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2022-2023年考博英语-全国医学统考模拟考试题(含答案解析)1. 单选题问题1选项A.The necessity to be a PAB.Her love for the position of PAC.Her journey to being a PAD.The hardship she suffered for being a PA问题2选项A.Her family encouraged her to choose PAB.She did have interest in PAC.Physical therapy is not accessible to herD.It is easier for her to be a PA问题3选项A.She should acquire a masters degreeB.She needed to study Organic ChemistryC.She had to have the experience in AnatomyD.She should prepare some materials she didnt have【答案】第1题:C第2题:B第3题:B【解析】第1题:本文说到的是说话人成为PA的经历,因此C选项“Her journey to being a PA”正确。第2题:说话者说到了成为医生助理的原因:I looked more into the PA route because I was really interested in it(我更多地关注了PA路线,因为我真的很感兴趣)。因此B选项正确。第3题:文中说到“I still needed some learning in subjects like organic chemistry and anatomies and stuff that I didnt have(我还需要学习一些学科,比如有机化学和解剖学,还有一些我没有学过的东西)”,对比信息,可知B选项正确。2. 单选题9.问题1选项A.To ask local people for help.B.To do as Romans do only when in Rome.C.Try to act like the people from that culture.D.Stay with your country fellow.【答案】C【解析】W: Most people feel culture shock when traveling to a foreign culture. M: Thats for sure. But they should do as Romans do. Q: According to the man, what are people supposed to do when traveling to a foreign culture? 【解析】固定词组。男士说:But they should do as Romans do。do as Romans do的含义是“入乡随俗”。3. 单选题1.问题1选项A.The womans condition is critical.B.The woman has been picking up quite well.C.The womans illness was caused by a mosquito bite.D.The woman wont see the doctor any more.【答案】B【解析】M: Well, just keep your arm straight there. Fine, there will be a little prick like a mosquito bite. OK? There we go. Ok, I will send that sample off and well check it. If the sample is ok, we wont need to go on seeing you anymore.W: So you think Im getting better?M: Absolutely.Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?【解析】细节题。女士问医生自己是否好转,医生回答当然。4. 单选题问题1选项A.MinorB.Moderate.C.Intense.D.Severe.【答案】A【解析】10. M: How strong is the pain exactly? On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you describe the intensity of the pain?W: Id say the pain is about one on a scale of 1 to 10. Like I say, its not really bad. It just keeps coming back.Q: Which of the following would best describe the womans pain?【试题答案】A【试题解析】事实细节题。题干为:以下哪个最能准确描述这个女士的伤痛?由文中“Id say the pain is about one on a scale of 1 to 10. Like I say, its not really bad.(我想说痛感是1到10等级的第一级。就像我说的,并不算很痛)”,可知A选项“Minor(轻度)”符合原文。B选项“中等的”;C选项“强烈的”;D选项“剧烈的”不符合原文。5. 单选题Dialogue问题1选项A.20B.24C.40D.42问题2选项A.He is a doctor.B.He is a teacher.C.He is a chemist.D.He is a photographer.问题3选项A.On his forearm and forelegs.B.On his forearm and forehead.C.On his thighs and forelegs.D.On his thighs and forearm.19.问题4选项A.Anemia.B.Influenza.C.Leukemia.D.Insomnia.问题5选项A.To check the reoccurrence of the disease.B.To determine the type of flu virus.C.To prepare for blood transfusion.D.To confirm the diagnosis.【答案】第1题:D第2题:B第3题:D第4题:C第5题:D【解析】W: Mister Baxter. May I ask you some questions?M: Yes.W: Can I start at the beginning? Can I check your age?M: Forty-two.W: What sort of work do you do?M: Im a teacher.W: I can assume you havent been exposed to any nasty, toxic chemicals.M: We get fumes from the photocopier, but nothing else.W: Now, tell me how long youve been on the? Well.M: Really only about 2 weeks.W: What were the main problems?M: I just got weaker and weaker. I ran out of the energy and fainted in the clinic yesterday.W: Have you got any bruising?M: Yes. I noticed some on my thighs and one of my fore arms where I had my blood taken.W: Dear. Any bleeding from the gums?M: No.W: Have you had any problem with infection recently?M: No, I had flown about 2 months ago.W: Has anyone in your family had blood problems?M: My granny had anemia and was treated with iron.W: I was thinking of more serious blood diseases.M: Not that I know of.W: Are there any other things you think I should know about?M: No. Do you think it is leukemia? Doctor?W: Ive still got to take more blood to confirm the diagnosis. But Ive seen the results of the previous test. Im afraid that is a 95 % chance that it is leukemia. Have you any questions before we take the extra blood?16. How old is the man?【试题答案】D【试题解析】事实细节题。题干为:这个男人多少岁?由文中男士回答医生的年龄Forty-two,可知D选项42符合原文。其他选项不符合原文。17. What does the man do?【试题答案】B【试题解析】事实细节题。题干为:这个男人是做什么的?由文中看病的男士说“Im a teacher.(我是教师)”,可知B选项“He is a teacher.(他是个教师)”符合原文。A选项“他是个医生”;C选项“他是个化学家”;D选项“他是个摄影师”不符合原文。18. Where are the mans bruises?【试题答案】D【试题解析】事实细节题。题干为:这个男人的淤青在哪儿?由文中医生提问“Have you got any bruising?(你有没有哪里淤青)”以及后面男
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