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microscopicmess341由于收纳了教材上所有文章和翻译,使得排版内容篇幅较长。如果你只想借此获取完形填空的15分,则可以考虑删除其中所有的中文翻译,这样篇幅可以减少一半左右。祝您好运!Mmicroscopicmess341Studies Show US Spending Doesnt Get Best HealthThe United States may spend twice as much on health care as other countries but it is hot getting results to match according to studies released on Tuesday.But in the study of five wealthy countries,published in the joumal Health Affairs,researchers found no single nation had clearly the worst or best health care systemGerard Anderson at Johns Hopkins Universitys school of public health and cofleagues came up with a list of 21 health fields they could evenly compare across the five countriesAustralia,Canada,Britain,New Zealand and the United States“None of the five countries is consistently the best or the worst on all 21 indicators”Anderson said during a telephone briefing for reporters“If you are looking for the place to get me best care,there isnt a single placeEvery country has at least one indicator where it scores the best of the five countries and each country has at least one indicator where it scores the worst of the five countries”But,he said,the United States is not getting value for money“The United States should be particularly concerned about these results,given that we spend twice as much on health care as any other countrySo spending more doesnt necessarily result in better outcomesAndersons group of international health experts sponsored by the Commonwealth Fund spent five years working on the study,getting the latest possible data from the five countries on areas such as breast cancer and leukemia survival,suicide rates,death rates from asthma,vaccination rates and cancer screening研究表明美国在医疗卫生方面的花销没有使它成为最好的根据星期二发布的研究结果,美国在卫生保健方面的花费是其他富裕国家的两倍,但并设有得到相应的结果。在医疗事件杂志上发表的对五个富有国家的研究中,研究者们发现没有哪个国家有明显的最坏或最好的医疗体系。约翰霍普金斯大学的公共卫生学院的Gerard Arderson及其同事制定出一个21个医疗领域的名单,他们将横向地比较五个国家澳大利亚、加拿大、英国、新西兰和美国。安德森在对记者的电话简报中说:“在这所有的2l项指标里,这五个国家中没有一个始终保持是最好的或最坏的。”“如果你正在寻找一个能够得到最好的医疗的地方,没有这个地方。每个国家至少有一个指标是排在第一位的,也至少有一个指标排在最后。”但是,他说美国的钱花得不值。“鉴于我们比别的国家多花一倍的钱,美国应该尤其关心这些结果。花的钱多并不一定就会有好的结果。”由联邦基金资助的Anderson的国际卫生专家团花了五年的时间做这个研究,从五个国家得到如乳腺癌、白血病存活率、自杀率、哮喘死亡率、接种率和癌症检查等领域的尽可能新的数据。Most Adults in US Have Low Risk of Heart DiseaseMore than 80 percent of US adults have a less than 10-percent risk of developing heart disease in the next 10 years,according to a report in the Journal of the American College ofCardiologyJust 3 percent have a risk that exceeds 20 percent“I hope that these numbers will give physicians,researchers,health policy analysts,and others a better idea of how coronary heart disease is distributed in the US population,”lead author DrEarl S.Ford,from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta,said in a statementThe findings are based on analysis of data from 13,769 subjects,between 20 and 79 years of age,who participated in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 1988 to1994Overall,82 percent of adults had a risk,of less than 10 percent,1 5 percent had a risk that fell between 10 to 20 percentand 3 percent had a risk above 20 percentThe proportion of subjects in the highest risk group increased with advancing age,and men were more likely than women to be in this group.By contrast,race or ethnicity had little effect on risk distributionsAlthough the report suggests that most adults have a low 10-year risk of heart disease,a large proportion have a high or immediate rick, Dr. Daniel SBerman, from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles,and DrNathan DWong,from the University of California at Irvine,note in a related editorialAggressive treatment measures and public health strategies are needed to shift the overall populati,on risk downward,they add在美国大多数成年人有低风险的心脏疾病根据美国心脏病学杂志上的报告,80%以上的美国成年人在今后十年内患心脏病的风险不到10%。只有3%的人患心脏病的风险超过了20%。来自美国疾病控制中心的第一作者Earl S. Ford博士在一次报告中说:“我希望这些数字能够使外科医生、研究者、卫生政策分析家和其他人更好地了解冠心病在美国人口中的分布状况。”这些研究结果基于对13769个20岁至79岁的实验对象的数据分析得到的,他们参与了1988年到1994年的第三次全国卫生和营养普查。总的来说,82%的成年人患心脏病的风险低于10%,15%的人风险在10%-20%之间,3%的人风险高于20%。实验对象年龄越大,在最高风险组中所占的比例越大;男人进入该组的可能性亦大于女人。对比之下,种族对心脏病风险的分布没有什么作用。来自洛杉矶的西达西奈医学中心的Daniel S. Berman博士和来自加利福尼亚大学的Nathan D. wang博士在一个相关的评论中说道,尽管报告显示大多数成年人十年内患心脏病的风险较低,但是在有风险者中,很大一部分所面临的风险却是很高的或是刻不容缓的。他们补充说,需要积极的治疗措施和公共卫生政策来使整体人口的患病的风险降低。SmokingSince 1939, numerous studies have been conducted to determine whether smoking is a health hazard.The trend of the evidence has been consistent and indicates that there is a serious health risk.Research teams have conducted studies that show beyond all reasonable doubt that tobacco smoking is associated with a shortened life expectancy.Cigarette smoking is believed by most research workers in this field to be an important factor in the development of cancer of the lungs and cancer of the throat and is believed to be related to cancer of some other organs of the body.Male cigarette smokers have a higher death rate from heart disease
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