icing on the cake.Q: 歌曲创作有助于你从个人经历中解脱出来吗?Q: Does song writing help you get through personal experiences?A: 我觉得任何一种创造途径,任何一种创造方法,都可以成为解决自身问题或走出伤感阴 影的一剂良药。 很多人都得到这样的鼓励去从事创造性的活动, 我肯定也会鼓励他人去从事 这样的创造活动。不管是艺术、音乐、诗歌还是新闻,都一样。创造性很重要。没有创造性 天赋的人只能欣赏他人的这种能力。人们对我说: “谢谢你!我本来不知道如何用语言来表 达它。”那就是我的经历。创造性无疑是从容面对人生的一种本领。A: I think any creative avenue, any creative outlet, is a way to sort out your issues o r emotional distress. Alot of people are encouraged to do that, andI definitely encou rage that. Beit art, music, poetry, or journalism. Creativity is important. People wh olack that gift appreciate others ability. People say to me. “Thank you, but I didn t k nowhowto put that in words. ”That s been myexperience. Creativity is definitely agr eat element in coping with life.Q: 海伦,你有什么爱好?Q: Doyou have any hobbies, Helen?Q: 你还记得你的第一次演奏会吗?Q: Do you remember your first show?A: 从前我住在一个小镇上,曾参加过一个乐队,我们还举办了一次演出。我记得两周以后 那个乐队就解散了。 我们没有出名, 不过很好玩。 来到纽约后, 我便开始在一个叫做 “老城” 的地方参加演出, 那才是我真正意义上的初演, 那是我连吉他都不会弹, 算是一种无伴奏演 唱。我直到 24 岁才学会弹吉他。A: I wasin a band for a short time whenI lived in a small town andwedid a show. I think the band broke up two weeks later. Wedidn t have a name, but it was fun. WhenI got to Ne wYork, I started playing at a place in an area known as the Old City. Those were really myfirest gigs, andI didn t even play the fuitar then, I just sang a cappella. I didn t k nowhowto play the guitar until I was2A: I enjoy catching up with myfriends, cause I mrarely at home.With that said, myfavorite recreational activity is playing pool. I also like to see m y friends bands play. I also enjoy paintiong or drawing, whenI get around to it.Q: 你能用三个词来总结一下自己走过的人生道路吗?Q: Canyou describe your lift in just three words?A:这可不容易呀。让我想想这样说吧,我蛮复杂的,我喜欢无拘 无束,我热爱音乐创作。这可有了,这三个词应该是“复杂”、“无拘无束” 、“音乐家”。怎么样?可以吧?A: That s difficult. Let methink . Yeah, I mcomples, afree spirit, andI just love making music. That s right. The three words are comples, free-spirited,musician. How s that? Are they OK?Q: 很好呀!Q: very good.A: 你说很好,那是因为我不知所云。A: It s good because I dont makeany sense.Q: 将得很清楚呀。那么你对那些希望当歌手或作曲家的年轻人有什么建议吗?Q: Yes, you do! Well, do you have any tips for aspiring singers or songwriters?Q: 讲得很清楚呀!那么你对那些希望当歌手或作曲家的年轻人有什么建议吗?A: 以积极的态度看待批评。受到批评虽然不是什么好事,但却有助于你修养一种忍耐之心。 要是你早点明白并不是所有的人都喜欢你的作品, 遇事你就能更从 容应对了。 我建议你们要坚持创作, 坚持写自己的音乐。 一旦创作成功,那么使用自己的东 西便会有意想不到的丰厚回报,当然这样做有时需要花些时间。 我花了十年时间才做到,有些人所用的时间比我少的多,而另一些人则永远不会成功。 如果你持之以恒地热爱音乐,便会渡过难关。 不要把对音乐的热爱异化为对金钱和名誉的追求。 我想这样事情才会变得容易 的多。A: Take criticism constructively. It s not fun when you get criticized, but it does he lp you with endurance. If you learn early that not everyone is going to love what you do , it s easier to cope. I would suggest that you keep writing and makin gyour ownmusic. Whenit works out, it is incredibly rewarding to use your ownmaterial, which sometime s takes a while. For meit took ten years, for somepeople it takes significantly less, and for others it never happens. Maintain your love for music. That will carry you thro ugh. Dont makeit about moneyand dont makeit about fame. I think that will makeit al ot easier.Q: 海伦,谢谢您的忠告,同时也感谢您接受我的采访。Q: Thank you for your advice, Helen. And thank you for accepting myinterview. A: Mypleasure.A: 不用客气。欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议, 策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求
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