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2022年六年级英语下册 Unit 1I went to Sanya for my holidays(lesson 1)教案 人教精通版教学课题 Unit 1 I went to Sanya for my holidays.Lesson 1教学目标知识与 技能本部分通过Gao Wei 和 Kate 开学后第一天见面相互谈论假期生活的场景,引出要学习的目标语言 What did you do during your holidays? I went to Sanya with my parents. 通过师生之间、生生之间的对话,自主感知、模仿、理解和体验,学生能够运用How did you get there? Did you have a good time? What did you do during your holiday?等表示询问、描述等的功能语句在真实的语境中进行交际。主要目标语言:What did you do during your holidays ? I went to Sanya.How did you get there? We got there by planeDid you have a good time? Sure.过程与 方法1 Apply the sentences to the real situation.2 Can make sentences with words.3 Can speak out the text in right tone.情感态度与价值观能够通过本课的学习对有关旅游方面内容的讨论学习,了解祖国的大好河山,培养热爱祖国的情怀。教学重点Apply the sentences to the real situation.What did you do during your holidays ? I went to Sanya.How did you get there? We got there by planeDid you have a good time? Sure.教学难点Can make sentences with words.Can speak out the text in right tone.教学媒体Recorder and tape, picture card, object.教学设计: Step 1 Warming-up Revision (5)(1)Greeting: How was your holiday?(2)Review some words: summer, tree, beautiful,Sanya,enjoy, see -.(3)Make sentences with the words.Step 2 Presentations (15)一、情境导入,以旧引新利用节日图片聚焦本期电视访谈节目的主题“我们的假日”。电视节目主持人利用嘉宾先前学过的一般现在时句式介绍每年度假经历,并在黑板上呈现一般现在时的基本句式:Every summer I go to Dalian. I go there by plane. I stay with my friends in Dalian Hotel. I have a good time.T: Every summer I go to Dalian. I go there by ship .I often stay with my friends . I always have a good time. What about you , my honored guests?2, 作为电视节目主持人的教师利用一般过去式介绍自己去年的度假经历,引发学生对一般过去式及课文涉及的相关动词过去式(go- went. Stay- stayed , have had) 的感知、理解、识记。T: Every summer I go to Qingdao. But last year, I went to Sanya. I went there by plane. I stayed with my parents in Sanya Hotel. I had a good time.3 教师适时用醒目的彩色粉笔将原先的时间状语替换为last summer. 然后将板书中原有的动词(go, stay ,have) 改为一般过去式(went ,stayed had),随后教师做简要说明T: When we talk about the past ,can we use “I go to ”? No , we should use “I went to”“ I stayed “I had” These are the past forms of the verbs.4.教师带领学生认读动词的过去式,朗读黑板上的句式。:Last summer I went to Dalian I went there by plane. I stayed with my friends in Dalian Hotel . I had a good time. 二、呈现会话,整体感知教师通过光盘,ppt ,方式呈现本课对话,让学生在真实情境中整体感知并初步理解对话,为了使学生快速有效的理解会话,教师在呈现对话前提出1-2个问题,如Who are in the dialogue? What are they talking about ? 从而激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,以达到短时高效教学的目的。三、趣味操练会话操练分三个步骤步骤一,视听并举,跟读模仿步骤二,角色朗读展示会话步骤三,角色会话,真实表演。四、语言的运用。回归生活,利用图片,相互交流,分享度假经历S 1 : Look at my photoS2: Wow , its beautiful. Whos this?S1: This is my brother John. We went to Yunnan this summer together.S2:, How did you get there?S1: We went there by plane.S2: Did you have a good time?S1: Sure. We stayed in a town. Its quiet and nice. We enjoyed the different kinds of fruits there.五、课堂评价(Assessment)教师利用发给学生的星星和月亮的评价卡与教学内容进行有机整合,充分发挥评价工具的有效性,在星星和月亮的卡片背后是动词和它的过去式,学生每得到一张这样的评价卡,就会多一次和动词及其过去式见面的机会。板书设计:What did you do during your holidays?I went to SanyaHow did you get there?We got there by planDid you have a good time?Homework .retell the main sentences and make a new dialogue.教学反思:
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