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word丙烯腈丁二烯苯乙烯三元共聚物(ABS)Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene Terpolymer主要特点:l 较好的抗冲强度和一定的耐磨性。l 耐寒性能良好,石油温度X围40100。l 良好的耐油性、耐水性和化学稳定性。l 电性能良好,其绝缘性很少受温度、湿度的影响。l 具有良好的模塑性,能着色、能电镀、能粘结。l 无毒,无臭,不透水但略透水蒸气。l 不足之处是耐气候性差,耐紫外线、耐热性不高。主要用途: ABS用途广泛,主要用于汽车、飞机零件、机电外壳、空调机、电冰箱内衬打字机、照相机壳,电视机壳安全帽,天线放大器、车灯以与板、管、棒等。 制造方法: 共聚: 将丁二烯/丙烯腈乳液参加到苯乙烯/丙烯腈乳液中,然后沉淀聚合。 接枝共聚: 将苯乙烯和丙烯腈参加到聚丁二烯乳液中。然后搅拌加热,参加水溶性引发剂进展聚合。这样得到的接枝共聚ABS相对与共聚得到的ABS冲击强度大,但刚性和硬度低。 ABS的强度很高,密度小,用它来制造汽车部件,如保险杠,可以降低油耗,减少污染。ABS的强度高是因为丙烯腈上的腈基有很强的极性,会相互聚集从而将ABS分子链严密结合在一起。同时,具有橡胶性能的聚丁二烯使ABS具有良好的韧性。尼龙 (Nylon)Polyamide 尼龙是最常见的人造纤维。1940年用尼龙织造的长统丝袜问世时大受欢迎,尼龙从此一举成名。此后在二战期间,尼龙被大量用于织造降落伞和绳索。不过尼龙最初的用途是制造牙刷的刷毛。尼龙属于聚氨酯,在它的主链上有氨基。氨基具有极性,会因氢键的作用而相互吸引。所以尼龙容易结晶,可以制成强度很高的纤维。 尼龙分尼龙6,6、尼龙6、尼龙1010等。其实尼龙6和尼龙6,6,区别不大。之所以两种都生产,只是因为杜邦公司发明尼龙6,6后申请了专利所以其它的公司为了生成尼龙,才发明出尼龙6来。尼龙的优点与不足:Advantages and Limitations of NylonsMechanical Properties Good bination of mechanical properties- fatigue and creep strength, stiffness, toughness and resilience- only slightly inferior to polyacetals. Limitations are that all nylons absorb or give up moisture to achieve equilibrium with ambient conditions- moisture acts as a plasticizer and decreases tensile and creep strength and stiffness and increases impact strength and the dimensions of the ponent. The effect is most serious in thin-sectioned ponents. Because nylons depend upon moisture for impact performance, embrittlement can occur in desiccated air. WearGood abrasion resistance (ability to absorb foreign particles) and self lubricating properties are responsible for the widespread use in gears and bearings. Thermal PropertiesSuitable for prolonged service temperatures of 80-100C and this can be increased to 140 C with heat stabilized grades. Limitation is that thermal expansion varies with temperature and moisture content. Electrical PropertiesGood mercial insulator but electrical properties are greatly influenced by moisture content and/or temperature increase. EnvironmentalAll nylons are resistant to fuels, oils, fats and most other technical solvents such as aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, esters, ketones and alcohols. All have good alkali resistance. Limitations are that all nylons are attacked by strong mineral acids, acetic acid and dissolved phenols. Some types are dissolved by formic acid. UV attacks un-stabilized nylons causing embrittlement in a paratively short period. Food and medicineCan be