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外研版英语七年级上Module 3 My new school全模块教案I. Teaching goals 模块教学目标 技能目标听Listen to people introducing their new schools说Introduce your school to your friends读Find specific information about peoples schools写Write sentences giving specific information using short forms( Its .They re)语言目标功能句式Describing school In our school, there are 20 students in a class.In my class, theres a blackboard and there are 22 desks.Are there any computers on your desks? Yes, there are. No, there arent.Is there a computer on Miss Lis desk? Yes, there is .No, there arent.词汇1. 重点词汇dictionary , library, picture, right, science, some, any, one2. 认读词汇 There , forty-six, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, thirty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, gym, lab, dining hall, in front of , next, behind, building语法存在句There is a blackboard and there are 22 desks. There are 46 students in my class.There isnt a computer on Miss Lis desk. There arent any computers on our desks.重点句子1. In our school, there are 20 students in a class.2. In my classroom, there is a blackboard and 22 desks.3. Are there any computers on your desks?4. Is there a computer on Miss Lis desk?5. Wheres the library?6. Where are the classrooms?II. Teaching material analyzing教材分析 本模块以“My new school”为话题,重点学习存在句 There be 结构,介绍某地有某物、某物在何处以及方位,物体所属关系的表达法。 Unit 1 重点学习介绍、询问某地有某物的方法。其中活动1、2、3、4要求学生通过读图识别词汇、和听力训练的方式初步学习“某处有某物”的表达方法。活动5、6、7要求掌握本单元的语音和词汇并能在课堂交际中灵活运用。活动8、9要求以pair work形式掌握物体及其数量(数字)的表达方法,并能结合存在句型There be进行交际技能训练。Unit 2 主要通过读图及阅读的方式学习有关地点及方位名称的表达。活动1通过词汇和图片的匹配练习复习地点或场所的表达法。活动2通过读图及问答练习学习介绍人或事物之间位置关系的表达。活动3要求通过pair work的形式巩固表示场所的词汇并进一步复习方位的表达法。活动4、5、6要求通过小组活动或问答形式加深对地点及方位的理解和运用。Unit 3 对There be句型、地点及方位词汇进行综合训练。活动1要求谈论教室及周围的事物,活动2根据提示及要求完成句子,活动3填充一幅地图复习地点词汇;Around the world简单介绍了解西方国家的学校概况。Module task要求通过写信的方式描述自己所在的学校。III. Class types and periods 课型设计与课时分配Period 1 Vocabulary ( Unit 1: 1、5、6、7)Period 2 Reading (Unit 1: 3、4; Unit 2: 2、3)Period 3 Integrating skills(Unit 2: 4、5、6; Unit3)IV. Teaching plans for each period分课时教案Period 1 VocabularyLanguage goals语言目标1. Key vocabulary重点词汇dictionary, library, picture, right, science, some, anyone2. Key structures重点句式Theres There areAbility goals能力目标Enable students to describe a school.Teaching methods教学方法Listening and speakingTeaching aids教具准备 A tape recorder, a projector and a computer. Teaching procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step I Warming up (P14:1)Greet students and ask them to look around the classroom.T: Good morning, everybody! Nice to see you!S: Nice to see you, too.T: OK, my dear class, you know, we have classes in the classroom every day. Look around! Whats in the classroom? Can you tell me?S. Desks, chairs T: Pretty good! Now please lets take a careful look at the pictures in activity 1.Can you describe the things in it using the words in the box?Ask students to take turns to say what they see. Meanwhile, write down the words they said on the blackboard. Ask them to read after the teacher. And then ask them to make sentences using the words one by one using the structure I can see T: Can you see these things in our classroom?Show the following. desks, television, chairs, bags, pencils, pens, pencil-boxes, blackboard, broom, door, wall S: Yes, I can see eight desks.S: No, I cant see a television. S: Yes. I can see some chairs. Give every student chance to practice.Step II Listening (P14:2)Ask students to listen to the recording and choose the correct picture.T: There are three pictures of classrooms in activity 1. Which picture is the recording about?Play the tape again for them to work out the answer. Then check the answer.Step III Pronunciation and speaking (P15: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)In this procedure, students will learn some pronunciations of certain letters and letter groups and learn to say sentences like “There are 41 desks in my classroom.”First, ask students to listen to and repeat after the recording. Help students learn the pronunciation of the vowels o and vowel groups ir, er. Show the following and ask students to read aloud. brother, other, another tiger, singer, father, mother, brotherbird, shirt, birthday Talk about your classroomThen go on with activities 6 and 7 and practice the numbers. At the same time, emphasize the difference between teen and ty. Ask students to work in pairs and write about their classroom using numbers. Step IV HomeworkAsk students to1. complete the activities 812 on pages 81 and 82. 2. learn the vocabulary on pages 128129 by heart. Period 2 Reading and writing Language goals 语言目标1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇science, library, some, any, one2. Key structures重点句式Where is Where areAbility goals 能力目标Enable students to write sentences to introduce their schools.Teaching methods教学方法Reading and speaking.Teaching aids教具准备A computer and a projector.Te
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