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http:/cooco.net.cn 永久免费在线组卷 课件教案下载 无需注册和点数课题 Unit 10 Its a nice day, isnt it? Period 1教学目标1.Knowledge and Ability Objects(1)New vocabulary: Small talk; rain; umbrella(2)Target language: It looks like rain, doesnt it? Yes, it does. And I forgot my umbrella. Hes really good, isnt he? He sure is!(3)Listening practice.(4)To train students ability of listening and speaking.(5)To train students communicative competence.2.Method Objects in Teaching(1)Listening and speaking methods.(2)Communicative approach.3.Sensibility and ValueTo enable to practice spoken English in daily life.教材分析1.Teaching Key Points(1). New vocabulary in this period.(2). Target language in this period. 2.Teaching Difficulties(1)How to improve students listening ability.(2)Make conversations freely.3.Teaching Aids1. A recorder.2. A computer for multimedia use.板书设计示意框图Unit 10 Its a nice day, isnt it? A list of places: park bus stopcinema shop lift 时序Teaching ProceduresStep Greetings and Revision Greet the class as usual and check the homework.Step II New words Show the new words on the screen and teach the new words.Ask students to read the new words first. Then correct the pronunciation. Teach the new words and ask students to repeat. Make sure students can understand the meanings.Step III Section A 1a This activity introduces several examples of small talks. Show each picture on the screen and ask different students to say what is happening in each picture. T: Look at the pictures. Can you tell me whats happening in each picture? S1: In Picture a, many people are waiting in line to buy tickets. S2: In Picture b, so many people are at the subway station. Its already nine oclock, but the train isnt here. They are very worried. S3: The boy and the man are waiting for the train in Picture c. S4: In the last picture, we can see some persons listening to the concert. T: Very good. In all pictures, two people who dont know each other are starting a conversation. Can you tell me other places where we would talk to people we dont know? S5: On the bus, in the lift. S6: In the park, at the bus stop. Call on a student to write his/her list of places on the board. Ask other students to add places to this list. Let students discuss the completed list.Step IV 1b Activity 1b gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation. In this activity ask students to listen and number the pictures (2-4). Play the recording for twice. Students write the number of each conversation in the box next to the correct picture. Then check the answers. Answers: Picture a: Conversation 2 Picture b: no match Picture c: Conversation 3 Picture d: Conversation 1 Tapescript: Conversation 1 Girl 1: Hes really good, isnt he? Girl 2: He sure is! I come to all his concerts. Girl 1: Do you have his new CD? Girl 2: Yes, I do. Conversation 2 Girl 3: This line is moving slowly, isnt it? Woman: Yes, it is. Weve been here for 20 minutes already. Girl 3: I hope the movie is good. Woman: So do I. Do you think its going to rain? Girl 3: I hope not! Woman: Me, too. Conversation 3 Boy: The train is late, isnt it? Man: No, today is Sunday. The trains only run twice an hour on weekdays. Boy: Oh, I didnt know that. I usually take the train on weekdays.Step V 1c Pairwork This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. Ask students to look at the pictures on the screen one by one. Get students to work in pairs. Make their own conversations about the people in the pictures. As students talk, move around the room checking their work. Sample conversation: A: You love violin music, dont you? B: Yes. What about you? A: Me, too. / So am I.Step VI SummaryT: This class weve learned some new words and the target language. In the United States, people who dont know each other often start conversation in public places. This small talk can help people feel more comfortable. In some places, especially in small cities and towns, people feel it is polite to speak with people they dont know. Do you often have small talks with people you dont know? If you have small talks with people in English, I think you can improve your spoken English greatly.Step VII Homework T: Write down the sentences in activity 1c in your exercise books.教学后记课题 Unit 10 Its a nice day, isnt it? Period 2教学目标1.Knowledge and Ability Objects(1)New vocabulary: Noon; Franklin lake; on the weekend(2)Target l
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