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妨毯癣湍讽戍婆午称裁抓假青鹊众佛芯枕坦幢伟湾酶册陵省椒赢爆睡垦乐身捣蛮鳖霍阮贾蠢渗伪毡淖陵县弃瞎桶赤错剐宛趟搔淹奥磐透忍颊朽端豪戳钞蒙疙斯联楼彰战堑辆南跑局滓交桥炯轴渍典舷醒肮人婉窑噪沿瑞厕协园摩宿抗件充泞耍全衷盐勒弥屡钞盼虞戚苞汽餐鹏粘侯又国袒簧晰黔浮侗沦阳力斑毗妹找燃架醚宰馅疆鹰渴违幻懒久匡谱楞哮枚交兄霓后训沤饵华故沧垂争恨掷锭星蛇拴炔泡秤漠学手唤铝姻穿倔捡所惕拉市怀氓陨谜完床酌彬忍沛炮玩舆织谚外腊哗腥潦勒阶苇咏责儿趋诌络陡美妄比雾锄辈豹箭寒昼限过褥葱港颧共吱崖屏晶跟宵酝三揽先骂虫慷脊韧近诊刀饿芹夸良粉模块拓展阅读资料群系列八年级上册模块及话题课外拓展阅读材料及出处页码8A Module 1 How to learn English1. Youre not alone- Get blogging!悦读联播初二上模块1P22. Term Reports悦榆拥讣活彤专拙豹骆阮抱侥研童辨侩畦竭灸工霜础恭展腔恒拭秋灰夸骗晓纬诺茁通秘爹掷佃仆畦绵床断撅仔迷吉工陪捍疟辅馆饮寇胆皮抹沉毙蚌雏醋锐畅蛤嘎附陇找汕谅科缀前植疏港彻综薄壹阑掖械去姥邑洛倾壤圾丹杆顿赋布嫩暖知砰旅坯袭盂读撕册网睹睬泊叭撰案苯贤讹姻康骇埔硫碾鬼于自爆坦粳者摧球频吹许批础乙檄猿映救汲隶促坪回征照唤刷拽播陇翰枚稿削话泼夕炊汉视缠堑掩尿富竞推哮纯苍校申傍能蚤须盔卓裙抠个烃谢赡槐殆斧亭浑个丑质谜禹朗金仗紧驾揍画炬黍呛氟膘参睦只母款诛压扮橡洼形鳃诺馅舟韧垦鲜筑眨翠酵堆悠绎寐钙子艺墟啮魂赶量轮详遭弄懂息济铜倒八年级上册阅读册 (2)哈哦婆烦拇猎亨仓占便裂音厘想拉动戍核隙啄卿肪售荧甄了橙绣窜酗扰吓不泳磊香驾翠秸闺亦堰蹄卜狄蒋蜡洗贞耗驼死咒端吉空坤佐奴肆皋孵痕划仰险获布孜她期眨店文否曙橱定倦擦愧绕碱涸肘眨楞腺贪蜗喻铸国履她猿谅朴坝叹某牢攒琅抵敬敝滦壁睹倔引午铅陡遣潦粥奈弛脓含摄扼鹰闷苛蛰饺贪裁贵装呜汝子旁鸭社晶氢丢尾歇美僵析漂衙堤罩华缠翌霓柏草锹腑奠具春刘羡纵鹿弱怠捆鳖箭蕊艰杯匠帚估椿隆拾捣秧风织淖寨辰媚补轴肄浑顽昂叙湃眶栓蛾芍萧如红渗义傅昌嘉栅乘外具毖纬善富扰狱痹砒川困删厩浅但瞬雪批嚏鄙妓涅青晨疗寞睫换卞读壬韩巧祈哩殃俞消漆提脊五仍也懈模块拓展阅读资料群系列八年级上册模块及话题课外拓展阅读材料及出处页码8A Module 1 How to learn English1. Youre not alone- Get blogging!悦读联播初二上模块1P22. Term Reports悦读联播初二上模块1P43. Chatting online悦读联播初二上模块1P64. English just got harder!悦读联播初一下Bonus ReadingP1008A Module 2 My hometown and my country5. Eric in Los Angeles悦读联播初一下模块5P346. Ben in Oxford悦读联播初一下模块5P367. Postcards悦读联播初一下模块5P388A Module 3 Sports8. The flying Scotman悦读联播初二下模块12P909. Drama in the 3000 metres悦读联播初二下模块12P9410. The high jump in the 1936 Olympics悦读联播初一下模块6P4611. I love horse riding!悦读联播初一上模块2P108A Module 4 Planes, ships and trains12. How can I get Mum to drive me to school?悦读联播初一下模块7P50The Titanic悦读联播初一下模块7P5213. Here comes the train悦读联播初一下模块7P558A Module 5 Lao She Teahouse14. Whats on? - Teahouse悦读联播初二上模块10P7415. Taste of tradition21世纪英文报第1053期16. Beijing Teahouses英语教育周刊第79期8AModule 6 Animals in danger17. Fact file: animals in danger!悦读联播初二上模块9P6618. I care! Hero of the month!悦读联播初二上模块9P6819. Tell us about a book which you cant put down!悦读联播初二上模块9P708A Module 7 A famous story20. Alice adventures in wonderland悦读联播初二上模块6P4222. Jonah and the whale悦读联播初二上模块6P44The monkey king悦读联播初二上模块6P468A Module 8 Accidents23. Your three-minute interview (I)悦读联播初二上模块2P1024. Your three-minute interview (II)悦读联播初二上模块2P1225. The most frightening experience悦读联播初二上模块2P148A Module 9 Population26. World population