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2022年高二3月月考试题英语I. 单项选择(每小题1分,共20分)1. The famous actress came onto the stage with her boyfriend _ her.A. acpanying with B. acpanying C. acpanied with D. acpanied2. The girls who laughed loudly suddenly became aware _ people looking at them.A. of B. that C. of that D. why3. _ is a strong _ that we will lose the game.A. It; possibility B. It; possible C. There; possibility D. There; possible4. The man tried to break into the shop during the night, but got _ in the chimney.A. stuck B. to be stuck C. sticking D. to stick5. Students are _ the telescopes to see stars clearly.A. adjusting to B. tending to C. adjusting D. tending6. The lack of an _ education denies them a chance to get a good job.A. accurate B. adequate C. urgent D. excessive7. Id like to buy a house-modern, fortable, and _ in a quiet neighborhood. A. in all B. above all C. after all D. at all8. Robert is said _ abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in.A. to be studying B. to study C. to have studied D. to have been studying9. He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was _ from the rest of the world.A. cut out B. cut off C. cut up D. cut through10Wet umbrellas are not allowed _ into the classroom. If there is any, then the monitor is _ .A. to be taken, to blame B. to be taken, to be blamedC. being taken, to blame D. taken, to be blamed11. There are five pairs _, but I am at a loss _.A. to choose from, what to buy B. to choose, which to buyC. to choose from, which to buy D. to be chosen, which to buy12. Alice, why didnt you e yesterday? I _, but I had an unexpected visitor.A. had B. would C. was going to D. did13. The coat made of this kind of cloth _ well. I think it is worthy _.A. washes; buying B. is washed; buying C. washes; to be bought D. is washed; to be bought14. A good story does not necessarily have a happy ending, but the reader must not be left _.A. unsatisfied B. unsatisfying C. to be unsatisfying D. being satisfied 15. The form cannot be signed by anyone _ yourselfArather than Bother than Cmore than Dbetter than16. Different areas of the country _ own customs.A. have their B. have its C. has their D. has its17. Einstein liked Boses paper so much that he _ his own work and translated it into German.A. gave off B. turned down C. took over D. set aside18. Advertising can influence consumers moods, _, in turn, can influence consumers reactions to products.A. thatB. whichC. whereD. when19. Oh, look! _.A. Out a girl went B. Went a girl out C. Away went a girl D. Away a girl went20. The traffic problem we are looking forward to seeing _should have attracted the local governments attention.A. solved B. solve C. to solve D. solvingII完形填空(每小题2分,共30分)When I first entered university, my aunt, who is an English professor, gave me a new English dictionary. I was 21 to see that it was an English dictionary, also known as a monolingual dictionary.Although it was a dictionary intended for 22 learners, none of my classmates had oneand, to be honest, I found it extremely 23 to use at first. I would look up words in the dictionary and still not fully understand the meaning. I was used to the 24 bilingual dictionaries, in which the words are 25 both in English and Chinese.I really wondered why my aunt 26 to make things so difficult for me. Now, after studying English at university for three years, I 27 that monolingual dictionaries are 28 in learning a foreign language.As I found out, there is, in fact, often no perfect equivalence(对应) between two 29in two language. My aunt even goes so far as to 30 that a Chinese equivalent can never give you the 31meaning of a word in English!Therefore, she insisted that I read the definition(定义) of a word in a monolingual dictionarywhenI wanted to get a better understanding of its meaning. 32 , I have e to see what she meant. Using a monolingual dictionary for learners has helped me in another important way. This dictionary uses a (n) 33 number of words, around 2,000, in its definitions. When I read these definitions, I am 34 exposed to the basic words and learn how they are used to explain 35 and ideas. Because of this, I can express myself more easily in English.21. A. worried B. sad C. surprised D. nervous22. A. native B. non-native C. elementary D. advanced23. A. difficult B. interesting C. handy D. practical24. A. new B. familiar C. ea
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