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2022年沪教版六年级英语上册看图写单词专项综合练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1.What lessons do you have this afternoon?We have m_.2.Pedro usually_at 5 oclock after school.3.go to the_看医生4.When are you_?(nigog)2. 根据图片,选出与之相符的句子。(_)1.A.I hurt my knee.B.I hurt my elbow.(_)2.A.I have a stomachache.B.I have a toothache.(_)3.A.She is good at ping-pong.B.She is good at Chinese.(_)4.A.Jims birthday is on September 10th. B.Jims birthday is on October 10th.(_)5.A.Lily enjoys playing computer games.B.Lily enjoys singing and listening to music.3. 写出下面图标意思。 根据图片写过去式短语。1234565. 根据图片提示,完成句子。1Look at_.2They are reading_.3_, please.4Its_.5Theres a_book on the shelf.6These stamps have got_on them.6. 根据图片完成对话。1. How many dogs can you see?2. What did she do last weekend?3. What did you do last Sunday, Tony?4. Whats she doing?5. What is Alice going to do tomorrow?7. 看图,写单词补全句子。1The Great Wall is very f_in the world.2We should eat a lot of_every day.3Mr Zhang has a d_. She is a student in a primary school.4Joy s_the lion back to the wild three years ago.5There are oneh_teachers in our school.8. 看图完成句子。1 What does your father do? Hes a_.2 What does your mother do? Shes a_.3Look! Uncle Li is a_.4 Is your mother a teacher? No, she is a_5Zhou Changs mother is a_.9. 在下列图画中,你能看到好多学习用品。把你看到的用英文写下来。10. 看图,写出对应的短语的过去式形式。1 23 4567 8911. 看图完成句子,每空一词。1It is_. The children are playing_.2The children_a picnic on the beach yesterday. They were_12. 认真读课文并根据课文内容按要求完成下列问题。1.Hows the weather? _2.Where is the ugly duckling ?_13. 看图,根据句意写单词。1The little pig is_.2The bear is_out of the window.3The cows are_water.14. 看图片,写单词。1 23 4515. 看图,读句子,将句子补充完整,每空填写一个单词。(注意单词形式变化)1Mikes father is a_.2There was no_in my school two years ago.3What did you do yesterday?I_.4If you are ill, you should_.5She_in the shop last summer holiday.16. 根据图片的提示写出问题或答语。1Whats the weather like today?2?Its 10 yuan.3What season is it now?4?Theyre going to have a picnic.5Whats wrong with the boy?17. 写出下列场所名词。134518. 看一看,填一填。1 cl_ner 2 p_stm_n3f_sh_man 4 c_ch5 p_l_t 6w_ker页码 / 总页数
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