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冀教版八年级英语下册第一单元测试题I 用所给词的适当形式填空 20 分 。1.People enjoy _ ( listen) to pop music.2.Kate asked Li Hua _ ( help ) her with Chinese.3._ ( not run) in the classroom.4.Beckham usually _( wear) his hat in a strong way.5.How about _ ( watch) a wonderful sitcom.6.Let s _ ( have) a competition.7.Tt s _ ( sun). please wear your sunglass.8.There are five _ ( different) between his brother and him.9.They sing this song _ ( happy)10There are many _(tomato) in the field.II 单选 20 分( )1 Thank for _ me the way.A tell B tells C telling D the tell( )2 The teacher often helps us _ our English.A in B at C to D wish( )3 What are you going to do _ Sunday afternoon.A at B on C to D with( )4 Look at those monkeys . They are _ and jumping all the time.A runing B running C runs D run( )5 The big cat _ a small tiger .A looks B looks like C looks the same D Looks as( )6 _ about this one?A Hows B What C What s D Which( )7 W hat _ it is !A a sunny weather B sunny weather C the suuny weather D suuny( )8 Nobody wants _ late again.A to B to be C be D be to( )9 The weather in Australia is _ that in China.A the same B the same as C different D different from( )10 What _ the weather _ last Saturday?A is, like B was, like C is, D was, )11 I _ think tigers in cages _ happy.A do, can B do , cant D don t, can D dont can be( )12 It s bad to read _ the sun.A under B in C with D on( )13 Wang Hong and Wang Li are twins . They _.A look the same B look the like C look like D look like( )14 Did you enjoy _ at the party.A your B you C yourself D yourselfs( )15 The wind was _ all night.A heavy B strong C strongly D heavily( )16 Don t talk _ in the classroom.A aloud B loud C loudly D louding( )17 We have _ school uniforms in school.A wear B to wear C wears D wearing( )18 The story made every people _.A to laugh B laugh C laughing D laughed( )19- Who is Lisa_ ?-MsRead. Theyre discussing the school trip.A talking with B talking about C talk about D talk with( )20 I waited for Tom _ ten last night.A to B until C for D byIII 完形填空 20 分通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各小题所给的选项中选择最佳的一项。What is the sky? Where is it? How1 is it? What lies above 2 ? The question are difficult to3 , aren t they?Is the sky blue? The sky has no 4 . Is the sky full 5 air? We know that there is air around theworld. Whenplanes fly, they need air to lift their wings (翅膀) . Planes 6 fly very high becausewhen they go higher, the air gets 7 . If we go far enough away from the 8 . We find there is noair.Maybe we can answer some of our questions now. What is the sky? Nothing. Where is it? It is allaround the 9 , the sky is space (空间) .In the space there is nothing 10 the sun, the moon and all the stars .( )1Afar B long Cbig D high( )2Athere B it Cthem Dhere( )3 Asay B answer Ctell D ask( )4Awater B cloud Ccolour D wind( )5 Aof B at Cwith D in( )6 Acan B will Ccannot D must( )7 Afatter B thicker Cheavier D thinner( )8 Amoon Bearth Csun Dstars( )9 Acities B villages Ccountries D world( )10Aonly B and Cor D butIV阅读理解 30 分AMr. White bought some things from a big shop last month and when he got the bill (账单) a fewdays later , he thought that there was a mistake in it. So he telephoned the shop and asked tospeak to the Accounts Department (会计处) . “Who do you want to speak to in the AccountsDepartment ?” the telephone operator (接线员) asked. “It doesn t matter to me ,” Mr. Whiteanswered. He did not know the names of any of the people in the department , He heard nothingfor a few seconds (秒) and then the operator said, “Hello, you wanted to speak to someone inthe Accounts Department, didn t you? ”“Yes, that s right, ” Mr. White answered.“Would you like to speak to Mr. Hankinson? ” the operator said.“Yes, that ll be all right, ” Mr. White said. “It doesn t matter. ”“I m sorry, but Mr. Hankinson isn t in today. ”( )1 Mr. White bought some things from _.Athe Accounts Department of a big shopBMr. HankinsonCa big shop yesterdayDa big shop last month( )2 Why did Mr. White telephoned the shop?ABecause he got the bill too late.BBecause the things he bought were not good.CBecause he thought there was a mistake in the billDBecause the telephone operator is one of his friends.( )3 Who did Mr. White want to speak to on the telephone?AThe operator.BMr. Hankinson.CAnyone in the Accounts Department.DAnyone in the shop.( )4 At last Mr. White didn t speak to Mr. Hankinson because _.Ahe didn t know Mr. HankinsonBMr. Hankinson didn t know himCMr. Hankinson was very busy at the momentDMr. Hankinson wasn t in the shop( )5 Which one of the following is true?AMr. Hankinson wouldn t like to speak to Mr. W
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