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山东科技大学工程硕士学位论文 摘要摘 要测量控制点是测绘及其相关部门最基础的点位数据,是测绘工作的重要基准数据,也是空间位置信息的基准数据。伴随着城市建设的加速发展,测量控制点的数量急剧增长,精度要求提高,测量控制点为我国城市的快速发展起到了重要作用。随着我国城市建设和城市规划的发展和完善,在我们的生活中,测量控制点的使用变的更加频繁,传统的手工管理测量控制点的方式已难以满足当前的需要。因此,为了有效的保护和管理测量控制点,采用计算机建立测量控制点信息管理系统,实现测量控制点的自动化管理已势在必行。基于GIS的测量控制点管理信息系统利用Arc Engine组件进行测量控制点管理信息系统的开发,该系统使用ArcSDE空间数据库引擎,实现属性数据和空间数据的集成管理,使用Oracle数据库,实现了测量控制点相关数据的存储。该系统提供了不同等级、精度和类型的控制点相关信息的数据入库,包括控制点成果资料的入库和技术文档入库等,方便了对控制点的管理和查看,并提供了强大的数据管理、定位查询、统计分析、审批、批量打印、系统管理、个人设置等功能,解决了控制点管理混乱的问题,实现了控制点数据的管理和数据化共享。运用地理信息系统技术对测量控制点进行管理,节省大量的人力物力,实现了数据的无纸化管理,为城市的基础地理信息建设提供服务,对山东省其它地市的基础地理信息建设具有一定的示范意义。关键词:地理信息系统,控制点,管理,数据库,ArcEngineABSTRACTControl point is the most basic point data of surveying and mapping and other related departments, is an important benchmark data of the surveying and mapping work, is the benchmark data of the spatial location information.Along with the speeding up of urban construction, the number of measurement control points increase quickly, the accuracy requirement also improve quickly, the measurement control points play an important role in the rapid development of the city. Traditional management method of measurement control points is usually called one picture two tables, one picture refers to the control network, two table refer to the control points outcome table and description of station.With the development of city construction and urban planning in our country , in our life, the use of the measurement control points become more and more frequently, the traditional manual management mode of measurement control points has been difficult to meet the needs of the current.Therefore, in order to effectively protect and manage measurement control points, we use computer to built control points management information system, which can realize that the control points automation management must be enforced.Measurement control points management information system which based on GIS use the Arc Engine component to develop measurement control points of management information system , use ArcSDE spatial database Engine to realize the integration management of attribute data and spatial data,use Oracle database to store the control points of the relevant data.This system can provide different grade, precision and types of the control points of related information data in storage, including control points results data in storage and technical document data loader, etc.convenient the management of the control points and view, and provide powerful data management, positioning queries, statistical analysis, examimation and approval, batch printing,system management,personal settings and other functions,solve the problem of the control points management confusion and uneven distribution, implement the data resource sharing, complementary presence.Using geographic information system technology to manage the control points, which can save a lot of manpower and material resources,which achieve paperlass management of the data, which provise service for the construction of the citys basic geographic information,which can have certain model significance for other cities in Shandong province basic geographic information construction. Keywords: GIS; Control point; Management;Database;ArcEngine山东科技大学工程硕士学位论文 目录目 录1 绪 论11.1 研究背景和意义11.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势21.3 研究内容及技术路线41.4 论文的组织结构62 相关技术综述72.1 地理信息系统72.2 空间数据库技术122.3 面向对象技术152.4 系统开发平台153 系统设计183.1 需求分析183.2 可行性研究193.3 系统总体设计213.4 系统功能设计233.5 系统数据库设计244 系统实现284.1 系统登录界面284.2 系统主要功能295 总结与展望605.1 总结605.2 展望60致 谢62参考文献63攻读硕士期间主要成果66Contents1 Introduction11.1 Background of the Research and Significance11.2 Reasearch Situation and Development Trend at Home and Abroad21.3 Research Contents and Technology Routes41.4 Paper Organization Structure62 Relevant Technology Overview72.1 Geographic Information System72.2 Spatial Database Technology122.3 Object Oriented System 152.4 System Development Platform153 System Design183.1 Demand Analysis183.2 Feasibility Research193.3 System Overall Design213.4 System Function Design233.5 System Database Design244 System Implementation284.1 System Login Interface284.2 System Main Function295 Conclusion and Prospection605.1 Conclusion605.2 Prospection60Ackonwledgements62Reference63Main Achievement during Master Study Period66山东科技大学工程硕士学位论文 绪论1 绪 论1.1 研究背景和意义国民经济的建设不能没有测绘,测绘不能没有控制点。 从事测绘方面工作的人都知道控制点的重要性,不管你做的是外业的测量工作,还是内业方面的工作,都不能没有控制点。因此,大型单位一般配备资料室,由专职人员负责管理控制点,小单位也有兼职人员管理控制点。控制点的类型和等级非常多,给控制点的管理带来了困难。由于控制点数据的正确与否,直接影响到外业测量结果的精度,因此,控制点数据必须准确无误。在进行查询时,很多的控制点连点名都不知道,只知道所在道路的名称或在地图上的位置等,这样就在一定程度上增加了查询的难度,查询这种类型的控制点对于一个新的资料管理人员来说是很困难的。现有的测量控制点的资料保存
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