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2021-2022年六年级英语下册 Unit1 lesson3 How was your holidayLesson教案 人教新版教学目标: 能够正确感知动词的一般过去时形式的变化。教学重点: 1掌握句子You were not home. Were you at home yesterday? There were a lot of new books in it. 2继续学习一般过去式was/ were 。 教学难点: 感知行为动词的一般过去时形式的变化。 课前准备: 录音机,生词卡片,奖励粘片、教学挂图。 教学过程:一、热身活动Warming-up. 1. 师生问好。 2. 上课之前在小黑板上板书:Where were you yesterday? 全班学生问一学生,老师出示该地点的图片。使学生用句型 I was at / in .回答。 同样的方式进行Were you at home / in .yesterday? 及其答语Yes, I was. / No, I wasnt.的操练。 3. 播放歌曲 Its a great world的录音,活要课堂气氛。 二、新授知识Presentation. 1I know Where you were yesterday. But do you want to know where you are today? In the classroom? Im not sure. 2老师出示该地点的图片询问:Where are you now? 学生回答:we are in the bookshop. 师问:Whats in the bookshop? 学生回答:There are a lot of new books in it. 师问:Which are you interested in? 3出示教学挂图,师问:Where were you yesterday?引发学生对过去时的学习。 Where were you yesterday? Were there a lot of new books in the bookshop? Were you interested in them? Which book did you buy? 4播放课文录音 。 5播放课文录音 ,让学生跟读。 6带领学生翻译课文,并板书有关动词的过去时。 三、趣味操练Practice. 1玩转盘游戏 Where were you yesterday? I was at / in . 2、记忆英语句子比赛 四、Additional activities: 辅导学生记日记。 板书设计: Lesson 3 Where were you yesterday? Were you at home yesterday?I was at the bookshop. Yes,I was. / No, I wasnt.Buy-bought go-went see-saw教学反思:附送:2021-2022年六年级英语下册 Unit10 Tomorrow will be rainy.教案 湘少版Teaching Aims:知识目标A、Let the children master the words: rainy ,windy, sunny, hot, cold rain, snow . B、Let the children master the sentence pattern: It will be windy/sunny/hot/cold. It will rain/snow. C、Let the children learn to ask the weather tomorrow: What will the weather tomorrow in someplace?能力目标A、Let the children learn to ask and answer the weather tomorrow and talk about it freely. B、在学习和应用本课知识及所学知识,创编对话交流的过程中,培养学生的发散思维、创造思维,从而提高学生的自学能力。情感、态度、价值观目标A、培养学生热爱大自然的情感 B、通过小组合作讨论、交流,让学生感受把所学知识融汇到实际交往中的乐趣,从而激发积极的学习情感。Important points and Difficult pointsIt will rain / snowIt will be rainy /windy / sunny / hot / coldTeaching Aids :cassette, word cards Teaching ProceduresStep 1: Greeting and revision (3) S1: Stand up ! Ss: Good morning , Miss Hu T: Good morning boys and girls . Sit down , please. Last lesson, we learned a rhyme. Now lets have a revision , ok ? Ss: Ok T: One, two, begin !(在准备阶段,师生带动作说 rhyme,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动他们的学习积极性,把他们带入英语学习的氛围。)step 2: Presentation 1、T:Look here ! (Show pictures)What will we learn today ? Can you guess? S1: Weather .T: Very clever! Today we will learn “Tomorrow will be rainy “(板书课题) 2、 T: Look ! Its a Chinese map, listen to the tape. and think whats the meaning?(3 times)(At the same time , 板书 It will / It will be)(听音、看图、会意、学说,提高学生的听说能力。)3、Ask and answer a、T: Can you tell me ?What will the weather be tomorrow in Beijing ?S1、2、3、4:It will be windy in Beijing.T: Lets see if they are right .(呈现句子) Ss: Yeah ! (并贴上 word card : windy )b、Then what will the weather be tomorrow in Shenyang? S1:It will be snow in Shenyang.T: Be snow ? S2:It will snow in Shenyang .T: Yes ,you are right. Look here, theyre different.c、T: Lets go on . Will it rain in Hangzhou ? Ss: Yes, it will . /No ,it wont . T: Yes . it will rain in Hangzhou . (在黑板上呈现句子)d、Practise the other places in the way above. (通过积极地师生问答检查学生的学习效果,并以生动呈现出重点句型。激发了学生的学习兴趣,并感受到成功的喜悦。)Step 3: Consolidation (15)1、T: Do you want to know what will the weather be tomorrow in Yuncheng ?Lets have a look .(show a picture)Oh , It will rain tomorrow in Yuncheng . What an awful day(带动作)Guess ! Whats the meaning ?Ss: 糟糕的天气!T: Very clever ! It will rain tomorrow . I cant go out . What should I do ?Who has a good idea ?S1: Watch TV .S2: Read a book .S3: Play puter games .S4: Do some housework .T: Thank you very much for your advice .(握手、鞠躬以表示感谢)(在和谐融洽的师生问答中,既复习了以前所学的知识,同时为下一步的讨论交流做铺垫。)Step 4: T: Tomorrow is Sunday .According to the different weather ,talk about your activities in your group . 根据各种天气状况,在小组内创编对话,谈谈你的活动安排。 Here I have some pictures to have a look.我这儿有一些活动大家可以参考一下。(展示图片,同时引导学生说出词并做动作。)Step 4: 1、小组讨论交流,老师巡回指导。2、小组展示成果。(这个活动极大地激发了学生的积极性,以“Tomorrow will be rainy “为主线的话题,给了学生充分的自由空间,培养学生的发散思维和创新思维。并把所学知识与生活密切联系在一起,做到学中用、用中学。小组展示成果让学生体验到了成功的喜悦和快乐。)Step 5: Homework:(1) 1、回家后,给自已的爸爸妈妈做一个英语天气预报;2、根据天气状况,同小伙伴商量一下周末活动。(与生活紧密相联的弹性作业,可以满足不同学生的要求,达到共同进步。)
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