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垃 圾 记 录 簿GARAGE ECOD BOK船名:Nm of sip船舶编号或呼号:istctie nubero lettrs国际海事组织编号:IO numbe使用期自: 至:riorom t 引言 trducion:根据经197年议定书修订的1973年国际防止船舶造成污染公约附则V第10条,对船舶每一次排放操作或焚烧过程应有记录,包括向海中、向接收设施或向其他船舶的排放,以及垃圾的意外落失。Inacorancewiregultn 10fAnnexV of tentenational Cenionr the PreeninfPollutiofrom Ships, 1973,amodifid by te Protocolf 17(MRPL), a reord isto bep f adiscrge oeratinor completd incineration Thinludes dsharge ito the e,o receptio aciliti,ortther hips, aswell a thacdnt los ofgarbe2 垃圾和垃圾管理Gbage an garbae manamnt:垃圾系指产生于船舶正常营运期间并需要连续或定期处理的各种食品废弃物、生活废弃物、操作废弃物、所有的塑料、货物残留物、焚烧炉灰、食用油、渔具和动物尸体,但本公约其他附则中所界定或列出的物质除外。垃圾不包括因航行过程中的捕鱼活动和为把包括贝类在内的鱼产品安置在水产品养殖设施内以及把捕获的包括贝类在内的鱼产品从此类设施转到岸上加工的运输过程中产生的鲜鱼及其部分。Garbage eans all kins ffodaste, micwases adoprtonal wat, al platic,crgo reidue, cookg il, ishing gar, and niml arcses generae rng henormaoerato of thshiad liable tobe dspse o continuou orperdiclly xept se subsanes ich adefineor listedi oter Aee he pesen onenion. Gabae dos notinludefreh fhnd pars herof eateds a esul o ishin acivitie drakedung te voyag,or a reul of quaulteactivitis hich ivov ransport ofih ilding shellfis olacement in the aqaculte facliy n te tansport of harvested ish including hellfh fro such faciities t hore for prcesing。防污公约附则V的实施导则 参见经决议修订的关于执行MARPOL公约附则V的导则。 Refer to the Guidelines for the Implementation of Annex V of MARPOL 73/78, as amended by resolutions.也应作为相关信息参考。The Gudelnes rthe Impmenttio o Annex V of ARL1sold also be reered to forrelet inratin3 垃圾种类esrptinof the garbae:就本记录簿第I和II部分(或船舶的正式航海日志)记录而言,垃圾分类如下:bage is to be grued nt catgores f th purposesofrcodingin arts Ind I of he Gabge ecod Book (or shipsofcal log-bok) a folo:第部分PartI塑料PlastcsB 食品废弃物Food wsteC生活废弃物Domestc WastesD食用油CookngOilE焚烧炉灰Inineraor hesF操作废弃物Opeational wastes动物尸体imlarasses渔具FsinGear 电子废弃物Ewase第I部分Par IJ 货物残余(对海洋环境无害物质) argo resue(oHME)K 货物残余(对海洋环境有害物质)Crgo sids ()4 垃圾记录簿条目Enties the Grbg cordBoo4 发生下列情况时,须在垃圾记录簿上记录: Entris inhGarbe ReodBookshll be made on ea of te follog caions:. 当垃圾被排放至岸上接收设施 船长应从接收设施、包括驳船和卡车,经营人处获得一张注明转移的垃圾的估计量的收据或证明,该收据或证明须与垃圾记录簿一起保存。 Ships masters should obtain from the operator of the reception facilities, which includes barges and trucks, a receipt or certificate specifying the estimated amount of garbage transferred. The receipts or certificates must be kept together with the Garbage Record Book.或其他船舶时: hen grbge is dischretoa rcptn aiy2shore or the ships:。1 排放的日期和时间Dae andime of dischage 港口或设施,或船名 Por oacilt, or nae of ship 。3 排放的垃圾的种类 Catries ofgarbage ischaed . 各类垃圾的排放估算量(以立方米计)Estmateount ischrgfr each cateoy i uiers.5 负责操作的主管高级船员签名Signatue o fficer n harg ofthe operatio.4。12 当垃圾被焚烧时:Whn garbes inrated:.1焚烧开始和结束的日期和时间Dteand tme o strtad sp of innraion 。2 焚烧开始和结束时的船舶位置(经纬度) Positin f hshp(titud ad longtud) th sart n stpof incraton 。3焚烧的垃圾的种类 aegories of rageinineraed .焚烧估算量(以立方米计)Esate aount innrtedcubic etres。5负责操作的主管高级船员签名Siatureof tfficer in cargeof the operin.4。1。3当根据防污公约附则V第4、或条将垃圾排放入海时: When ae s discagd noth sain accordanc wih regulatns 4, 5 r 6 of nex V o MRPOL:。1 排放的日期和时间De d time of disharg2 船舶位置(经纬度)。注意:对于货物残留物的排放,包括排放开始和结束的位置。 oitionofthe i (lattde adongiude)。 Not: r crgoesiu dsarges, incue discarge tatand sopposion .3 排放的垃圾的种类 Categoy of garbag dishaged 4 各类垃圾的排放估算量(以立方米计)Esimatedamunt isarged forach ctegory i cbic meres. 负责操作的主管高级船员的签名Sinatre of ter nchare of the oprtio。4.1. 垃圾因意外或其他异常情况排放或落失入海时,包括按照防污公约附则V第7条的情形: Acident o oher exeptionl discarge orls of grage ito he sea,ncuin i accodance wit regulon 7o Anex V of MRPOL:。1发生的日期和时间Date an tie of ocrece.2发生时船舶所在港口或位置(经纬度、水深,如知道) Pro osti of th sipat tme occurence (Laitu, Lngiuewar deph i knn).排放或落失的垃圾的种类at
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