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.完形填空 It was raining. I went into a cafe and asked for a coffee. _1_ I was waiting for my drink, I realized there were other people in the place, but I sensed _2_. I saw their bodies, but I couldnt feel their souls _3_ their souls belonged to the _4_.I stood up and walked between the tables. When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin, small man _5_ in front of it. “Im Steve, he finally answered after I asked him a couple of times what his name was. “I cant talk with you. Im _6_,he said. He was chatting online and, _7_, he was playing a computer gamea war game. I was _8_Why didnt Steve want to talk with me? I tried _9_ to speak to that computer geek (怪人), _10_ not a word came out of his mouth. I touched his shoulder, but no reaction (反响). I was _11_. I put my hand in front of the monitor, and he started to shout, “_12_! I took a few steps back, wondering if all those people in the cafe were looking at me. I _13_, and saw nobody showed any interest. _14_, I realized that the people there were having a nice conversation with their machines, not with people. They were more _15_ having a relationship with the _16_, particularly Steve. I wouldnt want to _17_ the future of human beings if they preferred sharing their lives with machines _18_ with people. I was worried and sank in my thoughts. I didnt even _19_ that the coffee was bad, _20_ Steve didnt notice there was a person next to him.1A.BeforeBSinceCAlthough DWhile 【答案与解析】Dwhile表示“当的时候;在期间,后接进行时态。其他均不符合题意。2A.painBloneliness Csadness Dfear【答案与解析】B根据上下文可知,作者身处人人沉迷于网络的网吧中所体会到的是“孤独感。3A.because Bwhen Cuntil Dunless【答案与解析】A上下文有因果关系。4A.home BworldCnet DCaf【答案与解析】C由上下文可知,作者之所以感到孤寂,是因为其他人的灵魂都属于“网络。5A.sleeping Blaughing Csitting Dlearning【答案与解析】C从下文可知,Steve是“坐在电脑面前,而不是睡在电脑面前。6A.busyBthirstyCtired Dsick【答案与解析】A从作者叫他很多声才容许可知,他正“忙于上网,无暇顾及其他。7A.first of all Bjust then Cat the same time Dby that time【答案与解析】C“busy是因为他边在线聊天,“同时,还打电脑游戏。8A.surprised Bdelighted Cmoved Dfrightened【答案与解析】A用排除法可推出,作者十分的“惊讶,而不是害怕。9A.onceBagain Cfirst Deven【答案与解析】B作者“再次试图与Steve交谈。again或once again / more“再一次;once“一次;曾经。10A.butBso Cif Dor【答案与解析】A“but表转折,“但是他仍不理会作者。11A.excitedBrespectedCafraid Dunhappy【答案与解析】D用“unhappy表达作者被冷落的不满情绪。12A.Shut up BEnjoy yourselfCLeave me alone DHelp me out【答案与解析】C当“我用手遮住电脑屏幕时,Steve受不了了,大叫“让我一个人呆着/离我远点。13A.walked about Bwalked outCraised my hand Draised my head【答案与解析】D“我“抬起头看到,与下文连贯。14A.From then on BAt that momentCIn all DAbove all【答案与解析】Bat that moment表示“这时,我意识到了,其他选项与文意不符。15A.interested in Btired of Ccareful about Dtroubled by【答案与解析】A表示“对电脑比对人更感兴趣,此题易误选C项,be careful about “小心;留神;而care about才是“关心;在乎。16A puter Bsoul Cshop Dgeek【答案与解析】A由上题可知。17A.tell Bplan Cimagine Ddesign【答案与解析】C“我不愿去“想象那会是一个怎样的世界,“如果人们更喜欢和机器交往,而不是和人。18A.other than Binstead of Cexcept for Das well as【答案与解析】B由上题可知。19A.pretend Bunderstand Cinsist Drealize【答案与解析】D“我陷入沉思中,甚至没有“意识到咖啡味道很差,就如同Steve没有注意到有个人在他旁边一样。 20A.as if Bjust as Cjust after Deven though【答案与解析】B由上题可知。.单项填空1By no means _to his parents. Therefore, we should teach him a lesson. Athis is the first time has he lied Bthis is the first time does he tell a lieCis this the first time he has liedDis this the first time he was lying【答案与解析】C题意:这决不是他第一次向父母撒谎了,因此,我们应该好好教训他一下。by no means“决不;从不,位于句首时,该句倒装。2I hear that Bai Shan cant afford his schooling this fall._, lets do something for him.AIf soBWhere possible CWhen necessary DWhat a shame【答案与解析】A题意:“我听说今年秋季上不起学了。“如果那样的话,我们帮帮他吧。if so if it is so“如果那样的话3President Hu Jintao said economic growth is the basis for strengthening defense capability, which is _an important indicator of overall national strength.Ain turn Bin return Con a large scale Din a row【答案与解析】A题意:胡锦涛总书记说,经济增长是国防力量的根底而国防力量又是综合国力的重要指标。in turn“反过来;in return“作为回报;on a large scale“大规模地;in a row“连续;一连串。4What a pity! I missed meeting my boss at the airport because my car was _in the traffic jam.Abroken up Bbroken downCheld up Dkept up【答案与解析】C考查动词短语辨析。题意:真遗憾!我错过了到机场接老板,因为我的车由于交通堵塞耽误了。hold up“阻挡;耽误;符合题意break up“分解;keep up“保持。break down“出故障;(健康等)垮掉,坍塌为不及物动词短语,不能用被动形式。5Although it is not our normal _to give a discount in our shop, this time we will consider the matter more closely.Ahobby BBehavior Cpractice Dintention【答案与解析】C题意:虽然打折不是我们店的惯例,但这次我们将认真考虑这个问题。
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