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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上英译中 Welcoming Speech at a ReceptionGood evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the State Department.女士们、先生们,晚上好,欢迎来到国务院。Mr. Premier, I welcome you to the State Department this evening, and I think its useful to let everybody know that you and I have one thing very much in common, even though we are just meeting for the first time, we are both geologists.总理先生,我欢迎您今晚来到国务院。我想应该告诉大家,虽然你我二人是初次见面,但我们有一点十分相似,那就是我们都是地质工作者。You actually went off and practiced geology. All I ever did was hiding behind the rocks during my military career.您曾身体力行从事地质工作,而我在入伍期间也曾利用岩石作掩护。Mr. Premier, I know that the President is looking forward very much to your meeting tomorrow in the White House, where you and he will have many important issues to discuss.总理先生,我知道总统热情期待着明天在白宫与您进行会晤,并就许多重大问题与您进行磋商。But this evening here at the State Department is an opportunity for us to relax, to get to know one another and to extend to you and your party some of Washingtons hospitality.而今晚我们相聚在国务院,是为了让我们的中国客人稍事休息,让双方相互认识,并借此表达我国政府对您与您的随行人员的热烈欢迎。Mr. Premier, if, as the Chinese proverb says, a thousand-mile journey begins with the first step, then we are well on our way to building a productive relationship between our two great countries.总理先生,正如一句中国古语所说,千里之行始于足下。当前我们两个伟大的国家正在沿着建立富有成效的双边关系的道路向前迈进。And so I would like to propose a toast to the Premier, and to our Chinese colleagues:为此,我向总理,向我们的中国客人提议,to the continued advancement of relations between the United States and China,to a bright future for our nations and our neighbors,and to the work ahead of us to build a secure, prosperous and peaceful world!Ganbei!为美中两国关系的继续前进,为我们两国与我们邻国的光明未来,为我们面前建立安全、繁荣与与平的世界的重任,干杯!英译中 Toast at a ReceptionYour Excellency Premier Wen, Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen,温总理阁下,尊敬的来宾,女士们、先生们,Let me extend a very warm welcome to Premier Wen and his delegation to Singapore.热烈欢迎温总理与他的代表团来到新加坡。I am glad to have this opportunity to reciprocate the warm hospitality I received during my first official trip to China in 2005.2005年我首次正式访问中国时,受到来的主人的热情款待,所以这次我很荣幸能有这个机会回报中国客人。Singapores bilateral economic linkages with China are strong and growing. Trade and investment flows are large and increasing rapidly. Many Singaporeans have set up businesses in China and serve the Chinese market.新加坡与中国有着紧密的、不断增长的经济联系。双边的贸易投资数额巨大,且增长迅速。许多新加坡人到中国投资办厂,服务中国市场。At the same time, Chinese businesses are coming to Singapore. We are home to more than 2,500 companies from China, with 100 listed on the Singapore Exchange.同时,许多中国商人也来到了新加坡。现在新加坡有2500多家中国企业,其中100家在新加坡证交所上市。Meanwhile, people-to-people exchanges are also growing in both directions, facilitated by unlimited number of flights between Singapore and any city in China.同时,新加坡与中国不少城市开通了航班,人员往来也不断增长。Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,各位贵宾,女士们、先生们,May I now invite you to rise and join me in a toast,To the good health and success of His Excellency Premier Wen Jiabao, To the peace and prosperity of China, andTo the enduring friendship between our countries.Cheers!请与我一起举杯,祝愿温家宝总理身体健康、万事如意,祝中国与平昌盛,祝两国友谊地久天长,干杯!中译英 告别晚宴致辞 Speech at a Farewell Banquet尊敬的Johnson先生,Dear Mr. Johnson,首先,我代表本公司,对您此次的考察活动取得圆满成功表示热烈的祝贺!First of all, on behalf of the company, I congratulate you on your successful business trip.贵公司是业内知名的世界级企业,我们很高兴能有这个机会与您合作。我们将一如既往地加强生产管理,保证产品质量,优先满足贵公司的订单,按时按质按量地完成生产计划,不断深化我们之间的合作。Your company is a world-class business. We are much honored to be your partner. We will sustain our rigorous management to ensure the quality of our products. To enhance our cooperation, we will prioritize your order and deliver the products in accordance with the terms for time of delivery, quality and quantity.明天,您就要离开浙江,踏上回国的行程了。在即将分别的时刻,我们的心情依依不舍,大家相处的时间是短暂的,但我们之间的友好情谊是长久的。Tomorrow you will leave Zhejiang province. We cherish this limited time with you. But our friendship will be ever-lasting. 中国有句古话讲得好,“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”,我们期待您在方便的时候再次来浙江做客,相信我们之间的合作会日益加强!As a Chinese saying goes, a bosom friend from afar brings a distant land near. We are looking forward to your next visit to Zhejiang. We believe our partnership will continue to strengthen in the future.最后,祝Johnson先生一路顺风,万事如意!Now, I wish Mr. Johnson a smooth journey and all the best of luck in the future.中译英 抵达机场讲话我很高兴应布什总统的邀请来美国访问。我谨代表中国人民,向美国人民致以诚挚的问候与良好的祝愿。I am delighted to visit the United States at the invitation of President Bush. I wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese people, my warm greetings and best wishes to the American people.美丽的华盛顿州西雅图市是我这次访美的第一站。华盛顿州与西雅图市以优美的环境与充满活力的经济闻名于世,分别被誉为“常青州”与“翡翠城”,是美国通向中国与亚洲的重要门户。Seattle is a beautiful city and Washington State is the first leg of my visit. Washington State and Seattle, known as the Evergreen State and Emerald City, are renowned for their beautiful environment and dynamic economies. They are important Ameri
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