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Model Test Five试题解析Part I Writing【审题】本题是一篇典型的情景作文。写此类作文时,要特别注意审题,按给定的情节合理展开内容。按题目要求,我们应该写一封求职信。书信的格式通常包括称呼、正文、落款三个部分。针对本题,正文部分应该重点写“李明”有什么优势,为什么能胜任这份工作。另外,在信的开头要说明写信目的;在结尾部分应表示感谢、期待回信等。【范文】An Application Letter June 23, 2013Dear Sir or Madam, Im sending this letter to apply for the part-time hotel receptionist position, which you advertised in the Peoples Daily on Sunday. I believe I have the required qualities for the position. First of all, I am easy-going, kind-hearted and patient, which I think are the imperative traits for being a good waitress. At present, I am a junior majoring in Business Management from Zhejiang University. I work very hard and my academic performance is fairly good. I am familiar with Windows-based systems and am proficient with Office software, such as Word and Excel. Besides, Ive past CET-6 with high grades. As my resume indicates, last summer vacation I worked as a waitress at McDonalds. The experience improved my capability and skill in communication and made me more confident. I am sure I am the right person for the job. If you consider me as an eligible applicant, I would be available for an interview any time at your convenience. My telephone number is 87766555 and Im looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely, Li MingPart II Listening ComprehensionSection A 1. M: Tony and I were supposed to meet here at the gate at 7 oclock, but he hasnt shown up yet. W: Are you sure? He told me you would meet at half past six. Now its already 7:10. I guess he has seated down in the auditorium. Q: When did Tony think they were supposed to meet? 【答案】C 2.M: Excuse me, do you know how this works? W: Yes. Put the clothes inside, shut the door and the money goes in here. When the machine starts you have to put the soap powder in through here. Q: Where does the conversation most likely take place? 【答案】B 3. W: Maybe we should take Front Street this morning. The radio announcer said traffic on the freeway is really heavy. M: Well, if he says to take Front Street, then we should go the other way! Q: What is the mans opinion of the radio announcer? 【答案】B 4.M: How did you find your job? Was it advertised in the paper? W: I have looked for months without finding anything. Then a friend told me about this job. So I applied and got it! Q: How did the woman learn about the job opening? 【答案】C 5.M: The paper says itll be cloudy and rainy today. What do you think? W: I dont believe it. Look! The suns out. Theres no cloud in the sky. And the newspaper is wrong.Q: What are they talking about? 【答案】A 6. W: You have spent too much time doing your coursework, Sam Dont you think you should go out and get some fresh air? M: Thanks for the advice, Rose. But this is how I relieve my stress. Id rather not fall too far behind in my class.Q: What can be inferred about the man? 【答案】C 7. M: I dont know where to treat my parents-in-law for dinner this weekend. W: Have you ever been to the rotating Italian restaurant by the river? You can have a birds-eye-view of the whole city while enjoying your meal.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?【答案】C 8.M: Hello, Tracy. How come youre sweating on such a cold day? W: Sorry Im late for the meeting. Just after I passed through the supermarket, my car broke down. So I decided to run all the way here. Q: What do we learn about the woman? 【答案】BConversation OneM: Hi, Mary, ( 9) how do you like your classes this semester?W: ( 9) Not so good, Im afraid. I like English most, but Im afraid Computer Science is the hardest. It always takes me much time to do the programming, and then I just feel exhausted when I am supposed to do some reading for other courses.M: Oh, thats too bad. W: How about you? Do you enjoy your classes?M: I think so. All the professors are so great, and I really like my discussion class in English literature.W: Really? How come?M: Well, (10) its fantastic to hear Professor Wangs analysis on Shakepear. And weve got lots of chances to talk about those interesting charactors in his works. Its really good to hear what others have to say. And the student who leads the discussion is a fan of Shakespear, he knows almost everything about Shakespears works!W: Oh, yeah? It sounds great for you. But personally, (11) Ive never cared for discussion classes. I prefer lectures, and I would rather listen to my professor than to my classmates, because I think its a waste of time.M: Why? I think its a good way to express our ideas and hear more opinions from others by discussion. In fac
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