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实用文档新概念英语青少版1aLesson 1Meet the family认识一下我们全家吧!J:J Hello, my names William Jenkins.This is my family.This is Karen. Karen is my wife.K: How do you do?J;This is Lucy.Lucy s my daughter.L: Hello!J:This is my son, Robert.R; Hi!J:And this is Paul.Paul s my nephew.P:Hello! Nice to meet you!.实用文档Lesson 3What is it?它是什么?Hey! this is good. Look, Lucy!What is this?It s a wheel.No, it isn t. Look, it! sItgreens a hat!OK , it s a green hat.Now look. What s this?It s loweraf. I t s a redlowerf.No, it isn t. it s a red umbrella.OK , what s that?It seygr.Is it a bird?Yes! it s a grey bird.No, it s a key!Right! I t s a silver key.实用文档Lesson 5Who s that ?那个人是谁?Who is that boy, Polly?Which boy, Annie?The boy on the silver bicycle.That s Robert Jenkins.Who s that man?Which man?The man with the black umbrella.That s Mr. Jenkins.He s Robert s father.Who s that woman with the white umbrella?That s Mrs. Jenkins.She s Robert s mother.And who s that girl on the r ed bicycle?That s Lucy Jenkins.She s Robert s sister.Look at that young man.Who is he?Which young man?The young man in that old car.Oh, that s Paul.Paul is Lucy s cousin.实用文档So, Paul is Robert s cousin, too.That s right.Robert is Lucy s brother.And Paul is their cousin.He s a student.实用文档Lesson 7Robert isn t well罗伯特感觉不舒服Hello, Karen. How are you?I m fine.But Robert isn t very well.Oh, I m sorry!What s the matter with him?I m not sure. He s very hot.He isn t well.Is he hungry?No, he isn t hungry.Is he thirsty?Yes, he s very thirsty.Poor Robert. I am sorry.What about the doctor?The doctor s very busy.Yes, but Robert is ill.Perhaps not very ill.But you are right.Better safe than sorry.实用文档Lesson 9Meet the neighbors.认识一下邻居们!Hello! My name s Paul.Hello Paul. My name s Claire. I m your new neighbor.Claire, that s a nice name.What do you do, Claire?I m a student. What about you?I m a student too.I m at the sports academy.What about you?I man art student. I m at the art college. Come and meet Karen.She s my aunt. She s a writer.Karen, this is Claire.Claire s our new neighbor.Hello, Claire. Nice to meet you.Come and meet the family.This is William, my husband. This is Lucy and this Robert.How do you do, Claire.Hi, everybody.Thank you for the welcome.实用文档Lesson 11Gossip闲谈!Who s that girl, Polly?Which girl, Annie?The girl over there. The tall girl with the Jenkins family.Oh, that s Claire,our new neighbor.She s an art student.She s a very pretty girl.Yes, she s cleaver too.She s a nice girl.Where s she from?Is she English?No, she isn t. She s American. She s from Washington. Is her family here, too?Yes. Her father s an accountant. And her mother a famouss photographer.Look! That s her mother over there.That woman in the expensive car?That s right. She s very pretty.Pretty? She s beautiful.What about her husband?Is he handsome?Wait and see!.实用文档Lesson 13Where s my pen?我的铅笔在哪儿?Where s my pen, Lucy?Which pen, Mum?The blue one.This one?Yes,that one.It s my favorite pen, Lucy!Sorry, Mum.And where s my new ruler?The long one?The long silver one.It s in my school bag, Mum.Oh, Lucy!Give me my ruler, please.Here you are. I m sorry, mum. Iterynicesa vruler.Yes, it is.Mum!Yes?Is this your pencil-case, too?No, it isn t.It s your father s old-casepencil.That s his favorite thing.Sorry, Mum!It s myfavorite thing, too.Oh, well. Put it on his desk.实用文档No harm done.Thanks, Mum.Lesson 15 A bump in the night夜深人不静!William, wake up!Mm . What s the matter?Listen, there
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