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阅读理解 完整版 第一篇 Bringing Nanotechnology to Health Care for the PoorBringing nanotechnology to health care for the poor(卫C)1) Which of the following uses of nanotechnology is NOT mentioned in the passage?2) How can quantum dots be used to confirm diseases?3) How can nanotechnol0gy be used to make a drug more effective?4) The following developing countries are doing very well scientific research on nanotechnology EXCEPT5)Which of the following is the possible risk in using nano materials mentioned in the passage?1) To produce better and lighter building materials.2) By lighting up in the presence of a targeted molecule.3) By making a drug target the focus of a disease. 4 Iran 5 They may behave differently in the body and the environment.第二篇 Medical Journals1) The main readers of medical journals are2) Which of the following statements is NOT true?3) How many major types of articles are mentioned in the passage?4) An article dealing with results from different studies on the same topic is calledLetters to the editor enable readers of a medical journal to express comments on1) health professionals.2) Most medical journals publish only online.3) Five.4) a review article.5) articles published in that journal.第三篇(新增)Cooking Oil Fumes Cause Tumor1) What a new tendency in lung cancer is concluded by the researchers?2) Which of the following diseases is the most common among the local residents in Shanghai?3) What symptoms may be complained of by most women with lung cancer after long termClose contact with cooking oil fumes?4)What was the local womens reaction when they learned that cooking oil fumes could lead to cancer?5)Which of the following has relatively little connection with womens lung cancer?1)Patients with lung cancer become younger, especially females.2)Lung cancer.3)Irritated eyes and throat.4)Surprised5)Personal health and physical condition.第四篇 Multivitamins Urged for All Pregnant Women1) How many babies are born with low birth weight in the developed countries every year according to WHO?2) A pill of multivitamins may contain all of the following substances EXCEPT3) Which of the following is NOT one of the effects of multivitamins mentioned in the passage.94) What a role do lymphocytes play in the human body?How many percent of babies were born with low birth weight to women who were not infected with the AIDS virus and took the multivitamins according to a new study?1) 2,000,000. 2) antiviral substances.3) To reduce the rate of babies born too early.4) To raise the bodys immunity against infection.Less than 8%. 第五篇 U.S. Eats Too Much Salt1 Too much salt raises one s risk for 2 How much salt do most American adults eat per day?3 To improve their blood pressure, people should have a diet4 The high-risk groups include those5 Packaged, processed and restaurant foods are known to be1) all of the above.2) Closer to 3,500 mg.3) rich in potassium and calcium.4) both A and B.rich in salt第六篇 Pushbike Peril1). According to the passage, some engineers are trying to improve the handlebars because 2.) In paragraph 2, the author mentions a study of serious abdominal injuries 3.) Paragraph 3 mainly discuses 4.) The passage implies that 5.) In which of the following ways the handgrip work?1) they may kill children.2)to tell us why Kristy Arbogast began the project.3)how serious injuries occur.4) it is not easy to persuade manufacturers to adopt the new design.5) It reduces the dangerous forces in bicycle accidents.第七篇 Late-night Drinking1) The author mentions “pick-me-up” to indicate that 2) Which of the following tells us how caffeine affects sleep? 3) What does paragraph 3 mainly discuss? 4) What does the experiment mentioned in paragraph 4 prove? The author of this passage probably agrees that.1) Coffee is a stimulant. 2) Caffeine halves the bodys levels of sleep hormone. 3) Different effects of caffeinated coffee and decaf on sleep. 4) Caffeine drinkers produce less sleep hormone. We should not drink coffee after supper.第八篇 Attitudes to AIDS Now1) What do activists worry about? 2) According to the passage, peoples attitude toward the cure of AIDS is3) The Gallup Poll shows that the number of people4) According to the Kaiser Poll, which of the following is NOT correct? The word “message” in the last paragraph means1) People may stop worrying about AIDS. 2) realistic. 3) who think AIDS is the countrys top health killer has fallen. 4) More and more people die of AIDS now. 5) central idea. 第九篇U.S. to Start $3.2 Billion Child Health Study in January1) The aim of the study is to find new ways to 2) Researchers will collect all the following EXCEPT3) It is expected that through the study the nations health care costs4) The babies of the participants will be followedWhich is NO
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