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2022年考博英语-哈尔滨工业大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 翻译题The irrational fears people express today about cloning parallel those surrounding robotics half a century ago. So I would like to propose Three Law of Cloning that also clarify three misunderstandings: 1. A human clone is a human being no less unique in his or her personhood than an identical twin. 2. A human clone has all the rights and privileges that accompany this legal and moral status. 3. A human clone is to be accorded the dignity and respect due any member of your species. Although such simplifications risk erasing the rich differences found in ethical debates over pioneering research, they do aid in reducing ridiculous fears often associated with such advances.【答案】人们今天对克隆所表现出的非理性恐惧与50年前人们对机器人表现出的恐惧类似。因此我提出三个关于克隆的观点来澄清三个误解:1、克隆人也是人,他的个性就像同卵孪生子一样。2、克隆人拥有与这种法律和道德地位伴随的所有权利和特权。3、克隆人应该被给予应有的尊严和尊重,就像你对待其它成员一样。尽管这类简化冒着消除有关前沿研究的道德争论的复杂性,但是的确有助于减少有关的荒谬的恐惧。2. 翻译题在不久的将来,3D打印技术将走进千家万户。有了 3D打印机后,人人都可以通过数码设计制造出各种想象中的物体,或者借用不管来自世界哪个角落的某种设计。只需按一个钮,3D打印机就可以用一层层的塑料或其它材质,把你设计的物品在你眼前“打印”出来。10年前的科幻小说情节如今己经成为现实。事实上,能让我们的电脑打印纸质文档的点矩阵(dot-matrix)打印机,这是不久之前才发明出来的,而现在3D打印机 又以同样的方式,使我们梦想的各种物体都能呈现在我们眼前。有了 3D打印机的魔力, 人人都是制造商,唯一能限制我们的,就是我们的想象力。【答案】It wont be long before everyone will have access to a 3D printer. Armed with a 3D printer, everyone can create their own digital design for any imagined object or borrow a design from anywhere around the world. By simply pressing a button makers can set a 3D printer into motion rendering the physical object with layers of plastic or other material right before their eyes. What was science fiction ten years ago is reality today. It wasnt long ago we listened to the whir of a dot-matrix printer spitting out documents from our computers, now a 3D printer renders any object we can dream up the same way. With the magic of 3D printing capability we are all manufacturers, constrained only by our imaginations.3. 单选题Geothermal energy is natural heat from the interior of the Earth that is converted to heat buildings and generate electricity. The idea of harnessing Earths internal heat is not new. As early as 1904, geothermal power was used in Italy. Today, Earths natural internal heat is being used to generate electricity in 21 countries, including Russia Japan, New Zealand, Iceland Mexico, Ethiopia, Guatemala El Salvador, the Philippines, and the United States. Total worldwide production is approaching 9,000 MW (equivalent to nine large modem coal burning or nuclear power plants)-double the amount in 1980.Some 40 million people today receive their electricity from geothermal energy at a cost competitive with that of other energy sources. In EL Salvador, geothermal energy is supplying 30% of the total electric energy used. However, at the global level, geothermal energy supplies less than 0.15% of the total energy supply. Geothermal energy may be considered a nonrenewable energy source when rates of extraction are greater than rates of natural replenishment. However geothermal energy has its origin in the natural heat production within Earth, and only a small fraction of the vast total resource base is being utilized today. Although most geothermal energy production involves the tapping of high heat sources, people are also using the low-temperature geothermal energy of groundwater in some applications.The average heat flow from the interior of the Earth is very low, about 0.06 W/m2. This amount is trivial compared with the 177 W/m2from solar heat at the surface in the United States. However, in some areas, heat flow is sufficiently high to be useful for producing energy. For the most part, areas of high heat flow are associated with plate tectonic boundaries. Oceanic ridge systems (divergent plate boundaries) and areas where mountains are being uplifted and volcanic island arcs are forming (convergent plate boundaries) are areas where this natural heat flow is anomalously high.The environmental impact of geothermal energy may not be as extensive as that of other sources of energy, but it can be considerable. When geothermal energy is developed at a particular site, environmental problems include on-site noise, emissions of gas, and disturbance of the land at drilling sites, disposal sites, roads and pipelines, and power plants. Development of geothermal energy does not require large-scale transportation of raw materials or refining of chemicals, as development of fossil fuels does. Furthermore, geothermal energy does not produce the atmospheric pollutants associated with burning fossil fuels or the radioactive waste associated with nuclear energy. However, geothermal development often does produce considerable thermal pollution from hot waste-waters, which may be saline or highly corrosive, producing disposal and treatment problems.1.In paragraph 1, the author introduces the concept of geothermal energy by ( ).2.In paragraph 2, the author states that geothermal energy is considered a nonrenewab
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