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百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我剑桥少儿英语预备级下册期末测试卷满分100分 时间:60分钟English Name: _ Total Score: _Listening Part (听力部分 30分)一圈出你听到的单词。10分1. he we 2. doll door 3. leg arm 4. ship sheep 5. tea bee 6. our their 7. teeth tooth 8. my I 9. quick slow 10. pea bean 二听音选图。3分1) What can you see? 2) Where are you going? 3)How do you go to school? 三听音,把正确的序号写在横线上。5分1). I like . A. monkeys B. dogs C. bags 2).The tea is . A. left B. hot C. big 3). Lets watch . A. TV B. UN C. UK 4). This is my . A. sister B. mother C. father5). Welcome to our . A. home B. school C. English四听音,选出你所听到的句子,每个句子读两遍。4分1. A. Do you like drawing? B. Do you like swimming? C. Do you like reading?2. A. How are you? B. How old are you ? C. Where are you?3. A. It is a banana. B. It is a pencil-case. C. Its a pencil.4. A .My name is Amy. B. Her name is Amy. C. My sisters name is Amy.五听音看图,选择你所听到的句子。3分1). A. She is my sister. 2). A. Its yellow. B. Shes seven years old. B. Its a jacket.C. Shes happy. C. Its mine. 3).Touch your _ . A. mouth B. eyes C. ears D. nose六听音,把你听到的数字写下来。5分 one ten two five three seven four six nine eight1). 2) 3) 4) 5) Reading and writing (笔试部分 70分 )一请把下列单词与图片连起线来。16分1) bear spider hen cow 2) leg ear arm hand二选择题。12分( ) 1).-How are you going to Shanghai?-Im going there _A. by bike B. by ship C. by plane D. by bus ( ) 2).The pencil is _,that pencil is _. Atall short B. long short C. quick slow D. left right ( ) 3).-Whats this?-This is _ doll.A.our B.my C. his D.her( ) 4).Whats Maggie doing? She is _. A. sleeping B. watching TV C. doing homework D. brushing her teeth ( ) 5).-How many onions? - _. A. four B. two C. ten D. five ( ) 6).Do you like babnanas? A.No, I do. B.Yes,I do. C.Yes,I can.三 看图判断正误,写yes 或 no。12分1) This is a lion. 2) Its 6:00pm. 3) I like watermelons. 4) I like apples. 5) I can see a bedroom. 6) Its a cat. 四看一看和写一写。8分roomlivingbathroom room diningroombed + + = = + + = 五看图选词,并写在横线上。15分1) hat dress jacket shoes trousers2) ruler pen bag eraser book3) my their her your his 六请把下列问句和答句连起线来。12分1) What can you see? Yes, I do.2) What animals do you like? They are eating grass.3) Do you like pineapples? There are ten.4) How many books? I can see a big cake.5) What are the cows doing? I like dogs.6) How do you go to school? By bus.5
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