used in contact with most food stuffs at room temperature and sterilized by steam or infra-red radiation. Fillers- Wide range of fillers and additives to improve specific properties and reduce limitations of unmodified materials, e.g glass fibre filler greatly reduces effects of moisture on dimensions and properties pared with unfilled materials. ProcessingMost material types are available in grades suitable for injection, blow and rotational moulding and extrusion, with additional possibilities of fluid bed coatings, sintering and casting for special grades. The latter (casting for monomer) is particularly useful for producing large stress-free sections in small economical batches. Most nylons can be readily machined using techniques akin to those used for the light alloys. Nylons can be joined with adhesives, induction bonding and ultrasonic welding. Limitations are that nylons have a sharply defined melting point and high shrinkage values occur on moulding thick sections. Nylons are crystalline; this results in longer cycle times in moulding. Conditioning for moulding is frequently necessary.发明尼龙的故事不同种类尼龙的用途聚丙烯腈(PAN)Polyacrylonitrile玻璃化温度: 85oC. 熔点: 317oC.无定型态密度(25oC): 1.184 g/cm3. 腈纶是我们日常生活中最常见的化学合成纤维之一。腈纶通常就是由丙烯腈与丙烯酸甲酯,或丙烯腈与甲基丙烯酸甲酯共聚而成的:我们还可以将丙烯腈与氯乙烯共聚,这样得到的纤维具有阻燃性能: 此外,还可以将丙烯腈与苯乙烯共聚(SAN),与丁二烯,苯乙烯三元共聚(ABS)。 SAN是将丙烯腈与苯乙烯的无规共聚得到的。而ABS如此是将丙烯腈与苯乙烯加到聚丁二烯乳液中聚合,因为聚丁二烯上有不饱和双键,这样就得到了以聚丁二烯为主链,丙烯腈与苯乙烯无规共聚物(SAN)为支链的ABS。聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯PBTPolybutylece terephthalate聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯,英文名polybutylece terephthalate(PBT)。PBT为乳白色半透明到不透明、结晶型热塑性聚酯。具有高耐热性、韧性、耐疲劳性,自润滑、低摩擦系数,耐候性、吸水率低,仅为0.1%,在潮湿环境中仍保持各种物性包括电性能,电绝缘性,但体积电阻、介电损耗大。耐热水、碱类、酸类、油类、但易受卤化烃侵蚀,耐水解性差,低温下可迅速结晶,成型性良好。 PBT的缺点是缺口冲击强度低,成型收缩率大。故大局部采用玻璃纤维增强或无机填充改性,其拉伸强度、弯曲强度提高一倍以上,热变形温度大幅提高。可以在140下长期工作,玻纤增强后制品纵、横向收缩率不一致,易使制品发生翘曲。 PBT 结晶速度快,最适宜加工方法为注塑,其他方法还有挤出、吹塑、涂覆和各种二次加工成型,成型前需预枯燥,水分含量要降至0.02%。 PBT增强、改性PBT主要用于汽车、电子电器、工业机械和聚合物合金、特混工业。如作为汽车中的分配器、车档部件、点火器线圈骨架、绝缘盖、排气系统零部件、摩托车点火器、电子电器工业中如电视机的偏转线圈,显象管和电位器支架,伴音输出变压器骨架,适配器骨架,开关接插件、电风扇、电冰箱、洗衣机电机端盖、轴套。另外还有运输机械零件,缝纫机和纺织机械零件、钟表外壳、镜筒、电熨斗罩、水银灯罩、烘烤炉部件、电动工具零件、屏蔽套等。已商品化PBT合金有:PBT/弹性体、PBT/PC/弹性体、PBT/PPO、PBT/PE、PBT/ASA合金等。聚碳酸酯(PC)Polycarbonates 聚碳酸酯,英文名Polycarbonate,简称PC。PC是一种无定型、无臭、无毒、高度透明的无色或微黄色热塑性工程塑料,具有优良的物理机械性能,尤其是耐冲击性优异,拉伸强度、弯曲强度、压缩强度高;蠕变性小,尺寸稳定。 聚碳酸酯还具有良好的耐热性和耐低温性,在较宽的温度X围内具有稳定的力学性能,尺寸稳定性,电性能和阻燃性,可在 -60120下长期使用;无明显熔点,在 220230呈熔融状态;由于分子链刚性大,树脂熔体粘度大;吸水
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