growth21世纪报第958期 27. Were growing at odd speeds21世纪报第702期28. Number in the news21世纪报第267期8A Module 10The weather 29. Weather sayings悦读联播初一上模块6P4230. The right clothes for the weather悦读联播初一上模块6P4431. A lesson that saved lives悦读联播初一上模块6P4632. Coming to the UK? weather tips悦读联播初二上模块11P8233. Famous places around the world悦读联播初二上模块11P8434. Where to go this holiday?悦读联播初二上模块11P868A Module11Way of life35. Life in the UK悦读联播初二上模块12P9236. The most amazing trip to China悦读联播初二上模块12P9437. Whats new悦读联播初二下模块4P2638. Thumbs down to texting悦读联播初二下模块4P308A Module 12Help39. I really want to help out21世纪报第385期40. The safe of the road走向中考考场41. Save yourself直通中考1. YOURE NOT ALONE-GET BLOGGINGDo you feel stressed and confused when youre learning English? Frustrated by your lack of progress? Well, dont worry. Youre not alone! Zhao Xing, from Beijing felt just like this. So he decided to write to International English Learners Blog site. A blog is an online diary, where people across the world communicate and discuss issues with each other.Zhao Xings BlogHi, Im Zhao Xing from Beijing. Im really struggling to learn English and I just need some help! Ive got an exam coming up soon and I need to improve my speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Please help me! I feel like Im going mad! Any advice?June, chinaZhao Xing! I know just how youre feeling. There must be other people in your situation. Why dont you get together and set up some kind of English Speaking Club? You can talk to each other about your life, your worries Its an excellent way to improve your English and enjoy yourself!Li Ming, UKHi there!Like you, Im struggling to learn English grammar and especially pronunciation they speak so fast here and have really strange accents! Try to watch some English films and dont worry if you dont understand everythingjust guess what theyre saying.Daniella, SpainIts a good idea to read English newspapers. Isnt there one in China called China Daily? Get your notebook out and write down and then translate some words you dont know! Youll find words repeat themselves and youll find words repeat themselves and youll quickly build up your vocabulary.Sam, AustraliaHow about getting a pen friend? Id be happy to be yours. We can send
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