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$100 a day with Amazonby Irnes on 16. Jul, 2010 in Uncategorized Without a doubt the Amazon affiliate program is one of the most underrated of them all. What do you constantly hear from people? OMG small commissions! or OMG 24 hour cookie! People please The reason they implement these things is because they are aware of the kind of power they have on the internet. Youd do the same if you had the biggest e-commerce presence and trust on the internet. They are aware it isnt too hard for anyone to send someone over to amazon to buy something. THATS WHERE MOST PEOPLE GO TO BUY ONLINE ANYWAY!So how do you do it? What are the keys to success?Its simple, find something people are looking to buy and put it in front of them. Thats in fact what ALL affiliate marketing is. Their desire + the trust of Amazon+Amazons prices (usually)+Amazons highly optimized sales pages= easy sales for us. Sometimes you might get lucky and they will buy multiple related and even unrelated products and you will get commissions on anything they buy from amazon within 24 hours of clicking your affiliate link.So instead of being a jackass and just giving general broad advice I have decided to layout the exact steps that I take to generate income with amazon on autopilot. I am going to assume you already know how to set up a domain, hosting and install wordpress.Step 1: Product selectionHead over to Amazon.com and pick a category of products to look at. Two categories I would avoid are books and music. They Pay less then an adsense click and I have had absolutely horrible conversions with them.I usually take an hour or 2 to go through mutiple categories and really dig into picking winners.Once you pick a category head over the the best sellers section.You might be asking yourself why are we looking at the best sellers? I do it for a good number of reasons1) These products are working well and are pleasing the customer. Returns are less likely to happen.2) These products are converting well on amazon! (BIG)3) They are likely being marketed well by the product creator.4) Usually they have good reviews on the page which is a big key to influencing the given person to buy.For my example I headed over to the best sellers section of the patio, lawn and garden category. I looked down the top 100 list and chose the Weber 6507 rolling cart.Why did I chose the Weber 6507 rolling cart?1) It has 35 reviews with a 4.5/5 rating. This plays a strong role in the psychology of buying.2) It costs more then $25. I have rule that a product should at the very MINIMUM cost $25. The more your product is worth, the more comission $ you get.3) Most importantly of all the name is simple yet highly targeted. It seems realistic to me that a person would search for “Weber 6507 rolling cart”. Some products you will find have names like WORX 123-45.242 lawn mower motor. The problem with these names is the google keyword tool will show 3000+ searches for such a hard to remember name which leads me to believe that the google keyword tool is displaying FALSE numbers. Yes it does happen! Google inflates the searchs of a given keyword sometimes! Aim for simple yet, highly targeted.3b) Since it is so highly targeted the user usually knows what they want and are likely to be in a “buying” mode.Step 2: Competitive Analysis/ Keyword SelectionNow that you have a product that matches the qualities of a winner its time for one of the MOST important steps period. All of our traffic will be coming from the search engines so we must meet a few criterias in order to rank as quickly and as easily as possible for your product.1) You MUST have an exact domain match. Head over to wherever you buy your domains and type in the name of your product. In my case it was weber6507rollingcart.comI know a lot of people are going to give me hell for this because of the trademark name within the domain BUT the exact match domain name is so powerful in ranking that it is a must in order to make this worthwhile. If you somehow have a fear or moral issues behind this then your can stop reading right now. These big name companies send a cease & desist letter most of the time. Dont fight it, just give it to them and move on. It has happened to me 2 times out of 53 sites and I simply complied. The choice is yours, look in to the legalities of it all and make your choice. I will not be held responsible for your own decisions.If you cannot find an exact domain match then stop right now and go back to looking for another product.2) Now if you do have an exact domain match its time to scope out the difficulty of the top 10 on Google. Here is what I experienced for my KW:As you can see I got pretty lucky and the front page is full of PR N/A and PR 0. This would be a VERY easy KW to rank for. As rule of thumb if you see 3 PR N/As or 3 PR 0s in the top 10 then its a very easy KW to rank for.3) Ok so we have the domain and light competiton
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